Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Part 11: Electron and laser beam welding (ISO 15614-11:2002)

This standard specifies how a welding procedure specification is approved for electron and laser beam welding processes. This standard is a part of a series of standards given in ISO 15607. Annex B gives details of these standards. It defines the conditions for the execution of welding procedure approval tests and the limits of validity of an approved welding procedure for all practical welding operations within the range of variables listed in clause 8.

Anforderung und Qualifizierung von Schweißverfahren für metallische Werkstoffe - Schweißverfahrensprüfung - Teil 11: Elektronen- und Laserstrahlschweißen (ISO 15614-11:2002)

Diese Norm legt fest, wie eine Schweißanweisung (WPS) für die Elektronenstrahl- und Laserstrahlprozesse anerkannt wird. Diese Norm ist Teil einer Reihe von Normen der ISO 15607. Im Anhang B sind Einzelheiten dieser Normen aufgeführt. Sie bestimmt die Bedingungen für die Durchführung der Anerkennungen von Schweißverfahrensprüfungen und deren Gültigkeitsgrenzen für alle geeigneten schweißtechnischen Tätigkeiten innerhalb des Geltungsbereiches, der im Abschnitt 8 aufgeführt ist.

Descriptif et qualification d'un mode opératoire de soudage pour les matériaux métalliques - Epreuve de qualification d'un mode opératoire - Partie 11: Soudage par faisceau d'électrons et par faisceau laser (ISO 15614-11:2002)

La présente norme définit la maniere dont un descriptif de mode opératoire de soudage est qualifié pour les procédés de soudage par faisceau d'électrons et par faisceau laser. La présente norme est une partie d'une série de normes données dans l'ISO 15607. L'annexe B donne le détail de ces normes. Elle définit les conditions d'exécution des épreuves de qualification de mode opératoire de soudage ainsi que les limites de validité d'un mode opératoire de soudage qualifié, pour toutes les opérations pratiques de soudage dans le domaine de validité des variables indiqué a l'article 8.

Popis in kvalifikacija varilnih postopkov za kovinske materiale - Preskušanje varilnih postopkov - 11. del: Varjenje z elektronskim snopom in varjenje z laserjem (ISO 15614-11:2002)

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6060 - National Implementation/Publication (Adopted Project)
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EN ISO 15614-11:2003
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SIST EN ISO 15614-11:2003
Popis in kvalifikacija varilnih postopkov za kovinske materiale - Preskušanje
varilnih postopkov - 11. del: Varjenje z elektronskim snopom in varjenje z laserjem
(ISO 15614-11:2002)
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding
procedure test - Part 11: Electron and laser beam welding (ISO 15614-11:2002)
Anforderung und Qualifizierung von Schweißverfahren für metallische Werkstoffe -
Schweißverfahrensprüfung - Teil 11: Elektronen- und Laserstrahlschweißen (ISO 15614-
Descriptif et qualification d'un mode opératoire de soudage pour les matériaux
métalliques - Epreuve de qualification d'un mode opératoire - Partie 11: Soudage par
faisceau d'électrons et par faisceau laser (ISO 15614-11:2002)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 15614-11:2002
SIST EN ISO 15614-11:2003 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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EN ISO 15614-11
March 2002
ICS 25.160.10
English version
Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic
materials - Welding procedure test - Part 11: Electron and laser
beam welding (ISO 15614-11:2002)
Descriptif et qualification d'un mode opératoire de soudage Anforderung und Qualifizierung von Schweißverfahren für
pour les matériaux métalliques - Epreuve de qualification metallische Werkstoffe - Schweißverfahrensprüfung - Teil
d'un mode opératoire - Partie 11: Soudage par faisceau 11: Elektronen- und Laserstrahlschweißen (ISO 15614-
d'électrons et par faisceau laser (ISO 15614-11:2002) 11:2002)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 2 May 2001.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2002 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 15614-11:2002 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
Introduction .4
1 Scope .5
2 Normative references .5
3 Terms and definitions.6
4 Welding procedure specification (WPS).6
5 Welding procedure test .6
6 Test piece.6
6.1 General.6
6.2 Shape and dimensions of test pieces.6
6.3 Welding of test pieces .11
7 Examination and testing .11
7.1 Extent of examination and testing .11
7.2 Location and cutting of test specimens .14
7.3 Non-destructive examination.18
7.4 Destructive tests .18
7.5 Re-testing.20
8 Range of qualification .20
8.1 General.20
8.2 Related to the manufacturer .20
8.3 Related to the equipment.20
8.4 Related to the jigs, fixtures and tooling .20
8.5 Related to the parent material .20
8.6 Related to the filler materials.21
8.7 Related to the joint geometry .21
8.8 Related to the presence of a weld backing .21
8.9 Related to the weld type.21
8.10 Related to the welding position.22
8.11 Related to the welding parameters .22
8.12 Related to preheating .22
8.13 Related to post weld heat treatment .22
8.14 Related to the number of passes .22
8.15 Duration of validity .22
9 Welding Procedure Qualification Record (WPQR) .22
Annex A (informative)  Welding Procedure Qualification Record form (WPQR) .23
Annex ZA (normative) List of ISO corresponding standards to European Standards given in clause 2 .27
Annex ZB (informative) Clauses of this European Standard addressing essential requirements or other
provisions of EU directives.28

