IEC 62803-2:2024 provides the measurement method of the common-mode rejection ratio of optical coherent detection devices in high-speed RoF systems, as well as in high-speed optical signal transmission systems. In addition, the method is also effective for the estimation of the detailed frequency response of the common-mode rejection ratios and O/E conversion efficiency. The method applies for the following:
- frequency range: 1 GHz to 110 GHz;
- wavelength band: 0,8 µm to 2,0 µm.
The use of optical coherent detection devices for high-speed RoF system is shown in Annex A as an example.

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    15 pages
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IEC 62803-3:2024 specifies the measurement method of the non-linear response of optical­to­electric converters in both optical signal transport systems and RoF systems. The method applies for the following:
- frequency range: up to 170 GHz;
- wavelength band: 0,8 µm to 2,0 µm.

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    19 pages
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IEC TR 63385-1:2023 provides a catalogue of the architecture and principles of measurement of short-range radars that are widely exploited in civil applications. The applications are related to the detection of the target for obstacle avoidance, motion sensing, or identification of devices. The mass civil use of radars sometimes creates compatibility issues among the services. The performance of each radar system is guaranteed in the field without any harmful interference but the frequency allocation using theoretical calculations does not consider the latest mitigation technologies. In order to increase the efficiency of the system usage without any degradation of the performance of the radars, this document provides clarification on the characteristics of the radar systems and additional information on applications in the field.

  • Technical report
    18 pages
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IEC 63098-4:2023 provides the performance standards of the RoF-based 5G indoor distributed antenna system (DAS) network for cost-effectively offering quality of service (QoS) guaranteed 5G mobile communication services with high bandwidth and low-latency characteristics without radio shadowing in an indoor environment. First of all, the system overview, system configurations, and the elements of the system are presented and then the electrical and optical interfaces for each system element are defined. Finally, the detail system performance specifications of each element are described for downlink and uplink configurations.

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    17 pages
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IEC 63098-2:2022 provides the required performance with reliability and quality assurance of radio-over-fiber-based fronthaul networks for railway communication networks between trains and tracksides, as well as a design guide for network configuration. A high-speed train communication network comprises two parts: a back-end network and wireless access system to deliver data to train cars. In this back-end network, optical fiber communication-based networks are generally utilized to reduce the complexity of the radio access units set along the railway track, which delivers the signal wirelessly to the train car, wireless signals are generated and processed at a central office, and then are transported via an optical fiber network into the radio access units. A radio-over-fiber fronthaul network is configured to transport the wireless signal, which is applicable between a node base station and radio access units set at a trackside. The radio-over-fiber-based fronthaul link connects the node base station to the trackside radio access units and carries millimeter-wave subcarrier or intermediate frequency components to transmit high-capacity signals.

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    20 pages
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IEC 63098-3:2022 This part of IEC 63098 provides the specifications of the RoF interface connecting the central station (CS) with the remote radar heads (RRHs) in a remote radar system, along with the necessary information to ensure compatibility between vendors and, hence, choose appropriate systems to cover any type of RoF systems for delivering the signal.A remote radar system generally consists of a central station (CS) and remote radar heads (RRHs) connected by radio over fibre (RoF). Each RRH has a maximum detection range of several hundred metres because millimetre waves theoretically undergo a larger propagation loss compared with conventional aeronautical frequencies below 10 GHz. The RoF system is key to enhancing the radar coverage and connecting the CS with the RRHs located along a runway for its entire coverage. To ensure the connection between the CS and RRHs, radio frequency (RF) and optical interfaces should be categorized according to their specifications, specifically, their link characteristics.

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    31 pages
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IEC TR 63352:2022 describes a high-dynamic-range spectrum measurement system to measure spectra in the frequency range 140 GHz to 300 GHz. Although millimeter-wave (mmWave) technology has high potential for both industries and users, there are no developed techniques for evaluating spectra suppressing the unwanted response generated in the measurement system. This document also provides background information, describes system configurations, key mmWave pre-selector technology, as well as some examples of the spurious measurement of antennas under test (AUTs) over the air.

