This document applies to contamination monitors that include warning assembles and meters used for the monitoring of radioactive contamination on the surface of personnel whether they be clothed or not. The document is applicable only to that type of equipment where the user stays at the monitor. It is not applicable to the user passes quickly through the monitor. It is also not applicable to any peripheral equipment which may be associated with a particular type of equipment such as small article monitors. Probes (friskers) for measuring clothes or body by the person under monitoring or someone else are included in this document.

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This document applies to backpack-type radiation detectors (BRDs) that are primarily used for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material. BRDs are portable instruments designed to be worn during use. BRDs detect gamma radiation and may include neutron detection and the ability to identify gamma-ray emitting radionuclides.

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This document applies to Spectroscopy-based alarming Personal Radiation Detectors (SPRD). SPRDs detect and identify gamma radiation and may detect neutron radiation. SPRDs can be worn on a belt or in a pocket to alert the wearer of the presence of a radiation source. SPRDs provide search, similar to that of a Personal Radiation Device (PRD), and identification capability to identify radiation sources. They can discriminate between alarms caused by Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) or medical radionuclides and alarms from industrial sources or Special Nuclear Material (SNM).

  • Standard
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This document is applicable to housed scintillators for registration and spectrometry of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, X-ray and neutron radiation. Their basic parameters such as a light output and intrinsic resolution are established. The document does not apply to gas or liquid scintillators and scintillators for counting or current measurement.

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    21 pages
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This document applies to all kinds of passive dosimetry systems that are used for measuring: - the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) (for individual whole body monitoring), - the personal dose equivalent Hp(3) (for individual eye lens monitoring), - the personal dose equivalent Hp(0,07) (for whole body skin and local skin for extremity monitoring), - the ambient dose equivalent H*(10) (for workplace and environmental monitoring), - the directional dose equivalent H'(3) (for workplace and environmental monitoring), or - the directional dose equivalent H'(0,07) (for workplace and environmental monitoring).

  • Standard
    90 pages
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This document applies to all kinds of passive dosimetry systems that are used for measuring: - the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) (for individual whole body monitoring), - the personal dose equivalent Hp(3) (for individual eye lens monitoring), - the personal dose equivalent Hp(0,07) (for whole body skin and local skin for extremity monitoring), - the ambient dose equivalent H*(10) (for workplace and environmental monitoring), - the directional dose equivalent H'(3) (for workplace and environmental monitoring), or - the directional dose equivalent H'(0,07) (for workplace and environmental monitoring).

  • Amendment
    7 pages
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This standard applies to alarming radiation detection instruments that are pocket-sized, carried on the body and used to detect and indicate the presence and general magnitude of gamma radiation fields. Neutron detection may also be provided. Personal Radiation Devices (PRDs) alert the user to the presence of a source of radiation that is distinctly above the measured average local background radiation level. They are not intended to provide a measurement of the ambient or personal dose equivalent rate. This document does not apply to the ambient or personal dose equivalent rate meters which are covered in IEC 60846-1 or IEC 61526, respectively. If the manufacturer states that the PRD can be used for radiation protection purposes, compliance with IEC 60846-1 or IEC 61526 will be needed.

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This standard applies to hand-held instruments used to detect and identify radionuclides and radioactive material, to estimate ambient dose equivalent rate from photon radiation, and optionally, to detect neutron radiation. They are commonly known as radionuclide identification devices or RIDs. This standard does not cover laboratory type, high-resolution photon spectrometers, or instruments covered by IEC 60846-1 (Portable workplace and environmental meters and monitors), IEC 60846-2 (photon dose (rate) meters) or IEC 61005 (neutron dose equivalent (rate) meters).

  • Standard
    37 pages
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This document gives the rules of naming, technical requirements, test methods, inspection, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents for electron linear accelerator equipment for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). This document applies to NDT electron linear accelerator equipment in the X-ray energy range of 1 MeV to 15 MeV, including the accelerator equipment for radiographic film,computed radiography with imaging plates, real-time imaging, digital detector array and industrial computerized tomography.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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This document applies to vehicle-mounted mobile systems (also known as mobile systems or mobile monitors) that are used for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials; these instruments may also be used for protection of major public events and for rapid screening of large areas. These vehicle-mounted mobile systems consist of one or more radiation detectors mounted in a vehicle, e.g., car or van, which travels predominantly on public roads.

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    43 pages
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This document defines the performance requirements of installed monitors used for the detection and identification of gamma emitters and the detection of neutron radiation emitters. These monitors are commonly known as spectrometric radiation portal monitors or SRPMs. They are used to monitor vehicles, cargo containers, people, or packages and are typically used at national and international border crossings and ports of entry. SRPMs may be used at any location where there is a need for this type of monitoring.

