Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Maritime survivor locating devices (man overboard devices) - Minimum requirements, methods of testing and required test results

This document specifies the minimum requirements for aspects related to operation, construction, documentation, methods of testing and required test results for ITU-R M.2135 AMRD Group A man overboard (MOB) devices intended for alerting and locating purposes, as defined by IMO and in accordance with ITU-R M.493 Class-M. This document consists of three modules where the first module, Module A, covers general requirements and aspects. Further Module B covers AIS technologies and Module C covers DSC technologies that are required within MOB equipment. This document incorporates the technical characteristics included in applicable ITU recommendations. Where applicable, it also takes into account the ITU Radio Regulations. This document takes into account other associated IEC International Standards and existing national standards, as applicable. This document defines the requirements for coexistence of AIS and DSC technology incorporated within a single equipment. Only when the equipment complies with the three Modules can it be categorised as AMRD Group A equipment and be entitled to operate on channel AIS 1, channel AIS 2 and channel 70.

Navigations- und Funkkommunikationsgeräte und -systeme für die Seeschifffahrt - Seenotrettungsgeräte zur Ortung von Überlebenden (Mann-über-Bord-Geräte) - Mindestanforderungen, Verfahren zur Prüfung und erforderliche Prüfergebnisse

Matériels et systèmes de navigation et de radiocommunication maritimes - Dispositifs de localisation des survivants en mer (dispositifs en cas d'homme à la mer) - Exigences minimales, méthodes d'essai et résultats d'essai exigés

L'IEC 63269:2022 spécifie les exigences minimales concernant les aspects relatifs au fonctionnement, à la construction, à la documentation, aux méthodes d'essai et aux résultats d'essai exigés pour les dispositifs en cas d'homme à la mer (MOB, Man OverBoard) du groupe A des dispositifs de radiocommunication maritimes autonomes (AMRD, Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices) de l'UIT-R M.2135 conçus à des fins d'alerte et de localisation, comme cela est défini par l'OMI et conformément à la classe M décrite dans l'UIT‑R M.493. Le présent document se compose de trois modules, dont le premier, le Module A, couvre les exigences et les aspects généraux. Le Module B traite des technologies AIS et le Module C traite des technologies ASN exigées dans les dispositifs MOB. Le présent document comprend les caractéristiques techniques incluses dans les recommandations applicables de l'UIT. Le cas échéant, il tient également compte du Règlement des radiocommunications de l'UIT. Le présent document prend en compte les autres Normes internationales IEC associées et les normes nationales existantes, selon le cas. Le présent document définit les exigences pour la coexistence des technologies AIS et ASN intégrées dans un matériel unique. Ce n'est que lorsque l'équipement est conforme aux trois modules qu'il peut être catégorisé comme équipement du groupe A des dispositifs de radiocommunication maritimes autonomes (AMRD, Autonomous Maritime Radio Devices) et être autorisé à fonctionner sur les canaux AIS 1, AIS 2 et 70.

Pomorska navigacijska in radiokomunikacijska oprema in sistemi - Naprave za določanje lokacije preživelih v morju (naprave za reševanje ljudi iz vode) - Minimalne zahteve, metode preskušanja in zahtevani rezultati preskusov (IEC 63269:2022)

Ta dokument določa minimalne zahteve za vidike, povezane z delovanjem, konstrukcijo, dokumentacijo, metodami preskušanja in zahtevanimi rezultati preskusov za avtonomne pomorske radijske naprave (AMRD) za reševanje ljudi iz vode (MOB) skupine A po priporočilu ITU-R M.2135, ki so namenjene za opozarjanje in določanje lokacije, kot jih opredeljuje Mednarodna pomorska organizacija (IMO), ter v skladu s priporočilom ITU-R M.493, razred M. Ta dokument je sestavljen iz treh modulov, pri čemer prvi modul (modul A) obravnava splošne zahteve in vidike. Modul B obravnava tehnologije sistemov samodejnega prepoznavanja (AIS), modul C pa tehnologije za digitalno selektivno klicanje (DSC), ki so obvezen del opreme za reševanje ljudi iz vode.
Ta dokument vključuje tehnične značilnosti, zajete v ustreznih priporočilih ITU. Upošteva tudi Pravilnik o radiokomunikacijah ITU, kjer je to primerno. Ta dokument upošteva druge povezane mednarodne standarde IEC in obstoječe nacionalne standarde glede na ustreznost.
Ta dokument določa zahteve za sočasno prisotnost sistemov samodejnega prepoznavanja in tehnologij za digitalno selektivno klicanje v posameznem kosu opreme.

General Information

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6060 - Document made available - Publishing
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Standards Content (Sample)

Pomorska navigacijska in radiokomunikacijska oprema in sistemi - Naprave za
določanje lokacije preživelih v morju (naprave za reševanje ljudi iz vode) -
Minimalne zahteve, metode preskušanja in zahtevani rezultati preskusov (IEC
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems - Maritime survivor
locating devices (man overboard devices) - Minimum requirements, methods of testing
and required test results (IEC 63269:2022)
Navigations- und Funkkommunikationsgeräte und -systeme für die Seeschifffahrt -
Seenotrettungsgeräte zur Ortung von Überlebenden (Mann-über-Bord-Geräte) -
Mindestanforderungen, Verfahren zur Prüfung und erforderliche Prüfergebnisse (IEC
Matériels et systèmes de navigation et de radiocommunication maritimes - Dispositifs de
localisation des survivants en mer (dispositifs en cas d'homme à la mer) - Exigences
minimales, méthodes d'essai et résultats d'essai exigés (IEC 63269:2022)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN IEC 63269:2022
13.200 Preprečevanje nesreč in Accident and disaster control
47.020.99 Drugi standardi v zvezi z Other standards related to
ladjedelništvom in shipbuilding and marine
konstrukcijami na morju structures
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


