TA 18 - Multimedia home systems and applications for end-user networks
To develop International publications for the requirements and functions of multimedia home systems and applications, as well as specifications addressing total system connected in end-user networks. This includes: system, application, and protocol specifications for connected equipment, home servers, and internet/cloud service applications; as well as, power and data control interface specifications for personal computing and CE devices. End-user networks include all personal networks of connected equipment, such as home networks, controlled by an individual for multimedia applications and services.
Multimedia home systems and applications for end-user networks
Développer des publications internationales pour des exigences et des fonctions de système numérique domestique et des applications, ainsi que des spécifications qui concernent le système total connecté aux réseaux des utilisateurs finaux. Cela implique : des spécifications au niveau du système, de l’application, et du protocole pour des équipements connectés, des serveurs domestiques, et des services d’applications pour internet et cloud. Ainsi que des spécifications d’interface de contrôle des données et d’alimentation pour l’informatique personnel et les outils CE. Les réseaux d’utilisateurs finals incluent tous les réseaux personnels d’équipements connectés, tel que les réseaux domestiques, contrôlés par un particulier pour les applications et les services numériques.
General Information
IEC 63430:2025 specifies a container format for sensing data and its system requirements. This document applies to edge computing devices such as smartphones, home gateways, multimedia coordinators, etc., and cloud systems.
This document describes the following technical specifications:
- container format for wearable sensor data;
- Schema Repository that defines the parameters and syntax of sensor data;
- communication and system requirements between the edge computing device and Schema Repository.
- Standard53 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-3:2024 This specification defines the USB Type-C® receptacles, plug and cables.
The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification is guided by the following principles:
- Enable new and exciting host and device form-factors where size, industrial design and style are important parameters
- Work seamlessly with existing USB host and device silicon solutions
- Enhance ease of use for connecting USB devices with a focus on minimizing user confusion for plug and cable orientation
The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification defines a receptacle, plug, cable, and detection mechanisms that are compatible with existing USB interface electrical and functional specifications. This specification covers the following aspects that are needed to produce and use this new USB cable/connector solution in newer platforms and devices, and that interoperate with existing platforms and devices:
- USB Type-C receptacles, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C plugs and cable assemblies, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C to legacy cable assemblies and adapters
- USB Type-C-based device detection and interface configuration, including support for legacy connections
- USB Power Delivery optimized for the USB Type-C connector
The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification defines a standardized mechanism that supports Alternate Modes, such as repurposing the connector for docking-specific applications.
IEC 62680-1-3:2024 cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2022 and constitutes a technical revision. This standard is the USB-IF publication Universal Serial Bus Type-C Cable and Connector Specification Revision 2.3.
New release primarily for deprecating the Audio Adapter Accessory Mode and replacing it with the Liquid Corrosion Mitigation Mode, and for updating the Multi-port Charger Shared Capacity definition and behaviors. Also includes incorporation of all approved ECNs as of the revision date plus editorial clean-up.
- Standard939 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-2:2024 The USB Power Delivery specification defines a power delivery system covering all elements of a USB system including Hosts, Devices, Hubs, Chargers and cable assemblies. This specification describes the architecture, protocols, power supply behavior, connectors and cabling necessary for managing power delivery over USB at up to 100W. This specification is intended to be fully compatible and extend the existing USB infrastructure. It is intended that this specification will allow system OEMs, power supply and peripheral developers adequate flexibility for product versatility and market differentiation without losing backwards compatibility.
IEC 62680-1-2:2024 cancels and replaces the sixth edition published in 2022 and constitutes a technical revision.
Extended Power Range (EPR) including Adjustable Voltage Supply (AVS) has been added. This document is the USB-IF publication Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification Revision 3.2, Version 1.0.