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This 2nd part of EN 60846 applies to portable or transportable dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for the measurement of ambient and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) from external beta, X and gamma radiation for energies up to 10 MeV during emergency situations.

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    21 pages
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This document defines the performance requirements of installed monitors used for the detection of gamma and neutron radiation emitters. These monitors are commonly known as radiation portal monitors or RPMs. They are used to monitor vehicles, cargo containers, people, or packages and are typically located at national and international border crossings. They may be used at any location where there is a need for this type of monitoring.

  • Standard
    30 pages
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This document specifies the format of binary list-mode data at the output of digital data acquisition devices used for the detection and measurement of radiation. Such data acquisition devices may employ digital signal processors (DSP) and field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA) in combination with memory and a communication interface with a computer.

  • Standard
    113 pages
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This document applies to instruments used to measure the activity and/or activity concentration of gamma-emitting radionuclides in food and/or foodstuffs. This document applies to instruments used both gross count type instruments and pulse height analysing type instruments used in field conditions and in measurement facilities. This document does not apply to high-resolution spectrometers that use germanium detectors.

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This part of IEC 61577 describes the specific requirements for instruments measuring the activity concentration of airborne 222Rn and 220Rn outdoors, in dwellings, and in workplaces including underground mines. This standard applies practically to all types of electronic measuring instruments that are based on either spot or continuous measurements. The activity concentration can be measured by pumping or by diffusing the air containing 222Rn and/or 220Rn into the sensitive volume of the detection unit or at a particular moment by taking an air sample (grab sampling).

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    28 pages
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This International Standard is applicable to assemblies designed to measure the ambient dose equivalent (rate) due to neutron radiation in fields that contain neutrons with energies below 20 MeV, and which comprise at least: a) a detection assembly, which may, for example, consist of a detector probe for thermal neutrons and an arrangement of neutron moderating and absorbing media surrounding the detector; b) a measuring assembly with a display for the measured quantity, which may be incorporated into a single assembly with the detector or connected to it by means of a flexible cable. Instruments with energy range up to 20 MeV are covered by this standard. If the instrument also provides indication of the neutron dose, it should meet the neutron dose requirements stated in this standard.

  • Standard
    56 pages
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This standard applies to Spectroscopy-based alarming Personal Radiation Detectors (SPRD) which represent a new instrument category between alarming Personal Radiation Devices (PRD) and Radionuclide Identification Devices (RID). SPRDs are advanced PRDs that can be worn on a belt or in a pocket to alert the wearer of the presence of a radiation source. They are not intended for accurate measurement of personal or ambient dose equivalent (rate). In addition to the features of conventional PRDs, SPRDs provide rapid simultaneous search and identification capability to locate and identify radiation sources.

  • Standard
    41 pages
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This Standard applies to backpack-type radiation detectors (BRDs) that are used for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material. This standard establishes the operational and performance requirements for BRDs. BRDs are portable instruments designed to be worn during use. They may also be used as temporary area monitors in a stand-alone mode.

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    63 pages
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This Technical Report gives guidelines for the application of the uncertainty analysis according to ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 (GUM describing an analytical method for the uncertainty determination) and its Supplement 1:2008 (GUM S1 describing a Monte Carlo method for the uncertainty determination) for measurements covered by standards of IEC Subcommittee 45B. It does not include the uncertainty associated with the concept of the measuring quantity, e. g., the difference between Hp(10) on the ISO water slab phantom and on the person.

  • Technical report
    63 pages
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This International Standard applies to hand-held instruments used for the detection and localization of radioactive photon emitting materials. These instruments are highly sensitive meaning that they are designed to detect slight variations in the range of usual photon background caused mainly by illicit trafficking or inadvertent movement of radioactive material. Compared to pocket devices (see IEC 62401), this highly sensitive instrument allows the scanning of larger volume items such as vehicles or containers. They may also be used in fixed or temporarily fixed unattended mode to monitor check points or critical areas. These instruments also provide an indication of the ambient dose equivalent rate from photon radiation. However, this standard does not apply to the performance of radiation protection instrumentation which is covered in IEC 60846-1 and IEC 61526. These instruments may provide additional functions as described below without including all features of specialized portable identification devices as defined by IEC 62327: • rejecting natural background variation encountered when used in movement; • sorting alarms of interest from naturally occurring radioactive material (NORM) or medical radionuclides originated alarms; • provide source categorization data (including limited photon spectra) to a remote location. The object of this standard is to establish performance requirements including physical characteristics, general test conditions, radiation characteristics, electrical safety, and environmental conditions. This standard provides examples of acceptable test methods to determine if an instrument meets the requirements of this standard. The results of tests performed provide information to users on the capability of radiation detection instruments for reliably detecting photon sources. Obtaining operating performance that meets or exceeds the specifications as stated in this standard depends upon properly establishing appropriate operating parameters, maintaining calibration, implementing a suitable response testing and maintenance program, providing proper training for operating personnel and developing operating procedures that address the instrument limitations and capabilities.

