Alarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 5-3: Video transmission - Analogue and digital video transmission

The purpose of the transmission system in a closed circuit television (CCTV) installation is to provide reliable transmission of video signals between the various CCTV equipments in security, safety and monitoring applications. Along with high-resolution video interfaces and transmission, the analogue video signals are still in use today for video transmission and offer interlaced scanning and the film aspect ratio of 4:3. The complexity of a video transmission system varies in accordance with the requirements of the installation. Examples of the different types of video transmission systems covered by this European Standard are as follows: a) using dedicated cable transmission media: – coaxial cable; – twisted pair cable; – fibre optic cable; b) using wireless transmission methods: – microwave; – infrared; – radio transmission; NOTE 1 These transmission methods apply to non-compressed video signals. NOTE 2 Multiple analogue video signals may be combined in one physical transmission path using multiplexing techniques. c) using analogue high-resolution video interfaces: – VESA and VGA; d) using digital uncompressed high-resolution video interfaces: – HDMI; – DVI. This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for the specification and testing of the performance of a video transmission channel involving transmitter, receiver or intermediate devices associated with the selected transmission media, for use in CCTV surveillance systems. Video transmission equipment may be combined with additional functions, e.g. for audio or data transmission. These functions are not included in this European Standard. This European Standard covers the transmission of colour and black and white video signals in accordance with the former CCIR Report 624 4, 625 lines, 50 fields per second and today ITU R Report BT.624 4. IP based video transmission is covered in the European Standard EN 50132-5-1 and EN 50132-5-2.

Alarmanlagen - CCTV-Überwachungsanlagen für Sicherungsanwendungen - Teil 5-3: Videoübertragung - Analoge und digitale Videoübertragung

Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes de surveillance CCTV à usage dans les applications de sécurité - Partie 5-3: Transmission vidéo - Transmission vidéo analogique et numérique

Le but du système de transmission dans une installation de télévision à circuit fermé (CCTV) est de fournir aux signaux vidéo un moyen de transmission sûr qui est mis entre les différents matériels CCTV dans des applications de sécurité, de sûreté et de surveillance. Parallèlement aux interfaces et aux systèmes de transmission vidéo à haute résolution, les signaux vidéo analogiques sont toujours utilisés à l’heure actuelle pour la transmission vidéo et donnent un balayage entrelacé et un format de l’image de 4:3. La complexité d’un système de transmission vidéo varie selon les exigences de l’installation. Des exemples de différents types de systèmes de transmission vidéo couverts par la présente Norme européenne sont donnés ci-après: a) Support de transmission par câble dédié utilisant: – du câble coaxial; – du câble en paire torsadée; – du câble à fibres optiques; b) Méthodes de transmission sans fil utilisant: – les micro-ondes; – l’infrarouge; – la transmission radio; NOTE 1 Ces méthodes de transmission s’appliquent aux signaux vidéo qui ne sont pas compressés. NOTE 2 Des signaux vidéo analogiques multiples peuvent être combinés en une seule voie physique de transmission utilisant des techniques de multiplexage. c) Interfaces vidéo analogiques à haute résolution utilisant: – VESA et VGA; d) Interfaces vidéo numériques à haute résolution sans compression utilisant: – HDMI; – DVI. La présente Norme européenne stipule les exigences minimales concernant les spécifications et les essais de performance d’une voie de transmission vidéo impliquant un transmetteur, un récepteur ou des dispositifs intermédiaires associés au support de transmission choisi, voie destinée à être utilisée dans les systèmes de surveillance CCTV. Les matériels de transmission vidéo peuvent être combinés avec des fonctions complémentaires, par exemple avec des transmissions audio ou de données. Ces fonctions ne font pas partie de la présente Norme européenne. La présente Norme européenne concerne la transmission des signaux vidéo couleur et noir et blanc, conformément à l’ancien Rapport 624-4 du CCIR, 625 lignes, 50 trames par seconde et au rapport actuel ITU-R BT.624 4. La transmission vidéo basée sur l’IP est couverte par l’EN 50132-5-1 et l’EN 50132-5-2.

Alarmni sistemi - Nadzorni sistemi s TV zaprtega kroga za varnostne aplikacije - 5-3. del: Video prenos - Prenos analognih in digitalnih video signalov

Namen prenosnega sistema v infrastrukturi televizije zaprtega kroga (CCTV) je zagotoviti zanesljiv prenos video signalov med različno opremo televizije zaprtega kroga v aplikaciji varovanja, varnosti in nadzora. Poleg visoko ločljivih video vmesnikov in prenosa se za video prenos še vedno uporabljajo analogni video signali, ki zagotavljajo prepleteno skeniranje in razmerje stranic 4:3. Kompleksnost sistema video prenosa se razlikuje glede na zahteve infrastrukture.