ICS 47.020.99
English Version
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and
systems - Maritime survivor locating devices (man overboard
devices) - Minimum requirements, methods of testing and
required test results
(IEC 63269:2022)
Matériels et systèmes de navigation et de Navigations- und Funkkommunikationsgeräte und -systeme
radiocommunication maritimes - Dispositifs de localisation für die Seeschifffahrt -Seenotrettungsgeräte zur Ortung von
des survivants en mer (dispositifs en cas d'homme à la Überlebenden (Mann-über-Bord-Geräte) -
mer) - Exigences minimales, méthodes d'essai et résultats Mindestanforderungen, Verfahren zur Prüfung und
d'essai exigés erforderliche Prüfergebnisse
(IEC 63269:2022) (IEC 63269:2022)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2022-06-29. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the
Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2022 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN IEC 63269:2022 E
European foreword
The text of document 80/1031/FDIS, future edition 1 of IEC 63269, prepared by IEC/TC 80 "Maritime
navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems" was submitted to the IEC-CENELEC
parallel vote and approved by CENELEC as EN IEC 63269:2022.
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which the document has to be implemented at national (dop) 2023-03-29
level by publication of an identical national standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national standards conflicting with the (dow) 2025-06-29
document have to be withdrawn
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Any feedback and questions on this document should be directed to the users’ national committee. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found on the CENELEC website.
Endorsement notice
The text of the International Standard IEC 63269:2022 was approved by CENELEC as a European
Standard without any modification.
Annex ZA
Normative references to international publications
with their corresponding European publications
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments)
NOTE 1 Where an International Publication has been modified by common modifications, indicated by (mod), the
relevant EN/HD applies.
NOTE 2 Up-to-date information on the latest versions of the European Standards listed in this annex is available
Publication Year Title EN/HD Year
IEC 60529 - Degrees of protection provided by EN 60529 -
enclosures (IP Code)
IEC 60945 - Maritime navigation and EN 60945 -
radiocommunication equipment and
systems - General requirements - Methods
of testing and required test results
IEC 61108-1 - Maritime navigation and EN 61108-1 -
radiocommunication equipment and
systems - Global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) - Part 1: Global
positioning system (GPS) - Receiver
equipment - Performance standards,
methods of testing and required test results
IEC 61108-2 - Maritime navigation and EN 61108-2 -
radiocommunication equipment and
systems - Global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) - Part 2: Global
navigation satellite system (GLONASS) -
Receiver equipment - Performance
standards, methods of testing and required
test results
IEC 61108-3 - Maritime navigation and EN 61108-3 -
radiocommunication equipment and
systems - Global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) - Part 3: Galileo receiver
equipment - Performance requirements,
methods of testing and required test results
IEC 61108-5 - Maritime navigation and EN IEC 61108-5 -
radiocommunication equipment and
systems - Global navigation satellite
systems (GNSS) - Part 5: BeiDou
navigation satellite system (BDS) -
Receiver equipment - Performance
requirements, methods of testing and
required test results
IMO Resolution - Revised recommendation on testing of life- - -
MSC.81(70) saving appliances
ITU-R M.1371 - Technical characteristics for an automatic - -
identification system using time division
multiple access in the VHF maritime mobile
ITU-R M.493-15 - Digital selective-calling system for use in - -
the maritime mobile service
ITU-T - Basic parameters for the measurement of - -
Recommendation error performance at bit rates below the
O.153 primary rate
ST/SG/AC.10/11/Re- Manual of Tests and Criteria, 7 Revised - -
v.7 Edition, as amended, United Nations

IEC 63269 ®
Edition 1.0 2022-05
Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems – Maritime

survivor locating devices (man overboard devices) – Minimum requirements,

methods of testing and required test results

Matériels et systèmes de navigation et de radiocommunication maritimes –

Dispositifs de localisation des survivants en mer (dispositifs en cas d'homme à

la mer) – Exigences minimales, méthodes d'essai et résultats d'essai exigés

ICS 47.020.99 ISBN 978-2-8322-3701-4

– 2 – IEC 63269:2022 © IEC 2022
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 7
3.1 Terms and definitions . 7
3.2 Abbreviated terms . 8
4 Module A – Common requirements and related tests . 9
4.1 Operational requirements . 9
4.1.1 Activation . 9
4.1.2 Controls . 9
4.1.3 Indicators . 9
4.1.4 Water activation function . 10
4.1.5 Self-test . 10
4.1.6 Automatic shutdown . 10
4.2 Identifier (Self ID) . 11
4.3 Construction . 11
4.4 Environment . 11
4.5 Battery . 11
4.6 GNSS position source . 12
4.7 Labelling . 12
4.8 Battery safety. 13
4.9 Documentation . 13
4.10 Methods of testing and required test results . 14
4.10.1 Test conditions . 14
4.10.2 Performance tests . 17
5 Module B – AIS functionality . 21
5.1 Purpose . 21
5.2 Performance requirements . 22
5.2.1 General . 22
5.2.2 Radiated power (EIRP) . 22
5.2.3 Transmission . 22
5.3 Technical requirements . 24
5.3.1 General . 24
5.3.2 Transmitter requirements and characteristics . 24
5.4 Methods of testing and required test results . 28
5.4.1 Test signals . 28
5.4.2 Physical radio tests . 29
5.4.3 Link layer tests . 33
6 Module C – DSC operation . 37
6.1 Purpose . 37
6.2 Performance requirements . 37
6.2.1 General . 37
6.2.2 Own vessel MMSI (DSC individual call destination ID) . 37
6.2.3 Radiated power (EIRP) . 38
6.3 Technical requirements . 38
6.3.1 General .

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