This document specifies a laboratory method for measuring the vibration at the handle of fastener driving tools. It is a type test procedure for establishing the vibration value on the handle of a hand-held power tool operating under a specified load.
This document is applicable to fastener driving tools driven pneumatically or by other means, using nails, staples or pins.
This document is applicable to tools with single sequential actuation, contact actuation, contact actuation with automatic reversion or continual contact actuation (see Figures 1 to 3).
This document is not applicable to tools operating in full sequential mode due to their much longer intervals in between individual actuations. However, to provide an indication for comparison of different tools of this type (see Figures 4 and 5), Annex C provides informative guidance.
NOTE       Today current knowledge does not allow any conclusions regarding physiological and pathological effects between isolated shocks and continuous shock sequences, and their repetition rates.

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This document gives guidelines for estimating and documenting the daily vibration exposure due to the use of hand-held power tools and hand-guided machines, in relation to the requirements of the European Physical Agents Directive (vibration) 2002/44/EC. This document is addressed to competent services for the assessment of vibration exposure at the workplace and to national authorities and industrial organizations.
The methods in this document are based on the requirements and guidance given in EN ISO 5349 1 and EN ISO 5349 2 but instead of measuring the vibration magnitudes at the specific workplaces, the methods in this document use existing vibration values from other sources of information including those provided by the manufacturers of the machinery in relation to the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC.
This document gives guidance on how to estimate the exposure time and the daily vibration exposure A(8) as defined in EN ISO 5349 1. It also offers a simple method for estimating the daily vibration exposure by means of a table which indicates the vibration exposure as a function of the equivalent vibration total value and the associated exposure time. Both methods can be used even in cases of multiple exposures on the same day.

  • Technical report
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This document specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held power-driven angle and vertical grinders. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a machine fitted with a specified test wheel and run under no‑load conditions. The method has been established for surface grinding tasks only. Cutting and sanding generally create lower vibrations. It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of machine.
This document is applicable to hand-held machines (see Clause 5), driven pneumatically or by other means, intended for grinding, cutting-off and rough sanding, with bonded, coated and super-abrasive products and with wire brushes for use on all kinds of materials. It is not applicable to die grinders or straight grinders.
NOTE    To avoid confusion with the terms "power tool" and "inserted tool", machine is used for the former throughout this document.

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This Technical Report outlines practicable measures for the reduction and control of health hazards associated with exposure to hand-arm vibration at work. It supplements the European "Guide to good practice on hand-arm vibration" and provides a practical professional aid for Member States’ health and safety authorities or labour authorities who write national guidance for managers, health and safety officers, engineers, planning and purchasing staff and others.
This Technical Report covers the following principal aspects:
a)   identification of main sources of hand-arm vibration at work;
b)   vibration reduction by re-considering task, product, process and design;
c)   how to select low-vibration machinery, including vibration reducing features, auxiliary equipment for control of vibration;
d)   other issues, e.g. personal protection and its limitation;
e)   management measures for the control of hand-arm vibration exposure;
f)   health surveillance.

  • Technical report
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2013-10-02 EMA: Draft for //ENQ received in ISO/CS (see notification of 2013-10-02 in dataservice).

  • Amendment
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DOR should have been 2012-07-20.
2011-12-06 EMA: Draft for // vote received in ISO/CS (see notification of 2011-12-02 in dataservice).
2010-08-09 EMA: WI transfered to consultant K. Chielens following e-mail from PM sent to dataservice on 2010-08-05.

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This Technical Report provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on the relationship between vibration exposures, coupling forces and damage to the hand-arm system. It provides general guidance on how to build the reduction of coupling forces into workplace action plans to control vibration exposures and how the reduction of coupling forces may be incorporated into machine design. An example of an empirical relationship that accounts for the coupling force in assessments of vibration magnitudes is also provided.

  • Technical report
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ISO 28927-7:2009 specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held, power-driven nibblers and shears. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a machine run under specified test conditions. It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of machine.
ISO 28927-7:2009 is applicable to nibblers and shears, driven pneumatically or by other means, intended for cutting sheet metal or composite materials.