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    31 pages
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This standard specifies the operational and performance requirements for spectroscopy-based portal monitors used for the detection and identification of illicit trafficking of radioactive material. Spectroscopy-based portal monitors have the ability to detect gamma and neutron radiation and identify gamma-emitting radionuclides that may be present in or on persons, vehicles, containers, or packages in a static or transient mode of operation. Operational requirements established by this standard include radiation detection and gamma-emitting radionuclide identification, and those requirements associated with the expected electrical, mechanical, and environmental conditions when a portal monitor is deployed.

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    41 pages
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This standard applies to hand-held instruments used for the detection and localization of neutron emitting radioactive material. These instruments are highly sensitive meaning that they are designed to detect slight variations in the range of usual background that may be caused by illicit trafficking or inadvertent movement of radioactive material. This high sensitivity allows scanning of larger volume items such as vehicles and containers. These instruments may also be used in fixed or temporally fixed unattended mode to monitor check points or critical areas. Instruments addressed by this standard shall also provide a means to detect photon radiation for personal protection.

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IEC 61577-3:2011 describes the specific requirements for instruments measuring the volumetric activity of airborne short-lived radon decay products and/or their ambient potential alpha-energy concentration outdoors, in dwellings, and in workplaces including underground mines. This standard applies practically to all types of electronic instruments that are based on grab sampling, continuous sampling technique and electronic integrating measurement methods. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - implementation of new requirements and tests concerning radiation detection performance; - implementation of new requirements and tests concerning environmental performance; - harmonization of the requirements and tests concerning electrical and mechanical performance with other standards in the area of radiation protection instrumentation.

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IEC 61577-4:2009 concerns the System for Test Atmospheres with Radon (STAR) needed for testing, in a reference atmosphere, the instruments measuring radon and RnDP. Provides guidance for those facing problems associated with the production of equipment for setting up reference atmospheres for radon and its decay products.

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    33 pages
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IEC 60846-1:2009 specifies the design requirements and the performance characteristics of dose equivalent (rate) meters intended for the determination of ambient dose equivalent (rate) and directional dose equivalent (rate) as defined in ICRU Report 47. Applies to dose equivalent (rate) meters and/or monitors for the measurement of ambient dose equivalent (rate) and/or directional dose equivalent (rate) from external beta, X and gamma radiation.

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    63 pages
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IEC 62598:2011 applies to the manufacture and installation of electrical measuring systems and instruments utilizing radioactive sources (radiometric gauges, hereinafter called gauges). It also applies to source housings intended for use in the aforementioned measuring systems. This standard applies to equipment, which is not related to power production or to the fuel cycle. It specifies constructional requirements for the design of instruments utilizing radioactive sources in regard of radiation protection. This standards cancels and replaces IEC 60405.

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IEC 61526:2010 specifies general characteristics, general test procedures, radiation characteristics as well as electrical, mechanical, safety and environmental characteristics. The only requirements specified for associated readout systems are those which affect its accuracy of readout of the personal dose equivalent and alarm settings and those which concern the influence of the reader on the dosemeter. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with regard to the previous one: - improved determination of constancy of the dose response and statistical fluctuations; - abolition of classes of personal dose equivalent meters in relation to retention of stored information; - inclusion of usage categories of personal dosemeters.

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    65 pages
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IEC 62363:2008 is applicable to portable and transportable contamination meters and monitors designed for the direct measurement or the direct detection of surface contamination by photon radiation emitting radionuclides. Lays down standard requirements and gives examples of acceptable methods, and also specifies general characteristics, general test conditions, radiation characteristics, electrical safety, environmental characteristics, and the requirements of the identification certificate for photon contamination meters and monitors.

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    35 pages
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Defines technical requirements for equipment for monitoring of alpha-, beta- or gamma-emitting radionuclides in liquid effluents and surface waters, provides general guidance as to the possible detection capability of such equipment and indicates when and where its uses may be practicable.

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    47 pages
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Defines mechanical and operational characteristics, minimum performance characteristics and general test procedures for personnel monitoring equipment. Applies to contamination warning assemblies, meters and monitors used for the monitoring of radioactive contamination on the surface of personnel whether they be clothed or not.