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
The text of EN ISO 15611:2002 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 121 "Welding", the
secretariat of which is held by DS, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISO/TC 44 "Welding and allied
This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or
by endorsement, at the latest by September 2002, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the
latest by September 2002.
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the
European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s).
For relationship with EU Directive(s), see informative annex ZB, which is an integral part of this standard.
Annexes A and ZB are informative.
The annex ZA is normative.
According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following
countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland,
France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
Qualification of welding procedures serves to demonstrate that production operations fully comply with the agreed
welding procedure including preliminary and subsequent treatment.
Before a particular welding procedure is used in a production operation, the manufacturer should determine and
document the suitability of the Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) to produce a weld of the required quality.
To date the suitability of welding procedures has been established for weldments as part of the quality assurance
activity. Until now, establishing the suitability of welding procedures by weld procedure testing was carried out and
documented only for weldments involving safety and the public interest. The European harmonisation of the
provision for welding procedure tests is currently being sought by means of European Standards. In this way
greater confidence will be generated for the customer by the manufacturer.
The proofs also serve as the basis for the mutual recognition of performance reached by the relevant authorities. In
this standard, the term "welding procedure" comprises all the activities which influence the welding result, such as
preparation, welding parameters, post treatment and reworking.

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies how a welding procedure specification for electron or laser beam welding is
qualified by a welding procedure test.
This standard is a part of a series of standards, details of this series are given in prEN ISO 15607, annex A.
It defines the conditions for the execution of welding procedure qualification tests and the limits of validity of a
qualified welding procedure for all practical welding operations within the range of variables listed in clause 8.
Tests shall be carried out in accordance with this standard together with additional tests when specified.
This standard applies to metallic materials, irrespective of the shape of the parts, their thicknesses, manufacturing
method (rolling, forging, casting, sintering, etc.) and their heat treatment. It covers unlimitedly the production of new
parts and repair work.
2 Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These
normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For
dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European
Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the
publication referred to applies (including amendments).
EN 571-1, Non destructive testing — Penetrant testing — Part 1 : General principles.
EN 895, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Transverse tensile test.
EN 910, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Bend tests.
EN 970, Non-destructive examination of fusion welds — Visual examination.
EN 1043-2, Destructive test on welds in metallic materials — Hardness test — Part 2: Micro hardness testing on
welded joints.
EN 1290, Non-destructive examination of welds — Magnetic particle examination of welds.
EN 1321, Destructive tests on welds in metallic materials — Macroscopic and microscopic examination of welds.
EN 1435, Non-destructive examination of welds — Radiographic examination of welded joints.
EN 1714, Non destructive examination of welds —- Ultrasonic examination of welded joints.
EN ISO 6947, Welds — Working positions — Definitions of angles of slope and rotation (ISO 6947:1993).
prEN ISO 15607, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials – General rules
(ISO/DIS 15607:2000).
prEN ISO 15609-3:2000,Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding
procedure specification — Part 3: Electron beam welding (ISO/DIS 15609-3:2000).
prEN ISO 15609-4:2000, Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding
procedure specification — Part 4: Laser beam welding (ISO/DIS 15609-4:2000).
EN ISO 13919-1, Welding — Electrons and laser beam welded joints — Guidance on quality levels for
imperfections — Part 1: Steel (ISO 13919-1:1996).
prEN ISO 13919-2, Welding — Electron and laser beam welded joints — Guidance on quality levels for
imperfections — Part 2: Aluminium and its weldable alloys (ISO/FDIS 13919-2:1999).