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ISO 28927-6:2009 specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held, power-driven rammers. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a machine run under specified test conditions. It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of machine.
ISO 28927-6:2009 is applicable to rammers, back-fill rammers, pawing rammers, sand rammers and stampers, driven pneumatically or by other means, intended for use in foundries, on building sites, etc., and with, for example, butts or peens made of cast iron or rubber, used for ramming of casting sand or in stamping work.

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ISO 28927-8:2009 specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held, power-driven saws, polishing and filing machines with reciprocating action and small saws with oscillating or rotating action. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a machine run under specified test conditions. It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of machine.
ISO 28927-8:2009 is applicable to reciprocating files intended for surface finishing equipped with a file or polishing tool, saws intended for parting sheets, plaster for medical use or wood, or equipped with a saw blade for use on all kinds of materials, and small circular saws primarily intended for cutting metal or composite materials, whether driven pneumatically or by other means. It is not applicable to files that are normally used with one hand on the file blade, nor to large circular saws intended for cutting wood.

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ISO 28927-5:2009 specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held, power-driven drills and impact drills. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a drill fitted with a drill bit. It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of machine.
ISO 28927-5:2009 is applicable to straight drills, drills with a pistol‑grip and angle drills intended for drilling holes with rotating or impact action in all kinds of materials (see Clause 5), driven pneumatically or by other means. It is not applicable to heavy-duty drills with a screw feed or drills driven by a combustion engine.

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ISO 28927-9:2009 specifies a laboratory method for measuring hand-transmitted vibration emission at the handles of hand-held, power-driven scaling hammers and needle scalers. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the gripping areas of a machine run under specified test conditions. It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of machine.
ISO 28927-9:2009 is applicable to engraving pens, scabblers, scaling hammers and needle scalers, driven pneumatically or by other means, intended for paint, rust or scale removal with reciprocating work tools or needles and for all kinds of materials.

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ISO 20643:2005 provides the basis for the drafting of vibration test codes for hand-held and hand-guided power-driven machinery. It specifies the determination of hand-transmitted vibration emission in terms of frequency-weighted root-mean-square (r.m.s.) acceleration during type testing. For machines where vibration test codes do not exist, it can also be used for determination of emission values and contains sufficient guidance for designing an appropriate test. It is applicable to hand-held power tools (e.g. chipping hammers, sanders), hand-guided powered machines (e.g. lawn mowers, single-axle tractors, vibratory rollers), and other types of powered machines fitted with handles, guiding beams or similar means of control, of all power sources (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, internal combustion engine, etc.). It is not applicable to fixed machinery in which the vibration is transmitted to the hands of the user through the workpiece, nor to vibration transmitted from steering wheels or control levers of mobile machinery where the operator's position is on the machine.

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ISO/TS 15694:2004 specifies methods for measuring single shocks at the handle(s) of hand-held and hand-guided machinery characterized by a maximum strike rate below 5 Hz.
ISO/TS 15694:2004 also defines additional requirements for the measuring instrumentation which is necessary for the evaluation of shocks.
The aim is to facilitate the gathering of emission and human exposure data in order to provide a basis for emission declaration and for the future development of exposure risk criteria. However, ISO/TS 15694:2004 does not provide methods for the interpretation of the potential human effects of single shocks.
It is therefore a basis for measurement and evaluation of emission of single shocks from hand-held and hand-guided machinery but does not cover the evaluation of human exposure.

  • Technical specification
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This part of ISO 5349 provides guidelines for the measurement and evaluation of hand-transmitted vibration at the workplace in accordance with ISO 5349-1.
This part of ISO 5349 describes the precautions to be taken to make representative vibration measurements and to determine the daily exposure time for each operation in order to calculate the 8-h energy-equivalent vibration total value (daily vibration exposure). This part of ISO 5349 provides a means to determine the relevant operations which should be taken into account when determining the vibration exposure.
This part of ISO 5349 applies to all situations where people are exposed to vibration transmitted to the hand-arm system by hand-held or hand-guided machinery, vibrating workpieces, or controls of mobile or fixed machinery.

