IEC 63391:2024 applies to security screening systems that utilize active millimetre-wave (MMW) imaging to inspect persons who are not inside vehicles, containers, or enclosures. Specifically, this document applies to systems used to detect objects carried on the body of the individual being screened at a security checkpoint. This document applies to systems that screen people using radiation in the range between 3 GHz and 150 GHz (100 mm to 2 mm).
This document specifies the technical requirements, test methods, and signage of the active MMW systems for security screening of humans.
This document does not specify minimum or baseline requirements of image quality, automated threat recognition (ATR) performance, nor does it specify a minimum detection time

  • Standard
    22 pages
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IEC/IEEE 63332-387:2024 defines the criteria for the application and testing of diesel generator (DG) units used as safety class standby power supplies in nuclear facilities. In general, the standard applies to new nuclear facilities as well as for upgrading or back-fitting of existing facilities. Existing facilities can voluntarily adopt the requirements to enhance the performance capabilities and reliability of the installed DG units. The standard can be used in applications where highly reliable onsite alternating current (AC) power source is required to maintain plant safety following an event with potential loss of offsite power for an extended duration.
This document provides the principal design criteria, the design features, testing, and qualification requirements for the individual DG units that enable them to meet their functional requirements as a part of the standby power supply under the conditions produced by the design basis events catalogued in the plant safety analysis.

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    139 pages
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IEC/IEEE 62582-1:2024 contains requirements for application of the other parts of IEC/IEEE 62582 related to specific methods for condition monitoring in electrical equipment important to safety of nuclear power plants. It also includes requirements which are common to all methods. The procedures defined in IEC/IEEE 62582 are intended for detailed condition monitoring.
IEC/IEEE 62582 specifies condition monitoring methods in sufficient detail to enhance the accuracy and repeatability, and provide standard formats for reporting the results. The methods specified are applicable to electrical equipment containing polymeric materials. Some methods are especially designed for the measurement of condition of a limited range of equipment whilst others can be applied to all types of equipment for which the polymeric parts are accessible.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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  • Standard
    21 pages
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IEC 63351:2024 specifies the basic principles and requirements for the application of a human factors engineering (HFE) programme to the design of the human-machine interfaces (HMI) throughout the lifetime of a nuclear facility. The focus of this document is on control rooms and control functions as discussed in the text.
This document focuses on the application of a human factors engineering (HFE) programme to the design of the human-machine interfaces throughout the lifetime of a nuclear facility, including consideration of plant modifications.
This document is applicable to nuclear facilities such as: nuclear power plants (NPPs), research reactors, uranium enrichment and nuclear fuel fabrication facilities, spent fuel storage and reprocessing facilities.

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    140 pages
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IEC TR 63486:2024 provides a cybersecurity framework for digital I&C programmable systems [2]. IEC 62645 [1] aligns strongly with the information security management system (ISMS) elements detailed within ISO/IEC 27001:2013 [2]. The ISO/IEC ISMS structure corresponds to the “I&C digital programmable system cybersecurity program” in the context (as defined in 5.2.1 of IEC 62645:2019 [1]).
The scope of this document is to capture the national and international cyber-risk approaches employed to manage cybersecurity risks associated with Instrumentation and Control (I&C) and Electrical Power Systems (EPS) at a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP).
This document summarizes an evaluation of cyber-risk approaches that are in use by nuclear facility operators to manage cybersecurity risks.
The scope of this document generally follows the exclusions of IEC 62645 which are:
- Non-malevolent actions and events such as accidental failures, human errors (except those stated above, such as impacting the performance of cybersecurity controls), and natural events. In particular, good practices for managing applications and data, including backup and restoration related to accidental failure, are out of scope.
This document summarizes key insights of the international and cyber-risk approaches used at NPPs regarding the application of ISO/IEC 27005:2018 [5]. The evaluation is based on 11 challenges to cybersecurity risk management and their applicability to NPP risk management. The challenges are detailed in Clause 7. This document also relates the risk management elements of IEC 62645 and IEC 63096.

  • Technical report
    160 pages
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IEC 62709:2024 applies to security screening systems that utilize X-ray radiation and are used to inspect people who are not inside vehicles, containers, or enclosures. Specifically, this document applies to systems used to detect objects carried on or within the body of the individual being inspected. The objective is to provide standard methods of measuring and reporting imaging quality characteristics that enable system manufacturers, potential system users and other interested parties to:
a) Establish a consistent indicator of the expected technical performance of screening systems used for the inspection of individuals. Such technical performance testing complements explicit detection testing and evaluation. In this document "detection" refers to items in an image.
b) Provide repeatable and verifiable imaging performance data that can be used to compare systems from different vendors.
c) Establish a baseline that can be used over time to calibrate the system or detect any performance degradation. (It is not intended that the entire test method be employed for daily quality assurance testing.)
d) Establish minimum acceptable performance requirements for the systems described above.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Clarified the test procedures to maintain consistency with IEC 62463.
b) Changed the term "spatial resolution" to "pentalith resolution".
c) Modified some standard test conditions.
d) Modified some terms and definitions.
e) Changed the imaging requirements for transmission general-use systems.