- Standard2564 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62514:2024 describes the general guidelines for typical applications of the home multimedia gateway in home networks supporting IP networking. This document specifies recommended functions and services to be supported by the home multimedia gateway and, where appropriate, refers to existing standards supported in the market. For general requirements, it is expected that widely adopted standards and technologies will be considered by implementers. This document gives supplementary applications to the IEC 62481 series, which specifies a central management model in home networks supporting various interfaces on the LAN side and on the WAN side (optional). This document is applicable to home multimedia gateways in the home network or networks of similar environments. IEC 62514:2024 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) addition of new multimedia processing functions and requirements the HMG shall support, including adaptive multimedia processing, audio/video remote processing, and play function enhancement, in Clause 6;
b) addition of home automation functions and requirements of audio/video analysis, recognition and alarm services based on AI technologies in Clause 7;
c) addition of upgrade function and requirements of HMG in Clause 12.
- Standard71 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard144 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-4-1:2022 provides Universal Serial Bus 4™ Specification.
USB 3.1 and USB 3.2 were evolutionary steps to increase bandwidth. The goal for USB4 remains the same with the added goal of helping to converge the USB Type-C® connector ecosystem and minimize end-user confusion. Several key design areas to meet this goal are listed below:
• Offer display, data, and load/store functionality over a single USB Type-C connector.
• Retain compatibility with existing ecosystem of USB and Thunderbolt™ products.
• Define Port Capabilities for predictable and consistent user experience.
• Provide increased host flexibility to configure bandwidth, power management, and other performance-related parameters for system needs
This document contains USB4™ Specification, Version 1.0 with Errata and ECN through May 19, 2021.
- Standard604 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard1314 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-2:2022 specification defines a power delivery system covering all elements of a USB system including: Hosts, Devices, Hubs, Chargers and cable assemblies. This specification describes the architecture, protocols, power supply behavior, connectors and cabling necessary for managing power delivery over USB at up to 100W. This specification is intended to be fully compatible and extend the existing USB infrastructure. It is intended that this specification will allow system OEMs, power supply and peripheral developers adequate flexibility for product versatility and market differentiation without losing backwards compatibility. This sixt edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2021 and constitutes a technical revision. Extended Power Range (EPR) including Adjustable Voltage Supply (AVS) has been added. This docuemnt is the USB-IF publication Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification Revision 3.1, Version 1.1.
- Standard1575 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-3:2022 defines the USB Type-C® receptacles, plug and cables. The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification is guided by the following principles:
- Enable new and exciting host and device form-factors where size, industrial design and style are important parameters
- Work seamlessly with existing USB host and device silicon solutions
- Enhance ease of use for connecting USB devices with a focus on minimizing user confusion for plug and cable orientation
The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification defines a new receptacle, plug, cable and detection mechanisms that are compatible with existing USB interface electrical and functional specifications. This specification covers the following aspects that are needed to produce and use this new USB cable/connector solution in newer platforms and devices, and that interoperate with existing platforms and devices:
- USB Type-C receptacles, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C plugs and cable assemblies, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C to legacy cable assemblies and adapters
- USB Type-C-based device detection and interface configuration, including support for legacy connections
- USB Power Delivery optimized for the USB Type-C connector
The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification defines a standardized mechanism that supports Alternate Modes, such as repurposing the connector for docking-specific applications. IEC 62680-1-3:2022 cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2021 and constitutes a technical revision. This standard is the USB-IF publication Universal Serial Bus Type-C Cable and Connector Specification Revision 2.0. New release primarily for enabling Extended Power Range (EPR) and defining EPR cables aligning with USB Power Delivery Specification R3.1 V1.0. Also includes incorporation of all approved ECNs as the revision date plus editorial clean-up.
- Standard820 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 63002:2021 defines common charging interoperability guidelines for power sources (external power supplies (EPSs) and other Sources) used with computing and consumer electronics devices that implement IEC 62680-1-3 (USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification).
This document defines normative requirements for an EPS to ensure interoperability; in particular, it specifies the data communicated from a power source to a device and certain safety elements of the EPS, cable, and device. While the requirements focus of this document is on the EPS and the behaviour at its USB Type-C connector interface, it is also important to comprehend cable assembly and device capabilities and behaviours in order to assure end-to-end charging interoperability. This document does not apply to all design aspects of an EPS. This document does not specify regulatory compliance requirements for aspects such as product safety, EMC or energy efficiency.