  • Standard
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2017-01-06 - Parallel start of Enquiry missed because ISO/CS failed to notify CCMC

  • Draft
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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method for measuring the single-event vibration at the handle of
fastener driving tools, where a single event is a mechanical shock or a series of individual shocks at intervals longer
than 0,2 s. It is a type test procedure for establishing the vibration value in the handle of a hand-held power tool
operating under a specified load.
NOTE Fastener driving tools are also referred to as nailers, pinners, tackers and staplers.
For fastener driving tools to which this part of ISO 8662 is applicable, the power required for operation can be
supplied by pneumatic or hydraulic pressure, combustible gases in an internal combustion engine or from spring
tension. The fastener driving tools may be actuated by single actuation, contact actuation or continuous actuation.
This part of ISO 8662 is applicable to fasteners comprising nails, staples, pins, corrugated fasteners, screws used
as nails, dowels, sleeves, cable collars and base supports.
It is intended that the results of application of this part of ISO 8662 be used for comparing different models of the
same type of power tool.

  • Technical specification
    17 pages
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This Technical Report gives guidelines for estimating, assessing and documenting the daily vibration exposure due to the use of hand-held power tools and hand-guided machines, according to the requirements of the European Physical Agents Directive (vibration) 2002/44/EC. This Technical Report is addressed to competent services for the assessment of vibration exposure at the workplace and to national authorities and industrial organisations. It helps to establish documentation for specific machinery or work situations and can also be useful for employers.
It follows the method of EN ISO 5349-1 and EN ISO 5349-2 but instead of measuring the vibration magnitudes at the specific workplaces, the methods in this Technical Report use existing vibration values from other sources of information including those provided by the manufacturers of the machinery according to the requirements of the Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. It is important that the vibration values used in the exposure assessment are representative of those in the specific use of the machinery. Workplace measurements, however, are required if suitable data are not available to represent the vibration under the specific working conditions or if the calculation results do not help to decide whether or not the vibration exposure limit value or exposure action value is likely to be exceeded.
This Technical Report gives guidance on how to estimate the exposure duration and the daily vibration exposure A(8) as defined in EN ISO 5349-1. It also offers a simple method for estimating the daily vibration exposure by means of a table which indicates the vibration exposure as a function of the equivalent vibration total value and the associated exposure duration. Both methods can be used even in cases of multiple exposures on the same day.
Annex A gives guidance for manufacturers and suppliers of machinery concerning information that warns of risks from vibration, which should be reported to the customer.

  • Technical report
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This EN describes feasable ways in which possible hand-arm vibration hazard associated with hand-held, hand-guided and other machinery may be reduced by machinery design in order to provide practical professional aid to designers and manufacturers of machinery.

  • Standardization document
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Specifies the type test methods for the laboratory measurement of vibrations in the handles of tools. nThis part describes thebasic requirements for evaluating vibrations; it is not intended for assessment of human to vibrations.

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This Technical Report provides information on how to assess the vibration exposure from hand-held power tools and hand-guided machines. The methods described use existing vibration emission values declared for the machine of interest or information coming from other sources. It should be noted that vibration usually varies a lot over time, with different workstations and different operators. It is therefore not possible to get precise exposure figures from limited investigations. But also the declared values need to be used with great care since they are measured for a limited number of defined work situations. The actual work situation for a specific operator, however, may be very different thus creating different vibration. On the other hand values from real work that can be found in literature are only correct for the specific work situation and time when they were measured. The user of this Technical Report should be aware that the exposure to vibration does not only depend on the machine used but also to a large extent on things like quality of inserted tools, the work situation and operator behaviour. These factors need to be taken into account to make an ideal assessment of vibration exposure.
The daily vibration exposure to be assessed depends on both the average magnitude of vibration at the surface in contact with the hand and the total daily duration for which an employee is in contact with that vibration.
As there is a big difference between a rough estimation of the daily vibration exposure to identify workers at risk and the definition of the state of the art regarding machine vibration emission, vibration total values calculated by applying correction factors are not suitable to determine the state of the art for machine categories. To define the state of the art a high level of accuracy is needed, meaning that this can only be obtained by measurements in all three axes.