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this European Standard, the terms and definitions given in prEN ISO 15607,
prEN ISO 15609-3 and prEN ISO 15609-4 apply.
4 Welding procedure specification (WPS)
A pWPS (preliminary welding procedure specification) shall be prepared in accordance with
prEN ISO 15609-3 for electron beam welding and prEN ISO 15609-4 for laser beam welding. It shall specify the
tolerances for all the relevant parameters.
A WPS shall be classified as pWPS until it is qualified in accordance with this standard.
The welding procedure specification (WPS) shall give details on how a welding operation is to be performed,
including tacking and fixturing.
5 Welding procedure test
The manufacture and testing of test pieces shall be in accordance with clauses 6 and 7 of this standard.
In order to take into account the service performance needs of the products, the qualification may be made
according to any of the acceptance levels B, C or D as defined in EN ISO 13919-1 for steels or in prEN ISO 13919-
2 for aluminium and its alloys.
The quality level necessary in each case should be specified by the application standard or the responsible
6 Test piece
6.1 General
The assembly to which the electron or laser beam welding procedure applies in production may be represented by
one or more standardized test pieces as defined in 6.2.
6.2 Shape and dimensions of test pieces
The test pieces shall be of sufficient size to ensure an adequate heat distribution and for the application of non-
destructive and/or destructive tests.
The test piece shall be designed to represent, as far as possible, the component and joint geometry and shall be
One or more additional test pieces or a longer test piece than the minimum size, may be used in order to allow for
extra and/or for re-testing specimens, according to 7.5.
For plate material, the principal direction of rolling shall be marked on the test piece, if requested by the application
standard or the specification.
The thickness and/or pipe outside diameter of the test pieces shall be selected in accordance with to
Unless otherwise specified, the shape and minimum dimensions of the test piece shall be as defined hereafter.
Nonetheless, the length of the test piece shall be such as to permit the appropriate number of test specimens (as
given in Tables 1 to Table 3) to be prepared.

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
6.2.1 Linear butt weld
The test piece shall be in accordance with Figure 1.
1 Edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
a = 3 x t ; minimum value 150 mm
b = 6 x t ; minimum value 300 mm
t = thickness of the thinner material in a dissimilar thickness joint
Figure 1 — Test piece for a linear butt weld

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
6.2.2 Circular butt weld
The test piece shall be in accordance with Figures 2 a) or 2 b). When small pipe diameters are used, several test
pieces may be necessary.
In cases where the diameter, D, of the part is greater than 150 mm and D > 20 t, the qualification of the procedure
may be achieved by welding a linear test piece. The test shall be designed to incorporate the weld overlap and
slope down areas.
NOTE The word pipe is used to mean "pipe", "tube" or "hollow section". Radial butt weld in pipe (in accordance with Figure 2 a) Axial weld in pipe to pipe or pipe to plate (in accordance with Figure 2 b)
1 Edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
a = 3 x t ; minimum value 150 mm
D = outside dimension of the pipe
t = wall thickness of the thinner pipe in a dissimilar thickness joint
a) Test piece for a radial butt weld in pipe

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
1 Edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
a = minimum plate dimension or component diameter
D = outside dimension of the pipe
a  D +6 t ; minimum value D + 150 mm
t = plate thickness
b) Test piece for an axial weld in pipe to pipe or pipe to plate
Figure 2 — Test pieces for circular butt welds
6.2.3 Other types T-joint
The test piece shall be in accordance with Figure 3.
T-joint of the following types can be made :
a) T-butt from one side ;
b) T-butt from two sides ;
c) fillet weld (partial penetration) from one or two side(s) ;
d) a stake weld(s).

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
1 Edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the preliminary Welding Procedure Specification (pWPS)
For a), b) and c) configurations : For d) configuration :
a  6 x t ; minimum value 50 mm a  6 x t ; minimum value 50 mm
1 1 1 2

a  6 x t ; minimum value 100 mm a  6 x t ; minimum value 100 mm
2 1 2 2
b  300 mm b  300 mm
t and t = plate thicknesses
Figure 3 — Test piece for a T-joint Lap weld
The test piece for a two layer lap weld shall be in accordance with the assembly shown in Figure 4.
The weld may be either partial or full penetration through all sheets or plates.