This document provides recommendations for the behaviour of a device when used with a power source compliant with this document. It specifies the minimum hardware specification for an EPS implementing IEC 62680-1-3. This document also specifies the data objects used by a charging system utilizing IEC 62680-1-2 to understand the identity, design and performance characteristics, and operating status of an external power supply. IEC 62680-1-2 focuses on power delivery applications ranging to 100 W for a variety of computing and consumer electronics devices including notebook computers, tablets, smartphones, small form-factor desktops, monitor displays and other related multimedia devices.
This document relies on established mechanical and electrical specifications, and communication protocols specified by IEC 62680-1-2 and IEC 62680-1-3. These specifications support methods for establishing the best performing interoperability between untested combinations of EPS and devices with the aim of improving consumer satisfaction.
Information describing the USB charging interoperability model, overview of USB Type-C and USB Power Delivery specifications, and factors for charging performance are also provided to support implementation of this document.
IEC 63002:2021 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) title is changed from Identification and communication interoperability method for external power supplies used with portable computing devices;
b) Clause 4, EPS interoperability based on USB technologies, is added;
c) Clause 5, EPS specification, adds hardware and protection requirements; overvoltage protection is changed from optional to normative;
d) Annex B and Annex C are added, providing an explanation of the design features in USB Power Delivery that enhance reliability and an explanation of the concepts of charge rate and power.
- Standard37 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard76 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-2:2021 defines a power delivery system covering all elements of a USB system including: Hosts, Devices, Hubs, Chargers and cable assemblies. This specification describes the architecture, protocols, power supply behavior, connectors and cabling necessary for managing power delivery over USB at up to 100W. This specification is intended to be fully compatible and extend the existing USB infrastructure. It is intended that this specification will allow system OEMs, power supply and peripheral developers adequate flexibility for product versatility and market differentiation without losing backwards compatibility.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2019 and constitutes a technical revision.
It is also identified as USB Power Delivery Specification, Revision 3.0, Version 2.0
This updated release of the USB PD specification was made to incorporate all the ECNs that were made to USB PD 3.0, V1.2. This makes a full completed printed specifications with all ECNs incorporated into a hard copy specification.
- Standard1457 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-3:2021 defines the USB Type-C™ receptacles, plug and cables.
The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification defines a new receptacle, plug, cable and detection mechanisms that are compatible with existing USB interface electrical and functional specifications. This specification covers the following aspects that are needed to produce and use this new USB cable/connector solution in newer platforms and devices, and that interoperate with existing platforms and devices:
- USB Type-C receptacles, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C plugs and cable assemblies, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C to legacy cable assemblies and adapters
- USB Type-C-based device detection and interface configuration, including support for legacy connections
- USB Power Delivery optimized for the USB Type-C connector.
This specification is intended as a supplement to the existing USB 2.0, USB 3.1 and USB Power Delivery specifications. It addresses only the elements required to implement and support the USB Type-C receptacles, plugs and cables.
Normative information is provided to allow interoperability of components designed to this specification. Informative information, when provided, may illustrate possible design implementations.
IEC 62680-1-3:2021 cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2018 and constitutes a technical revision.
New release primarily for enabling USB4 over USB Type-C connectors and cables. Also includes incorporation of all approved ECNs as of the revision date plus editorial clean-up.
- Standard792 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-2:2019 defines a power delivery system covering all elements of a USB system including: Hosts, Devices, Hubs, Chargers and cable assemblies. This specification describes the architecture, protocols, power supply behavior, connectors and cabling necessary for managing power delivery over USB at up to 100W. This specification is intended to be fully compatible and extend the existing USB infrastructure. It is intended that this specification will allow system OEMs, power supply and peripheral developers adequate flexibility for product versatility and market differentiation without losing backwards compatibility.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2018 and constitutes a technical revision.