  • Technical report
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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method for measuring the vibration at the handles of power-driven die grinders where the inserted tool is mounted in a collet. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the vibration value at the handles of die grinder when fitted with a specified test device.  This part of ISO 8662 applies to die grinders which are pneumatically driven.  It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same power tool, i.e. those power tools intended to be used with the same burr or mounted point (same diameter and same maximum peripheral speed).  [The scope of the complete standard includes a figure]

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Supplements ISO 8662-1 and describes a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the handle of rock drills and rotary hammers. The power tools covered may be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically driven, or driven by means of an internal combustion engine. Annex A gives a definition of the basicentric coordinate system, Annex B a model test report.

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Supplements ISO 8662-1 and describes a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the handle of chipping hammers and riveting hammers. The power tools covered may be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically driven, or driven by means of an internal combustion engine. Annex A gives a definition of the basicentric coordinate system, Annex B a model test report.

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Supplements ISO 8662-1 and describes a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the handle of a pavement breaker or hammer operating under a specified load. The power tools covered may be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically driven, or driven by means of an internal combustion engine. Annex A gives a definition of the basicentric coordinate system, Annex B a model test report.

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Supplements ISO 8662-1 and describes a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the handle of chipping hammers and riveting hammers. The power tools covered may be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically driven, or driven by means of an internal combustion engine. Annex A gives a definition of the basicentric coordinate system, Annex B a model test report.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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Supplements ISO 8662-1 and describes a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the handle of a pavement breaker or hammer operating under a specified load. The power tools covered may be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically driven, or driven by means of an internal combustion engine. Annex A gives a definition of the basicentric coordinate system, Annex B a model test report.

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Supplements ISO 8662-1 and describes a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the handle of rock drills and rotary hammers. The power tools covered may be electrically, pneumatically or hydraulically driven, or driven by means of an internal combustion engine. Annex A gives a definition of the basicentric coordinate system, Annex B a model test report.

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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method of measuring the vibrations at the handles of hand-held pneumatically or hydraulically driven nibblers and shears. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the vibration value at the handles of the power tool when operating on a specified load.  It is intended the the results be used to compare different power tools or different models of the same type of power tool. With the operation specified for the power tools, the values obtained will give an indication of those found in real work situations.

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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method for measuring the vibrations at the handles of a hand-held pneumatic polisher or rotary, orbital or random orbital sander. It is a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibrations at the handles of the power tool when operating under a specified load.  Four types of power tools are concerned:  a) polisher, with circular polishing pad; b) vertical rotary sander, with circular sanding pad; c) orbital sander, with rectangular, circular (or other) sanding pad; d) random orbital sander (including grinding-type tools fitted with a dual-action orbital hub), with circular sanding pad.  This part of ISO 8662 is not applicable to straight rotary sanders and belt sanders.  It is intended that the results be used to compare different power tools or different models of the same type of power tool. With the operation specified for the power tool, the values obtained will give an indication of those found in real work situations.

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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method for measuring the vibrations at the handles of hand-held pneumatic saws with reciprocating, rotating or oscillating action and files with reciprocating action. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibrations at the power tool when operating under a specified load.  NOTE: Rotating files, termed die grinderd, are covered by ISO 8662-13.  It is intended that the result be used to compare different power tools or different models of the same type of power tool. With the operation specifies for the power tool, the values obtained will give an indication of those found in real work situations.

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This part of iso 8662 specifies a laboratory method for measuring vibration et the handles of wrenches, screwdrivers and nut runners with impact, impulse, rapping or ratchet action. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the vibration value at the handles of the power tools when  operating on a specified load.  This part of ISO 8662 mainly covers power tools with 6.3 mm to 40 mm (1/4 in to  1 1/2 in) male or female square-drive output shafts: other drive geometries are also  included. One-shot tools and stall-torque-type ratched wrenches are excluded from  this part of ISO 8662.  The power tools covered by this part of ISO 8662 may be pneumatically or hydraulically driven.  It is intended that the results be used to compare different power tools or different models of the same power tool. With the operation specified for the power tools, the values obtained will give an indication of those found in real work situations when the power tool and the head of the fastener are well aligned.