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
1 Edge preparation and fit-up as detailed in the preliminary Welding procedure specification (pWPS)
a  4 x (t + t ) ; minimum value 100 mm
1 2
b  300 mm
t and t = plate thicknesses
1 2
NOTE The joint may also consist of three or more overlapping sheets.
Figure 4 — Test piece for a lap weld
6.3 Welding of test pieces
Preparation and welding of test pieces representative of the application shall be carried out in accordance with the
pWPS and under the same conditions as those used for welding production.
If tack welds are to be fused into the final joint, they shall be included in the test piece.
Welding and testing of the test pieces shall be witnessed by an examiner or an examining body.
7 Examination and testing
7.1 Extent of examination and testing
Examination and testing include the non-destructive examination (NDE) and destructive testing which shall be in
accordance with the requirements of Tables 1, 2 or 3, as appropriate.

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
Table 1 — Examination and tests for welds in accordance with acceptance level B
Test piece Type of examination and test Extent of examination and test See table
Butt weld - Visual examination 100 % -
Figures 1, 2 a) and 2 b) - Radiographic examination 100 % a
- Ultrasonic examination 100 % a
- Surface crack detection 100 % b
- Metallographic examination 1 section minimum c
- Hardness test if required d
- Transverse bend test if required : e
2 root bend specimens
2 face bend specimens
- Longitudinal bend test if required : f
1 root bend specimen and
1 face bend specimen
- Transverse tensile test 2 specimens
- Toughness test 1 set of specimens h
T-joint - Visual examination 100 % -
i - Surface crack detection 100 % b
Figure 3
- Ultrasonic examination 100 % j
- Hardness test if required -
- Metallographic examination 2 sections c
- Other tests if required
Lap weld - Visual examination 100 % -
Figure 4 - Metallographic examination 2 sections c
- other tests (e.g. hardness, leak test, if required -
peel test, .)
Radiographic and/or ultrasonic examination.
Penetrant testing or magnetic particle examination. For non-magnetic materials, penetrant testing.
One section required for a butt weld in plate ; three sections required for a butt weld in pipe (see Figure 6) ; for each
standard welding position in accordance with EN ISO 6947. These sections shall be subjected to macroscopic and
microscopic examinations.
Hardness tests are required depending on base and filler material.
The two root and two face bend test specimens should be preferably replaced by four side bend test specimens when
 20 mm.
Longitudinal bend tests may be used in the case of flat heterogeneous assemblies and replace transverse bend tests.
For butt welds according to Figure 2 b) transverse tensile tests are not appropriate.
Depending on the material and the thicknesses and except for butt weld according to Figure 2 b) one or more sets
can be taken from the weld metal and from the HAZ. These tests are relevant when the parent metal has a specified
toughness or when prescribed by the application standard. If no testing temperature is specified, the test shall be carried
out at room temperature. See also 7.4.3. In case of use of any kind of filler material, additional toughness test specimens
shall be taken from the top and the root area.
When the WPS has not been qualified by other means, additional tests permitting the verification of the mechanical
properties of the assembly shall be considered.
Unless ultrasonic beam attenuation or material thickness causes ultrasonic examination to be impracticable.

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
Table 2 — Examination and tests for welds in accordance with acceptance level C
Test piece Type of examination and test Extent of examination and test See table
Butt weld - Visual examination 100 % -
Figures 1, 2 a) and 2 b) - Radiographic examination 100 %
- Ultrasonic examination 100 %
- Surface crack detection 100 %
- Metallographic examination 1 section minimum
- Hardness test if required -
- Transverse bend test if required :
2 root bend specimens
2 face bend specimens
- Longitudinal bend test if required :
1 root bend specimen and
1 face bend specimen
- Transverse tensile test 2 specimens
T-joint - Visual examination 100 % -
h b
Figure 3 - Surface crack detection 100 %
- Ultrasonic examination 100 %
- Hardness test if required -
- Metallographic examination 1 section minimum
- Other tests if required -
Lap weld - Visual examination 100 % -
Figure 4 - Metallographic examination 1 section minimum
- other tests (e.g. hardness, leak test, if required -
peel test, .)
Radiographic and/or ultrasonic examination.
Penetrant testing or magnetic particle examination. For non-magnetic materials, penetrant testing.
One section required for a butt weld in plate ; three sections required for a butt weld in pipe (see
Figure 6) ; for each standard welding position in accordance with EN ISO 6947. These sections shall be
subjected to macroscopic examination only.
Hardness tests are required depending on base and filler material.
The two root and two face bend test specimens should be preferably replaced by four side bend test
specimens when t  20 mm.
Longitudinal bend tests may be used in the case of flat heterogeneous assemblies and replace
transverse bend tests.
For butt welds according to Figure 2 b) transverse tensile tests are not appropriate.
When the WPS has not been qualified by other means, additional tests permitting the verification of the
mechanical properties of the assembly shall be considered.
Unless ultrasonic beam attenuation or material thickness causes ultrasonic examination to be