It is also identified as USB Power Delivery Specification, Revision 3.0, Version 1.2
This updated release of the USB PD specification was made to incorporate all the ECNs that were made to USB PD 3.0, V1.1. This makes a full completed printed specifications with all ECNs incorporated into a hard copy specification.
- Standard1219 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-8:2019 is to describe in detail all the Terminal Types that are supported by the Audio Device Class. This document is considered an integral part of the Audio Device Class Specification, although subsequent revisions of this document are independent of the revision evolution of the main Audio Device Class Specification. This is to easily accommodate the addition of new Terminal Types without impeding the core Audio Device Class Specification.
The Audio Device Class Definition applies to all devices or functions embedded in composite devices. All audio signals inside an audio function start at an Input Terminal, pass through some Units, and leave the function through an Output Terminal. Units can manipulate the signal in various ways. Terminals represent the connections of the function to the outside world.
As part of the Terminal descriptor, the wTerminalType field specifies the vendor’s suggested use of the Terminal. For example, a pair of speakers is a more suitable target for music output than a telephone line. This feature allows a vendor to ensure that applications use the device in a consistent and meaningful way.
- Standard30 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-5:2019 describes the minimum capabilities and characteristics an audio device shall support to comply with the USB. This document also provides recommendations for optional features.
The Audio Device Class Definition applies to all devices or functions embedded in composite devices that are used to manipulate audio, voice, and sound-related functionality. This includes both audio data (analog and digital) and the functionality that is used to directly control the audio environment, such as Volume and Tone Control. The Audio Device Class does not include functionality to operate transport mechanisms that are related to the reproduction of audio data, such as tape transport mechanisms or CD-ROM drive control.
- Standard322 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
The purpose of IEC 62680-1-6:2019 is to create a higher level of interoperability among Hosts and Audio Devices. By establishing a set of essential audio features, users can expect a consistent experience, Device manufacturers have a solid template to follow, and Host drivers may be simplified.
The USB Audio Device Class Definition for Basic Audio Functions applies to all USB Audio Functions that are based on the Universal Serial Bus Device Class Definition for Audio Devices Release 3.0. It defines baseline audio functionality for all ADC 3.0 compliant Hosts and Devices.
- Standard89 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-7:2019 describes in detail all the Audio Data Formats that are supported by the Audio Device Class. This document is considered an integral part of the Audio Device Class Specification, although subsequent revisions of this document are independent of the revision evolution of the main USB Audio Specification. This is to easily accommodate the addition of new Audio Data Formats without impeding the core USB Audio Specification.
- Standard55 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-3:2018 defines the USB Type-C™ receptacles, plug and cables.
The USB Type-C Cable and Connector Specification defines a new receptacle, plug, cable and detection mechanisms that are compatible with existing USB interface electrical and functional specifications. This specification covers the following aspects that are needed to produce and use this new USB cable/connector solution in newer platforms and devices, and that interoperate with existing platforms and devices:
- USB Type-C receptacles, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C plugs and cable assemblies, including electro-mechanical definition and performance requirements
- USB Type-C to legacy cable assemblies and adapters
- USB Type-C-based device detection and interface configuration, including support for legacy connections
- USB Power Delivery optimized for the USB Type-C connector.
This specification is intended as a supplement to the existing USB 2.0, USB 3.1 and USB Power Delivery specifications. It addresses only the elements required to implement and support the USB Type-C receptacles, plugs and cables.
Normative information is provided to allow interoperability of components designed to this specification. Informative information, when provided, may illustrate possible design implementations.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2017 and constitutes a technical revision.
- Standard259 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard565 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-2:2018 defines a power delivery system covering all elements of a USB system including: Hosts, Devices, Hubs, Chargers and cable assemblies. This specification describes the architecture, protocols, power supply behavior, connectors and cabling necessary for managing power delivery over USB at up to 100W. This specification is intended to be fully compatible and extend the existing USB infrastructure. It is intended that this specification will allow system OEMs, power supply and peripheral developers adequate flexibility for product versatility and market differentiation without losing backwards compatibility.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2017 and constitutes a technical revision.