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EN 50132-5-3:2012
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Alarmni sistemi - Nadzorni sistemi s TV zaprtega kroga za varnostne aplikacije - 5-3. del: Video prenos - Prenos analognih in digitalnih video signalovAlarmanlagen - CCTV-Überwachungsanlagen für Sicherungsanwendungen - Teil 5-3: Videoübertragung - Analoge und digitale VideoübertragungSystèmes d'alarme - Systèmes de surveillance CCTV à usage dans les applications de sécurité - Partie 5-3: Transmission video - transmission vidéo analogique et numériqueAlarm systems - CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications - Part 5-3: Video transmission - Analogue and digital video transmission33.160.40Video sistemiVideo systems13.320Alarmni in opozorilni sistemiAlarm and warning systemsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 50132-5-3:2012SIST EN 50132-5-3:2012en,fr01-september-2012SIST EN 50132-5-3:2012SLOVENSKI

CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels
© 2012 CENELEC -
All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50132-5-3:2012 E
ICS 13.310; 33.160.40 Supersedes EN 50132-5:2001 (partially)
English version
Alarm systems -
CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications -
Part 5-3: Video transmission -
Analogue and digital video transmission
Systèmes d'alarme -
Systèmes de surveillance CCTV à usage dans les applications de sécurité -
Partie 5-3: Transmission vidéo -
Transmission vidéo analogique et numérique
Alarmanlagen -
CCTV-Überwachungsanlagen für Sicherungsanwendungen -
Teil 5-3: Videoübertragung -
Analoge und digitale Videoübertragung
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2012-05-15. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.
Contents Foreword . 4Introduction . 51Scope . 62Normative references . 73Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 73.1Terms and definitions . 73.2Abbreviations .134Analogue video signal transmission requirements .144.1General .144.2Video input and output .154.3Insertion gain .154.4Bandwidth and frequency response .154.5Signal to noise ratio .164.6Interference .164.7Luminance non-linearity .164.8Chrominance to luminance gain inequality .164.9Chrominance to luminance delay inequality .164.10Differential gain .164.11Differential phase .164.12Environmental conditions .164.13Electromagnetic radiation .174.14Immunity to electromagnetic interference .174.15Electrical safety .175Analogue video signal transmission test conditions .175.1Introduction .175.2Test equipment .175.3Laboratory conditions .186Analogue video signal transmission performance tests .186.1Input and output signal levels .186.2Insertion gain .196.3Input and output impedance .196.4DC voltage at the output .206.5Short time waveform distortion .216.6Line time waveform distortion .226.7Field time waveform distortion .226.8Damped low frequency distortion .226.9Chrominance to luminance gain and delay inequality .236.10Signal to noise ratio .236.11Interference .246.12Luminance non-linearity .246.13Differential gain .256.14Differential phase .257Video signal transmission equipment environmental testing .267.1Introduction .267.2Selection of tests and severity .267.3Dry heat (operational) .277.4Dry heat (endurance) .287.5Cold (operational) .287.6Damp heat, steady state (operational) .297.7Damp heat, steady state (endurance) .297.8Damp heat, cyclic (operational) .30SIST EN 50132-5-3:2012

– 3 – EN 50132-5-3:2012 7.9Damp heat, cyclic (endurance) .317.10Water ingress (endurance) .317.11Sulphur dioxide (SO2) (endurance) .327.12Salt mist, cyclic (endurance).327.13Shock (operational) .337.14Vibration, sinusoidal (operational) .337.15Vibration, sinusoidal (endurance) .348Analogue video signal transmission equipment documentation .348.1Documentation .348.2Marking and labelling .359High resolution video interface standards & transmission requirements.359.1General .359.2Introduction .359.3General requirements .359.4VESA DMT interface standards and guidelines reference .369.5High definition interface: Uncompressed High Speed Digital Video DVI / HDMI .40Annex A (normative)
Analogue video signal test patterns .42A.1Signal A .42A.2Signal B .42A.3Signal C .43A.4Signal D .43A.5Signal F.44Annex B (normative)
……… .45B.1Chrominance to luminance amplitude and delay errors .45B.2The Rosman nomogram .46B.3Damped low frequency distortion .47B.42T waveform mask .48Bibliography .49 Figures Figure 1. 20Figure A.1 – Signal A: half frame white and black bar signal . 42Figure A.2 – Signal B: pulse and bar signal . 42Figure A.3 – Signal C: frequency burst . 43Figure A.4 – Signal D1: grey scale signal . 43Figure A.5 – Signal D2: grey scale signal . 44Figure A.6 – Signal F: 20T pulse . 44Figure B.1 . 45Figure B.2 . 46Figure B.3 .

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