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This part of ISO specifies a laboratory method of measuring the vibrations at the handles of hand-held stone-working power tools and needle scalers. It is a  type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibrations at the handles of the power tool operating on the artifical load.  The power tools may be pneumatically or hydraulically driven.  It is intentended that the result obtained be used to compare different  power tools. Although the magnitudes measured are obtained in an artificial operation, they will give an indication of the values that would be found in a real work situation.

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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory methos of measuring the vibrations at the handles of rammers, backfill-rammers, pawing rammers and sand rammers for use in foundries, on building sites, etc. It is a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibrations at the handles of the power tool when operating on the specified load.  It is intended that the results obtained be used to compare different power tools or different models of the same type of power tool. Although the magnitudes measured are obtained in an artificial operation, they will give an indication of the values that would be found in a real work situation.

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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method for measuring the vibrations at the handles of hand-held power-driven grinders. It is a type-test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibration in the handle of a power tool fitted with a specified test wheel.  The power tools covered by this part of ISO 8662 may be pneumatically driven, or driven by other means. Typical tools are illustrated in figure 1.  It is intended that the results be used to compare different models of the same type of power tool, i.e. power tools intended for use with the same grinding wheel (same diameter and same maximum peripheral speed). If an evaluation of vibration exposure is required, then measurements in a work situation will be required.

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This part of ISO 8662 specifies a laboratory method of measuring the vibrations occurring at the handles of hand-held power driven impact drills. It is a type test procedure for establishing the magnitude of vibrations at the handles of impact drills operating under a specified load.  It is intended that the results can be used to compare different power tools or different models of the same type of power tool.

  • Standard
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This document provides the basis for the drafting of vibration test codes for hand-held and hand-guided power-driven machinery. It specifies the determination of hand-transmitted vibration emission in terms of frequency-weighted root-mean-square (r.m.s.) acceleration during type testing. For machines where vibration test codes do not exist, it may also be used for determination of emission values and contains sufficient guidance for designing an appropriate test.
NOTE   Vibration test codes based on this document should define measuring procedures which provide controlled, repeatable and reproducible results which are, as far as possible, in agreement with the vibration values measured at the machine-hand contact surfaces under real working conditions and for which the uncertainties of measurement are quantified.
This document is applicable to hand-held power tools (e.g. chipping hammers, sanders), hand-guided powered machines (e.g. lawn mowers, single-axle tractors, vibratory rollers) and other types of powered machines fitted with handles, guiding beams or similar means of control. It is applicable to machinery of all power sources (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, internal combustion engine, etc.).
It does not apply to fixed machinery in which the vibration is transmitted to the hands of the user through the workpiece.
This document is not applicable to vibration transmitted from steering wheels or control levers of mobile machinery where the operator's position is on the machine, see EN 1032.
It is restricted to translational vibration measured in three orthogonal directions at the hand-machine interface.
This document should be applied with caution to machines producing single and repetitive shocks with a frequency of occurrence lower than 5 Hz. For such machines, it is not known whether frequency-weighted root-mean-square acceleration values are related to the risks to health and additional measurements may be required. When developing vibration test code

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This European Standard specifies the basic requirements for evaluating vibration at the machine-hand contact surface of hand-guided machines, e.g. lawn mowers, single axis tractors, vibratory rollers, and other types of machines which are provided with handles, guiding beams or similar means of control. Test codes are designed to give information on the vibration characteristics of a specific type of machinery, enabling comparisons to be made between similar machinery, but from different manufacturers.  The standard does not apply to hand-held power tools (see EN 28662-1) and to fixed machinery in which the vibration is transmitted to the hands of the user through the workpiece, nor does it apply to the measurement of vibration to the hands of the user via steering wheels or similar controls of vehicles.  This standard is not intended for assessment of human exposure to vibration. The measurement and assessment of human exposure to hand-transmitted vibration in the workplace is given in ENV 25349.

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This EN specifies general methods for measuring and reporting hand-transmitted vibration guidance for the evaluation of hand-transmitted vibration specified in terms of a frequency-weighted vibration acceleration and dayly exposure time. It does not define the limits of safe exposure.

  • Standardization document
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