It is also identified as Version 1.1 + ECNs through 12 June 2017.
Markup includes ECNs through 12-June-2017:
- Add VPD Product Type
- Specification Revision Interoperability
- VCONN_Swap Clarification
- Chapter 7 Source and Sink Behavior
- Battery Numbering
- Chunking Clarification
- FR_Swap State Operation
- GoodCRC Specification Revision
- Slew Rate Exception for Source
- Standard599 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard1367 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62919:2017 specifies the requirements, protocol and the data format to visualize personal content saved on various devices, such as mobile phones, music players, personal computers, hard disk recorders and e-book devices. It also specifies methods for gathering information of digital content saved on personal devices and shared within a group, and to extract the gathered information by a uniform application interface.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard51 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-2:2017(E) describes DLNA Media Format Profiles applicable to the DLNA Device Classes defined in IEC 62481-1-1:2017. Media Format Profiles are defined for each of the following Media Classes: Audio, Image, and AV. In addition, Profile ID values that identify media collections are also introduced.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2013, and constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) removal of optional media format profiles for Audio and AV content;
b) addition of mandatory media format profiles for the CVP-2 Device Profile;
c) includes updates to resolve interoperability issues.
- Standard361 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-10:2017(E) specifies guidelines for low-power mode management. Power saving is modular within a physical device. In the context of DLNA networked devices, each physical network interface can have various power modes, some of which can allow Layer 2 or Layer 3 connectivity to still be present, even when many of the other components of the device are powered down. Other physical components, such as screens, hard drives, and similar resources, can also support different power modes.
- Standard14 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-8:2017(E) specifies guidelines for Diagnostics. The DLNA Diagnostics guidelines focus mostly on the collection of data through test actions and queries. The procedures for troubleshooting and remedies are outside the scope of the DLNA guidelines. The user can be an operator accessing the Diagnostics Application through a TR-069 (an application layer protocol for remote management of end-user devices) management interface, or a technician or end-user accessing it through a browser or screen interface as shown in Figure 1.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-9:2017(E) specifies guidelines for the DLNA Adaptive Delivery using HTTP protocol. The DLNA interoperability guidelines for Adaptive Delivery are based on ISO/IEC 23009-1:2014standard and enables content authors to describe content in timed segments at various bit rates and media formats. Client rendering devices can select the appropriate timed segments (e.g. bit rate) based on network congestion to maintain smooth streaming of content for display.
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-7:2017(E) specifies DLNA interoperability guidelines for device authentication.
- Standard17 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-4:2017(E) specifies DLNA guidelines for DRM Interoperability Solutions (DIS), which are defined as methods to enable the secure transfer and use of protected commercial content between different implementations on network media devices. This content could be protected by different content protection technologies. In this document, they are referred to as DRMs.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) removal of references to Mobile Digital Media Uploader (M-DMU);
b) removal of references to Mobile Digital Media Downloader (M-DMD).
- Standard27 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-1-1:2017(E) specifies the core architecture and protocols of DLNA implementations.
This third edition cancels and replaces IEC 62481-1 published in 2013 and constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) removal of Bluetooth, printers (DMPr, +PR1+ and +PR2+), Mobile Digital Media Uploader (M-DMU), Mobile Digital Media Downloader (M-DMD), Mobile Network Connectivity Function (M NCF) and Media Interoperability Unit (MIU);
b) removal of CEA2014 guidelines (RUISRC, RUISINK, RUICTRL, RUIPL);
c) addition of IPv6;
d) heading levels adjusted to be no deeper that heading level 5.
- Standard834 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-3:2017(E) specifies the DLNA Link Protection guidelines, which are an extension of the DLNA guidelines. DLNA Link Protection is defined as the protection of a content stream between two devices on a DLNA network from illegitimate observation or interception using the protocols defined within this part of DLNA guidelines.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) editorial updates;
b) clarification for some of the guidelines that were ambiguous.
