Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - Part 2-201: Particular requirements for control equipment

This clause of Part 1 is applicable, except as follows.
1.1.1 Equipment included in scope
This part of IEC 61010 specifies safety requirements and related verification tests for control
equipment of the following types:
– Programmable controllers (PLC and PAC);
– the components of Distributed Control Systems (DCS);
– the components of remote I/O – systems;
– industrial PC (computers) and Programming and Debugging Tools (PADTs);
– Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI);
– any product performing the function of control equipment and/or their associated peripherals, which have as their intended use the control and command of machines, automated manufacturing and industrial processes, e.g. discrete and continuous control. Components of the above named equipment and in the scope of this standard are:
– (auxiliary) stand-alone power supplies;
– peripherals such as digital and analogue I/O, remote-I/O;
– industrial network equipment.
Control equipment and their associated peripherals are intended to be used in an industrial environment and may be provided as open or enclosed equipment. NOTE 1 Control equipment intended also for use in other environments or for other purposes (example; for use in building installations to control light or other electrical installations, or for use on cars, trains or ships) can have additional conformity requirements defined by the safety standard(s) for these applications. These requirements can involve as example: insulation, spacings and power restrictions. NOTE 2 Computing devices and similar equipment within the scope of IEC 60950 (planned to be replaced by IEC 62368) and conforming to its requirements are considered to be suitable for use with control equipment within the scope of this standard. However, some of the requirements of IEC 60950 for resistance to moisture and liquids are less stringent than those in IEC 61010-1:2010, 5.4.4 second paragraph. Control equipment covered in this standard is intended for use in overvoltage category II (IEC 60664-1) in low-voltage installations, where the rated equipment supply voltage does not exceed a.c. 1 000 V r.m.s. (50/60 Hz), or d.c. 1 500 V. NOTE 3 If equipment in the scope of this part is applied to overvoltage category III and IV installations, then the requirements of Annex K of Part 1 apply. The requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 51 and IEC Guide 104, as they relate to this Part, are incorporated herein.
1.1.2 Equipment excluded from scope
This standard does not deal with aspects of the overall automated system, e.g. a complete assembly line. Control equipment (e.g. DCS and PLC), their application program and their associated peripherals are considered as components (components in this context are items which perform no useful function by themselves) of an overall automated system. Since control equipment (e.g. DCS and PLC) are component devices, safety considerations for the overall automated system including installation and application are beyond the scope of this standard. Refer to IEC 60364 series of standards or applicable national/local regulations for electrical installation and guidelines.
1.2.1 Aspects included in scope
The purpose of the requirements of this standard is to ensure that all hazards to the operator, service personnel and the surrounding area are reduced to a tolerable level.

Sicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte - Teil 2-201: Besondere Anforderungen für Steuer- und Regelgeräte

Règles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de régulation et de laboratoire - Partie 2-201: Exigences particulières pour les équipements de commande

Varnostne zahteve za električno opremo za meritve, nadzor in laboratorijsko uporabo - 2-201. del: Posebne zahteve za opremo za nadzor in upravljanje (IEC 61010-2-201:2013)

Ta točka 1. dela se uporablja, razen kot sledi:
1.1.1 Oprema, zajeta v področje uporabe
Ta del standarda IEC 61010 določa zahteve glede varnosti in s tem povezane preskuse opreme
za upravljanje naslednjih vrst:
– programirljivi krmilniki (PLC in PAC);
– komponente porazdeljenih nadzornih sistemov (DCS)
– komponente daljinskih sistemov I/O;
– industrijska računalniška orodja in orodja za programiranje in iskanje napak (PADTs);
– vmesniki človek-stroj (HMI);
– vsak izdelek, ki deluje kot oprema za upravljanje in/ali njegove povezane periferne naprave, namenjene upravljanju in krmiljenju strojev, avtomatiziranih proizvodnih in industrijskih postopkov, npr. diskretno in neprekinjeno krmiljenje. Komponente zgoraj omenjene opreme in v področju uporabe tega standarda so:
– (pomožni) samostojno stoječi električni napajalniki
– periferne naprave, kot so digitalni in analogni I/O, daljinski I/O;
– industrijska omrežna oprema.
Oprema za upravljanje in njene povezane periferne naprave so namenjene uporabi v industrijskem okolju in so lahko na voljo kot odprta ali zaprta oprema. OPOMBA 1: Oprema za upravljanje, ki se uporablja tudi v drugih okoljih ali v druge namene (na primer v inštalacijah zgradb za upravljanje luči ali drugih električnih inštalacijah, ali za uporabo v avtomobilih, vlakih ali na ladjah), ima dodatne zahteve o skladnosti, določene z varnostnimi standardi za omenjene uporabe. Te zahteve lahko na primer zajemajo:izolacijo, razmike in omejitve moči. OPOMBA 2: Računalniške naprave in podobna oprema, ki so vključene v področje uporabe standarda IEC 60950 (zamenjal naj bi ga standard IEC 62368) in so v skladu z njegovimi zahtevami, se smatrajo kot primerne za uporabo z opremo za upravljanje iz področja uporabe tega standarda. Vendar pa so nekatere zahteve standarda IEC 60950 za odpornost na vlago in tekočine manj stroge od zahtev v drugem odstavku točke 5.4.4. standarda IEC 61010-1:2010. Oprema za upravljanje, zajeta v tem standardu, je namenjena uporabi v prenapetostni kategoriji II (IEC 60664-1) v nizkonapetostnih inštalacijah, kjer nazivna napajalna napetost opreme ne presega 1000 V efektivne izmenične napetosti (50/60 Hz), ali 1500 V enosmerne napetosti. OPOMBA 3 Če je za inštalacije prenapetostne kategorije III in IV uporabljena oprema iz področja uporabe tega dela, veljajo zahteve dodatka K 1. dela. Zahteve iz ISO/IEC Guide 51 in IEC Guide 104 so vključene v to besedilo, ker se nanašajo na ta del.
1.1.2 Oprema, izključena iz področja uporabe
Ta standard ne obravnava vidikov v celoti avtomatiziranega sistema, npr. tekočega traka. Oprema za upravljanje (npr. DSC in PLC), njen aplikacijski program in povezane periferne naprave veljajo za komponente (komponente so v tem pomenu deli, ki sami nimajo posebne uporabne funkcije) v celoti avtomatiziranega sistema. Ker je oprema za upravljanje (npr. DCS in PLC) komponentna naprava, so varnostni napotki za v celoti avtomatiziran sistem, vključno z namestitvijo in uporabo, izven področja uporabe tega standarda. Glejte skupino standardov IEC 60364 ali veljavne nacionalne/lokalne predpise za električne inštalacije in smernice.

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EN 61010-2-201:2013/AC:2014
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.UDWRULMVNRSicherheitsbestimmungen für elektrische Mess-, Steuer-, Regel- und Laborgeräte - Teil 2-201: Besondere Anforderungen für Steuer- und RegelgeräteRègles de sécurité pour appareils électriques de mesurage, de régulation et de laboratoire -- Partie 2-201: Exigences particulières pour les équipements de commandeSafety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use -- Part 2-201: Particular requirements for control equipment71.040.10Kemijski laboratoriji. Laboratorijska opremaChemical

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