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
Table 3 — Examination and tests for welds in accordance with acceptance level D
Test piece Type of examination and test Extent of examination and test See table
Butt weld - Visual examination 100 % -
Figures 1, 2 a) and 2 b) - Radiographic examination if required -
- Ultrasonic examination if required -
- Surface crack detection if required -
- Metallographic examination 1 section minimum
T-joint - Visual examination 100 % -
Figure 3 - Surface crack detection if required -
- Ultrasonic examination if required -
- Metallographic examination 1 section minimum
Lap weld - Visual examination 100 % -
Figure 4 - Metallographic examination 1 section minimum
One section required for a butt weld in plate ; three sections required for a butt weld in pipe (see Figure 6) ; for each
standard welding position in accordance with EN ISO 6947. These sections shall be subjected to macroscopic
examination only.
7.2 Location and cutting of test specimens
The location of test specimens shall be in accordance with Figures 5 to 8.
In the case of the overlap area (slope up and slope down) two metallographic test specimens shall be taken from
the following positions :
 one in the overlap ;
 one in the slope down area.
If it is not possible to take these two specimens because the extension of the overlap before start of slope down is
too small, only one specimen shall be taken in the slope down area.
Other test specimens may be taken from this area if required in the specification.
Test specimens shall be taken after non-destructive examination (NDE) has shown satisfactory results. It is
permitted to take test specimens from locations avoiding areas showing acceptable imperfections as defined below
in 7.3.2.

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
1 Area 1 for 1 tensile specimen ; 1 root and 1 face bend specimen or 2 side bend specimens.
2 Area 2 for impact and additional test specimens if required.
3 Area 3 for 1 tensile specimen ; 1 root and 1 face bend specimen or 2 side bend specimens.
4 Area 4 for 1 metallographic specimen/hardness (if required) .
5 Discard : if t  25 mm : discard 25 mm, if t > 25 mm : discard 50 mm minimum
6 Welding direction
Figure 5 — Location of test specimens for a linear butt weld

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EN ISO 15614-11:2002 (E)
1 Area 1 for 1 tensile specimen ; 1 root and 1 face bend specimen or 2 side bend specimens.
2 Area 2 for impact and additional test specimens if required.
3 Area 3 for 1 tensile specimen ; 1 root and 1 face bend specimen or 2 side bend specimens.
4 Area 4 for 1 metallographic specimen/hardness (if required).
5 Area 5 for 1 metallographic specimen.
6 Area 6 for 1 metallographic specimen.
R  Location of beginning of overlap.
E  Location of beginning of slope down.
F  Location of end of slope down.
Areas 1, 2, 3 and 4 shall be located outside the RE and EF zones and additionally metallographic
examination for each standard welding position (for orbital welding only).
Figure 6 — Location of test specimens for a butt weld in pipe

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EN ISO 15614:2002 (E)
1 Discard : if (t or t )  25 mm : discard 25 mm ; if (t or t )> 25 mm : discard 50 mm minimum
1 2 1 2
2 Metallographic/Hardness test specimens (if required)
3 Other tests (if required)
4 Welding direction
a) in a T-butt from one or two sides or a fillet weld (partial penetration) from one or two sides
1 Discard : if (t or t )  25 mm : discard 25 mm ; if (t or t ) > 25 mm : discard 50 mm minimum
1 2 1 2
2 Metallographic/Hardness test specimens (if required)
3 Other tests (if required)
4 Welding direction
b) in a stake weld(s)
Figure 7 — Location of test specimens in a T-joint

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