- Standard78 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62481-5:2017 ,the DLNA guidelines, specifies guidelines that define various DLNA Device Profiles. A Device Profile is a collection of DLNA capabilities and features within a DLNA device. A device is compliant with a Device Profile when it conforms to all the guidelines listed for that Device Profile. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) removal of CVP-NA-1;
b) addition of CVP-2.
- Standard33 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-3-1:2017 defines the latest generation USB industry standard, USB 3.1. The specification describes the protocol definition, types of transactions, bus management, and the programming interface required to design and build systems and peripherals that are compliant with this specification. USB 3.1 is primarily a performance enhancement to SuperSpeed USB 3.0 resulting in providing more than double the bandwidth for devices such as Solid State Drives and High Definition displays. It refers to Enhanced SuperSpeed as a collection of features or requirements that apply to both USB 3.0 and USB 3.1 bus operation. Additionally, where specific differences exist with regard to the USB 3.0 definition of SuperSpeed features or requirements, those differences will be uniquely identified as SuperSpeedPlus (or SSP) features or requirements – generally, “SuperSpeed” is in reference to 5 Gbps operation and “SuperSpeedPlus” is in reference to 10 Gbps operation.
- Standard639 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard1397 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 63002:20016 defines interoperability guidelines for external power supplies used with portable computing devices that implement the IEC 62680-1-2: Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification with the IEC 62680-1-3: Universal Serial Bus Interfaces for data and power-Common Components- Type-CTM Type-C Cable and Connector Specification. It specifies the data objects used by a portable computing system using IEC 62680-1-2 to understand the identity, design and performance characteristics, and operating status of an external power supply. This International Standard is applicable to external power supplies under 100 watts for portable computing devices, with a focus on power delivery application for notebook computers, tablets, smartphones and other related multimedia devices.
- Standard48 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-2-3:2015 describes the mechanical, electrical, environmental, design and performance criteria and voluntary supplier compliance requirements for USB connectors, cable and fabricated cable assemblies. In addition, this document provides detailed requirements for the design, approval and implementation of application specific USB connectors and fabricated cable assemblies.
- Standard44 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard95 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62842:2015 specifies the method for allocating requested file space with no fragmentation, to minimize the need for reallocation of fragmented files in the Universal Disc Format (UDF) file system applied to hard disk drives used in hard disk recorders.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard53 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-2-2:2015 defines the requirements and features of a Micro-USB connector that will meet the current and future needs of the Cell Phone and Portable Devices markets, while conforming to the USB 2.0 specification for performance, physical size and shape of the Micro-USB interconnect.
- Standard47 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard116 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62680-1-1:2015 contains specifications that define limits as well as detection, control and reporting mechanisms to permit devices to draw current in excess of the USB 2.0 specification for charging and/or powering up from dedicated chargers, hosts, hubs and charging downstream ports. These mechanisms are backward compatible with USB 2.0 compliant hosts and peripherals.
- Standard63 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard135 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62608-1:2014 specifies the basic reference model to configure devices connected to a home network with a configuration framework for network applications running on such devices and describes the system model and functions that each component should support. It applies to devices that are connected via cables and switched on and that support the IP protocol. The reference model covers inside and outside network connectivity.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62700:2014(E) states the minimum requirements for DC power supply for notebook computers. Specifically, it gives an electrical specification (performance characteristics), an ID pin method and a connector for DC power output.
- Technical specification27 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62865:2014(E) provides a guide to implementing DRPC. Specifically, it defines the relationship between the content usage contract, which serves as the basis for permission management, and DRPC. The protection of content and the application of watermark technology are beyond the scope of this report.
- Technical report48 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62224:2013(E) explains the conceptual model of the protocol specification to exchange license information between DRM modules. This Technical Specification also outlines which models should be defined as standard models as well as the standard meanings (mainly from the viewpoint of information security in the environment, including home server systems). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following technical changes:
- the Diffie-Hellman method concerning Secure license transaction protocol (SLTP) model has been added,
- the Protected Content Format (PCF) model which is dependent on each service has been deleted,
- a description related to IEC 62227 has been added,
- the classification of certification authority has been added.