  • Standard
    43 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    89 pages
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IEC 63272:2024 specifies the performance and functional characteristics of the on-site AC interruptible power supply systems and applies to new nuclear facilities and newly installed or upgraded on-site AC interruptible power supply systems.
The specific design requirements for the components of the power supply system are defined by the IEC standards listed in the normative references and are outside the scope of this document.
The purpose of this document is to provide high level requirements for the design of on-site AC interruptible power supply systems as part of the overall electrical distribution system in a nuclear facility. This document defines the requirements for an electrical designer to establish the design of the AC interruptible electrical power supply for nuclear facilities. It is used in conjunction with Level 1 standard IEC 63046.

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    116 pages
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IEC 62463:2024 is applicable to security screening systems designed to expose persons to X‑rays. In particular, the document applies to systems where the body is exposed to the primary beam of X-rays. It is common to divide currently used systems into three types: backscatter systems, transmission systems and combination backscatter/transmission systems. The purpose of this document is to provide standardized requirements and test methods to ensure the safe operation of X-ray personnel screening systems, from a radiation protection point of view. In particular, the document specifies requirements related to the radiation protection of the persons being screened, persons who are in the vicinity of the equipment and the operators.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2010. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) title modified;
b) the main dose quantity was updated from ambient dose equivalent (H*(10)) to the operational quantities recommended in ICRU Report 95:2020;
c) the scope has been updated from X-ray systems for screening persons to X-ray systems that deliberately expose persons to X-rays for security purposes, which clarifies the ambiguity of whether d) occupied vehicle scanners are within scope;
d) the scheme for classifying systems was changed from one based on whether the system is backscatter, transmission or a combination to a classification system based on the dose level and administrative controls;
e) numerous electrical, environmental, electromagnetic, and mechanical safety requirements were updated.

  • Standard
    26 pages
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IEC 63298:2024 provide high level requirements and recommendations for the coordination of NPPs and the electric grid; see also item a) of the Introduction. The specific design requirements for components and equipment are covered by other specific IEC standards outside the scope of this document. This document also defines the coordination requirements to ensure that operating instructions for the electric grid and the NPP are developed to provide a means of safe and reliable operation. This document also defines the requirements for the development of a framework for any specific tests that may be deemed necessary for the electric grid and the NPP, such as testing of NPP regulation capabilities and load rejection to house load operation tests.

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    50 pages
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IEC/IEEE 62582-3:2024 contains methods for condition monitoring of organic and polymeric materials in instrumentation and control systems using tensile elongation techniques in the detail necessary to produce accurate and reproducible measurements. This document includes the requirements for the selection of samples, the measurement system and conditions, and the reporting of the measurement results. The different parts of IEC/IEEE 62582 are measurement standards, primarily for use in the management of ageing in initial qualification and after installation. IEC/IEEE 62582-1 includes requirements for the application of the other parts of IEC/IEEE 62582 and some elements which are common to all methods. This document applies to non-energised equipment. This document is published as an IEC/IEEE Dual Logo standard. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2012.
This edition includes the following technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Updated best practices relating to condition monitoring using the tensile elongation method.
b) Updated bibliography, references and context.

  • Standard
    79 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    51 pages
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IEC 61526:2024 applies to personal dosemeters with the following characteristics:
a) They are worn on the trunk, close to the eye, or on the extremities.
b) They measure the personal dose equivalents Hp(10), Hp(3), and Hp(0,07), from external X and gamma, neutron (not for Hp(3)), and beta radiations, and may measure the respective personal dose equivalent rates for the same radiations (for alarming purposes).
c) They have a digital indication. This indication may or may not be attached.
d) They have alarm functions for the personal dose equivalents or personal dose equivalent rates except for hybrid dosemeters. For hybrid dosemeters an alarm function for the personal dose equivalents shall be implemented in the associated readout system.
This document specifies requirements for the dosemeter and, if supplied, for its associated readout system.
This document specifies, for the dosemeters described above, general characteristics, general test procedures, radiation characteristics as well as electrical, mechanical, safety and envi­ronmental characteristics.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Modification of the title;
b) Inclusion of the measurement quantity for the dose in the lens of the eye, Hp(3);
c) Inclusion of measurement quantity for dose in the skin and extremities, Hp(0,07);
d) Inclusion of dosemeters between active and passive: "hybrid dosemeters";
e) Inclusion of software requirements;
f) Harmonization of requirements for linearity to IEC 62387;
g) Revised neutron energy response requirements.