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    56 pages
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Specifies the classification, general design requirements, performance characteristics and test procedures for in vivo counting systems for detecting trace amounts of radionuclides in the bodies of persons working in nuclear power plants, laboratories and facilities handling radionuclides, and inhabitants living on territory which may be contaminated. The purpose is to determine the dose equivalent to organs and the effective dose of internal radiation for the whole body.

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    69 pages
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Lays down specific standard requirements, including technical characteristics and general test conditions, and gives examples of acceptable methods for noble gas effluent monitors.

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    23 pages
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Lays down mandatory general requirements and gives examples of acceptable methods for equipment for continuous monitoring of radioactivity in gaseous effluents. Specifies general characteristics, general test procedures, radiation, electrical, safety and environmental characteristics and the identification and certification of the equipment.

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    38 pages
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Establishes specific standard requirements, including technical characteristics and general test conditions, and gives examples of acceptable methods for aerosol effluent monitors.

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Lays down specific standard requirements, including technical characteristics and general test conditions, and gives examples of acceptable methods for iodine monitors.

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    19 pages
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Establishes specific standard requirements, including technical characteristics and general test conditions and gives examples of acceptable methods for the tritium effluent monitors.

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Defines an installed monitor for the control and detection of radioactivity of gamma emitters contained in recyclable or non-recyclable materials transported by vehicle, the conceptual requirements, general characteristics, mechanical characteristics, environmental conditions, minimal requirements, test procedures and documentation.

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    33 pages
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Lays down standard requirements and gives examples of acceptable methods, and also specifies general characteristics, general test conditions, radiation characteristics, electrical safety, environmental characteristics, and the requirements of the identification certificate for alpha, beta and alpha/beta contamination meters and monitors.

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    48 pages
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IEC 62387:2012 applies to all kinds of passive dosimetry systems that are used for measuring the personal dose equivalent (for whole body dosimetry), the personal dose equivalent (for eye lens dosimetry), the personal dose equivalent (for both whole body and extremity dosimetry), the ambient dose equivalent (for environmental dosimetry), or the directional dose equivalent (for environmental dosimetry). This standard applies to dosimetry systems that measure external photon and/or beta radiation in the dose range between 0,01 mSv and 10 Sv and in wide energy ranges. The dosimetry systems usually use electronic devices for the data evaluation and thus are often computer controlled.

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    107 pages
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Applies to dosimetry systems that are capable of evaluating doses in the required quantity and unit (Sv) from readout signals in any quantity and unit. The only correction that may be applied to the evaluated dose (indicated value) is the one resulting from natural background radiation using extra dosemeters.

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    68 pages
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Defines the performance of installed monitors used for the detection of gamma and neutron radiation emitters contained in objects/ containers or vehicles, general characteristics, mechanical characteristics, environmental requirements, test procedures and documentation. Such monitors are used to monitor vehicles, cargo containers, people, or packages and are typically located at national and international borders, but may be used at any location where there is a need for this type of monitoring.

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    35 pages
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Specifies requirements for hand-held photon spectrometers, in particular for the detectors, the electronic multi-channel analyzers, the identification software, the radionuclide libraries, and the instrument display. Also specifies general characteristics, general test procedures, radiation characteristics, as well as electrical, mechanical, safety, and environmental characteristics.

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Specifies constructional requirements for the design of instruments and the radiation protection to be provided in the case of radiometric gauges. Special attention is drawn to the stability of the source housing in the event of fire.

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Specifies requirements for the dosemeter and, if supplied, for its associated readout system. Specifies general characteristics, general test procedures, radiation characteristics as well as electrical, mechanical, safety and environmental characteristics. Also specifies classes of personal dose equivalent meters in relation to retention of stored information.

  • Standard
    72 pages
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Specifies requirements for the performance characteristics of neutron ambient dose equivalent (rate) meters, and prescribes the methods of testing in order to determine compliance with this standard. Specifies general characteristics, general test procedures, radiation characteristics, electrical, mechanical, safety and environmental characteristics, and also the identification certificate

  • Standard
    45 pages
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Specifies the design requirements and the performance characteristics of dose equivalent (rate) meters intended for the determination of ambient dose equivalent (rate) and directional dose equivalent (rate) as defined in ICRU Report 47.

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    59 pages
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Lays down mandatory requirements and gives examples of acceptable methods for measuring and monitoring equipment to enable the determination of the average value of the concentration of atmospheric tritium in working areas and its variation as a function of time, and to actuate an alarm system if necessary.

  • Standardization document
    33 pages
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