- Technical specification29 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62698:2013 defines the common semantics and core elements on rights information interoperability for IPTV systems/equipment that is subject to multimedia content to be used across different platforms legally. The rights information includes rights and security related metadata that is described in ITU-T Recommendation H.750.
- Standard124 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
- Standard13 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62514:2010 describes the general guidelines for typical applications of the home multimedia gateway in home networks supporting IP networking. It specifies recommended functions and services to be supported by the home multimedia gateway and, where appropriate, refers to existing standards supported in the market. For general requirements, it is expected that widely adopted standards and technologies will be considered by implementers. It gives supplementary application to IEC 62481, which specifies a central management model in home network supporting various interfaces in LAN side and WAN side (optional).
- Standard57 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard120 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62579:2010(E) defines the conceptual model of domain management, which includes terms, requirements and reference models. The domain is a set of devices, users, and/or other entities which can share contents. Entities within a domain are allowed to play, copy and move content and usage rules to other entities within the same domain.
This publication contains colours which are considered to be useful for the correct understanding of its contents.
- Technical specification31 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62636:2009(E) provides guidelines for implemention of the digital rights permission code. It gives examples of fixed length permission codes derived from restricted code length profiling by using 23 specific usage scenarios to profile the variable-length digital rights permission code defined in IEC 62227 as fixed length digital rights permission code.
- Technical report30 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62546:2009 specifies the communication protocol between a TV receiver and a video recorder which are connected through a digital interface.
- Standard28 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard58 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC/TR 62291:2009(E) specifies an application program interface (API) for reading and writing the files which conform to the Universal Disk Format (UDF) ® specification revision 2.00 developed by the Optical Storage Technology Association (OSTA) and its security extension. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2002, and constitutes a technical revision. The significant changes with respect to the first edition are the following:
- reference document ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 is replaced with ISO/IEC 9945-2:2003;
- reference document UDF 2.00 is replaced with UDF 2.01.
- Technical report17 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62227:2008 defines the permission code, a set of permission related information in short code form, primarily intended for home server systems. The permission code is comprised of a common ID system (content ID, issuer ID, receiver ID, device ID, etc.) and a narrowly-defined permission code.
- Standard74 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard180 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
- Standard184 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62295:2007 specifies the common communication protocol (CCP) layer that is capable of providing interoperability and interconnectivity between heterogeneous network technologies, as well as the basic data transmission scheme between devices linked to heterogeneous networks through the CCP layer. The standard also specifies the packet structure in the CCP layer and the common addressing scheme that can be understood among heterogeneous devices. Furthermore, there are specifications regarding protocols capable of providing diverse home network applications through the CCP layer such as:
- the home network management protocol (HNMP),
- universal home control protocol (UHCP),
- home multimedia service protocol (HMSP) and
- home data service protocol (HDSP). This bilingual version (2012-08) corresponds to the monolingual English version, published in 2007-11.
- Standard64 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard132 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 61925:2005 defines the vocabulary of a home server for multimedia home server systems. Its intended use is to assist user interface designers and editors of product documentation by defining standard. This bilingual version (2013-07) corresponds to the monolingual English version, published in 2005-09.
- Standard9 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard17 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
Defines the volume and file structure required for interchanging multimedia data of a home server/broadcasting receiver, which consists of an AV stream with multiple associated objects.
- Standard89 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
Defines the volume and file structure required for interchanging multimedia data of a home server/broadcasting receiver, which consists of an AV stream with multiple associated objects.specifies the broadcasting system specific recording structure for ISDB
- Standard53 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
Defines the volume and file structure required for interchanging multimedia data of a home server/broadcasting receiver, which consists of an AV stream with multiple associated objects.specifies references, definitions, abbreviations, notation and bibliography that apply to this and the other three parts. It also specifies requirements, design considerations and content architecture.
- Standard19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off