  • Technical report
    29 pages
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IEC TR 63099-3:2022 provides technical information about the methods for an antenna near-field measurement in the terahertz-wave band. The methods are applied to the frequency bands above 100 GHz, which has potential for use in terahertz wireless communication. The methods consist in measuring the amplitude and phase distributions of the electromagnetic field at the near-field range of on-chip antenna devices which integrate RF and IF components. This document also gives examples of the far-field pattern calculated from the measured near-field pattern.

  • Technical report
    17 pages
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IEC 62801:2020 specifies a measurement method of half-wavelength voltage applicable to Mach-Zehnder optical modulators in wireless communication and broadcasting systems. In addition, this method is also effective for the estimation of the intermodulation distortion of Mach-Zehnder optical modulators. The method applies for the following:
– frequency range: 10 MHz to 30 GHz;
– wavelength band: 0,8 µm to 2,0 µm;
– electro-optic material based Mach-Zehnder optical modulators and their modules.

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    75 pages
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IEC TR 63099-2:2020 provides information about the current and latest applications for electric-field measurement that use radio-over-fibre technologies. System configurations, specifications, and measurement examples of each electric-field measurement system are included. The theoretical background of electric-field measurement and calibration method of electric-field sensors are beyond the scope of this document.

  • Technical report
    16 pages
    English language
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IEC 63098-1:2017(E) provides information on the current and latest applications of radio-over-fibre technology. Wireless communication, broadcasting, and airport multilateration systems, which are already implemented or will be in the near future, are introduced. This document includes the basic concept, a brief outline and related standards of the applications of RoF technology.

  • Technical report
    21 pages
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IEC TR 63099-1:2017(E) provides information about the current and latest applications for antenna measurement that use radio-over-fibre technologies. Antenna gain and the antenna radiation pattern measurement system are covered, which are practically in use and will be used soon. Basic concepts, system configurations and measurement examples of the systems are included.

  • Technical report
    25 pages
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IEC 62802:2017 specifies measurement methods of a half-wavelength voltage and a chirp parameter applicable to MZMs in microwave and millimeter-wave RoF systems. In addition, these methods are also effective for the estimation of the intermodulation distortions and transmission performances. The methods apply for the following:
- frequency range: 5 GHz to 110 GHz;
- wavelength band: 0,8 µm to 2,0 µm;
- electro-optic material based MZMs and their modules.

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    22 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    44 pages
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IEC 63100:2017(E) describes 100-GHz spectrum measurement methods using RoF technologies. It covers the background to measurement over 100 GHz, the configuration of a spectrum analyser, the key technologies, such as mm-wave tunable filter, and RoF-technologies-based local oscillator, and provides some measured examples.

  • Technical report
    22 pages
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IEC 62803:2016 provides a method for measuring the frequency response of optical-to-electric conversion devices in wireless communication and broadcasting systems. The frequency range covered by this standard goes up to 100 GHz (practically limited up to 110 GHz by precise RF power measurement) and the wavelength band concerned is 0,8 μm to 2,0 μm.

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    49 pages
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IEC 60215:2016(E) applies to radio transmitting equipment, operating under the responsibility of SKILLED persons. It also applies to auxiliary equipment and ancillary apparatus, including combining units and matching networks and cooling systems where these form an integral part of the transmitter system. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 1987, Amendment 1:1989 and Amendment 2:1993. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- The test methods in this standard are similar to those given in IEC 60215:1987 and continue to apply only to radio transmitting equipment and equipment defined in Clause 1, operating under the responsibility of SKILLED persons.
- Reorganization and revision of the content are summarized in Annex F. Words printed in SMALL CAPITALS are terms that are defined in Clause 3.