  • Standard
    166 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TR 63415:2023 provides an overview over the formalized modelling and designing of cybersecure architectures to apply for I&C system cybersecurity enforcement at NPPs. The plant-specific risk assessment can use the techniques covered by this TR. This document considers the complex problem of NPP I&C architecture synthesis to address particular issues:
- asset classification,
- barrier measures assignment,
- the information transfer and links conformity with security requirements.
This document provides guidance on creating a comprehensive security model applicable to NPP I&C systems that describes NPP I&C cybersecurity architecture and aids in accomplishing the main tasks of I&C system secure design, which are:
- specification of system designs with increased determinism that enhance security,
- mapping of the security requirements into the security architecture of the I&C system,
- definition of the security requirements for information exchange between components within the I&C system, operators and other systems,
- assistance in the determination of the security degree assignment with a model-based technique considering asset properties and formal grouping of the assets,
design and establishment of security zones boundaries.

  • Technical report
    56 pages
    English language
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IEC TR 63468:2023 overviews the fundamentals of artificial intelligence (AI) as it could potentially be applied within nuclear facilities and identifies proven or potential applications, with the objective to foster better understanding and adoption of AI technologies within such facilities. With the objective of supporting future standard development work of IEC SC 45A in this technical area, this document takes the initiative to propose a structure for SC 45A standard series on nuclear AI applications and recommends setting up a new dedicated working group to be responsible for and coordinate standard development efforts in this particular area, taking into account its cross-cutting nature.

  • Technical report
    44 pages
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IEC 61098:2023 applies to contamination monitors that include warning assembles and meters used for the monitoring of radioactive contamination on the surface of personnel whether they be clothed or not. The document is applicable only to that type of equipment where the user stays at the monitor. This document is applicable to the monitoring of the whole body (including the head), hands and feet, but parts of this document can be used for monitors designed for the monitoring of radioactive contamination on the hands and/or feet only. This document does not include tritium measurement.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2003. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Title is modified.
b. As an alternative of small area sources, area sources are added to be used for methods of test with respect to the variation of response with source position, effective instrument efficiency, detection limit (DL), and variation of response with energy.
c. Detection limit (DL) complies with the ISO 11929 series.
d. Descriptions of influence quantities of type F and type S are added.
e. Consistency with IEC 62706 is promoted for environmental requirements, mechanical requirements, electromagnetic compatibility and methods of test.
f. Descriptions of overhead detectors are added.
g. Descriptions of friskers are added with respect to the hand and foot monitoring.
h. Figures are made easier to understand the relation between the detector position and the response, and the positional relation between the detector surface and the source.

  • Standard
    143 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62694:2022 applies to backpack-type radiation detectors (BRDs) that are primarily used for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material. BRDs are portable instruments designed to be worn during use. BRDs detect gamma radiation and may include neutron detection and the ability to identify gamma-ray emitting radionuclides.
This document establishes the operational and testing requirements associated with radiation measurements and the expected electrical, mechanical, and environmental conditions while in use.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. making the standard consistent with the new standards for detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material;
b. creating unformed functionality test for all environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical tests and a requirement for the coefficient of variation of each nominal mean reading;
c. revised radiological requirements including the simplification of radionuclide identification acceptance criteria;
d. reference to IEC 62706 for the environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical test conditions.

  • Standard
    74 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60951-1:2022 provides general guidance on the design principles and performance criteria for equipment to measure radiation and fluid (gaseous effluents or liquids) radioactivity levels at nuclear facilities during and after design basis accidents (DBA) and design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accident (SA). This document is limited to equipment for continuous monitoring of radioactivity in design basis accidents (DBA), design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accident (SA) and post-accident conditions. The purpose of this document is to lay down general requirements and give examples of acceptable methods for equipment for continuous monitoring of radioactivity within the facility during and after design basis accidents (DBA), design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accident (SA) in nuclear facilities. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2009.The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows.
- title modified.
- to be consistent with the categorization of the accident condition.
- to update the references to new standards published since the second edition.
- to update the terms and definitions.

  • Standard
    147 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    97 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62397:2022 describes the requirements for resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) suitable for applications in I&C systems important to safety of nuclear power plants. The requirements of RTDs include design, materials, manufacturing, testing, calibration, procurement, and inspection. RTDs used for safety applications in Nuclear Power Plants can be categorized into direct-immersed and thermowell-mounted RTDs.
This standard describes the requirements for the design, material selection, procurement, construction, and testing of resistance temperature detectors (RTDs) used in nuclear power plants (NPPs). These RTDs may be used in both the nuclear safety I&C systems and/or in the non-safety-related instrumentation systems.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2007; it also cancels and replaces the first edition of IEC 61224:1993. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition.