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    35 pages
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  • Standard
    71 pages
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IEC 62553:2012 is intended to establish measuring methods that enable the objective evaluation of the performance of transmission networks so as to make stable DTTB services a reality and establish a technical baseline, such as a definition of technical terms, to standardize measuring methods. The measurement methods described are intended for digital terrestrial television transmission network test and validation.

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    53 pages
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  • Standard
    115 pages
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IEC/PAS 62593:2008(E) gives a measurement method of half-wavelength voltage applicable to Mach-Zehnder optical modulators in wireless communication and broadcasting systems. In addition, this method is also effective for the estimation of the intermodulation distortion of Mach-Zehnder optical modulators.
- Frequency range: 10 MHz to 30 GHz.
- Wavelength band: 0,8 µm, 1,0 µm, 1,3 µm and 1,5 µm.
- Electro-optic material based Mach-Zehnder optical modulators and their modules.

  • Technical specification
    35 pages
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IEC 62272-2:2007 describes the methods of measurement to assess the performance characteristics of digital modulated radio transmitters in the bands below 30 MHz for sound and/or data broadcasting in the LF, MF and HF bands, and to facilitate the comparison of measurements which are carried out by different personnel. This bilingual version (2012-05) corresponds to the monolingual English version, published in 2007-03.

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    20 pages
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  • Standard
    40 pages
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IEC 62273-1:2007 gives the conditions for measuring the performance parameters of terrestrial digital transmitters and for facilitating the comparison of measurements which are carried out by different personnel. It contains details of specially selected methods for determining the most important performance parameters of digital transmitters. The measurement methods described apply to a limited number of performance parameters, i.e. those which can give rise to ambiguous interpretation due to the use of different methods and conditions. They are neither restrictive nor mandatory: measurements can be chosen for each particular case. If necessary, additional tests can be carried out but they shall comply with those standards which have been established by other study groups, subcommittees of the IEC or other international or suitably accredited organizations. This bilingual version (2012-03) corresponds to the monolingual English version, published in 2007-02.

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    39 pages
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  • Standard
    77 pages
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contains the methods of measurement to assess the performance characteristics of amplitude-modulated transmitters for sound broadcasting in the LF, MF and HF bands.

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    53 pages
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Defines the conditions and methods of measurement to be used to ascertain the performance of a radio transmitter and to make possible the comparison of the results of measurement made by different observers.

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    40 pages
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    40 pages
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  • Standard
    79 pages
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Details a mesurement method for external intermodulation products (intermodulation components) caused by two or more transmitters using the same or adjacent antennas. Describes recommended methods of assessing the performance of radio broadcast transmitters.

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    49 pages
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Applies to measurements of electromagnetic fields from operational transmitting equipment to ensure that the transmissions do not constitute a potential hazard to workers or to the general public.

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Deals with the itnerface between a transmitter (or system of transmitters) and the supervisory equipment which is entended to remotely monitor and/or control the transmitter(s). It details the interconnections and facilities to be provided with a view to achieving compatibility between different types and makes of transmitters and supervisory equipement.

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    79 pages
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Describes the frequency bands used for broadcasting below 30 MHz: Low frequency (LF) band - from 148,5 kHz to 283,5 kHz, in ITU Region 1 [1]* only; Medium frequency (MF) band - from 526,5 kHz to 1 606,5 kHz, in ITU Regions 1 [1] and 3 [1] and from 525 kHz to 1 705 kHz in ITU Region 2 [1]; High frequency (HF) bands - a set of individual broadcasting bands in the frequency range 2,3 MHz to 27 MHz, generally available on a Worldwide basis. These bands offer unique propagation capabilities that permit the achievement of: Large coverage areas, whose size and location may be dependent upon the time of day, season of the year or period in the (approximately) 11 year sunspot cycle; Portable and mobile reception with relatively little impairment caused by the environment surrounding the receiver.

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    383 pages
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The present document gives the specification for the Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) system for digital transmissions in the broadcasting bands below 30 MHz.

  • Technical specification
    158 pages
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