  • Standard
    79 pages
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IEC 62618:2022 applies to Spectroscopy-based alarming Personal Radiation Detectors (SPRD). SPRDs detect and identify gamma radiation and may detect neutron radiation. SPRDs can be worn on a belt or in a pocket to alert the wearer of the presence of a radiation source. SPRDs provide search, similar to that of a Personal Radiation Device (PRD), and identification capability to identify radiation sources. They can discriminate between alarms caused by Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) or medical radionuclides and alarms from industrial sources or Special Nuclear Material (SNM).
This document establishes performance requirements and specifies general characteristics, general test conditions, radiological, climatic, mechanical, and electromagnetic characteristics. This document also provides test methods that are used to determine if an SPRD meets the stated requirements.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2013. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. making the standard consistent with the new standards for detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material (see the Introduction); b. creating unformed functionality test for all environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical tests and a requirement for the coefficient of variation of each nominal mean reading; c. reference to IEC 62706 for the environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical test conditions; d. adding information regarding climatic exposures.

  • Standard
    59 pages
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IEC 62705:2022 gives requirements for the lifecycle management of radiation monitoring systems (RMS) and gives guidance on the application of existing IEC standards covering the design and qualification of systems and equipment. The purpose of this document is to lay down requirements for the lifecycle management of RMSs and give application guidance. This document is intended to be consistent with the latest versions of International Standards dealing with radiation monitors, sampling of radioactive materials, instruments calibration, hardware and software design, classification, and qualification. This document is applicable to RMSs installed in nuclear facilities intended for use during normal operation, anticipated operational occurrences (AOO), design basis accidents (DBA) and design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accidents (SA). This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2014. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- modification of the title.
- to be consistent with the categorization of the accident condition.
- to update the references to new standards published since the first edition.
- to update the terms and definitions.

  • Standard
    78 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    52 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60910:2022 provides requirements for primary and secondary containment parameter monitoring that enable the operator to identify developing deviations from normal operation. The operator can then take corrective action at an early stage to prevent a minor failure from developing into a serious plant failure or an accident condition. This document is directed towards monitoring the primary and secondary containment under normal conditions only.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1988. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Modification of title;
b. Integration of new technology and knowledge;
c. Drafting directed towards monitoring conditions in containment under normal conditions.

  • Standard
    32 pages
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IEC 60951-3:2022 provides general guidance on the design principles and performance criteria for equipment for continuous high range area gamma monitoring in nuclear facilities for accident and post-accident conditions. This document categorizes accident conditions into design basis accidents (DBA) and design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accident (SA). The purpose of this document is to lay down general requirements for equipment for continuous high range area gamma monitoring of radiation within the facility during and after accident conditions in nuclear facilities. This document is applicable to installed dose rate meters that are used to monitor high levels of gamma radiation during and after an accident. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2009.The main technical changes with regard to the previous edition are as follows:
- Title modified.
- To be consistent with the categorization of the accident condition.
- To update the references to new standards published since the second edition.
- To update the terms and definitions.
This standard is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60951-1.

  • Standard
    53 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    35 pages
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IEC/IEEE 62582-4:2022 specifies methods for condition monitoring of organic and polymeric materials in instrumentation and control systems using oxidation induction techniques in the detail necessary to produce accurate and reproducible measurements. It includes the requirements for sample preparation, the measurement system and conditions, and the reporting of the measurement results. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011, and its Amendment 1:2016. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Consideration of publication of IEC/IEEE 60780-323;
- An example added in Annex B and update;
- Annex C added.

  • Standard
    92 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    60 pages
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IEC/IEEE 62582-2:2022 contains methods for condition monitoring of organic and polymeric materials in instrumentation and control systems using the indenter measurement technique in the detail necessary to produce accurate and reproducible measurements. It includes the requirements for the selection of samples, the measurement system and measurement conditions, and the reporting of the measurement results. This document is intended for application to non-energised equipment. This document is published as an IEC/IEEE Dual Logo standard. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2011, and its Amendment 1:2016. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Modification of the title;
- Consideration of publication of IEC/IEEE 60780-323.

  • Standard
    70 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    46 pages
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IEC 63175:2021 is applicable to hydrogen ion H- acceleration proton cyclotrons with one or more fixed energies within the range of 10 MeV to less than 30 MeV and a beam intensity equal to or greater than 300 μA. This document specifies the performance and safety requirements, structure, technical requirements, test methods, identification, packing, transportation, storage and accompanying documents for such cyclotrons. This document is intended for manufacturers of high intensity proton cyclotron within the energy range of 10 MeV to less than 30 MeV, and responsible organizations where such cyclotrons are installed.

  • Standard
    24 pages
    English language
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IEC TR 63400:2021 is intended to augment that description to enable users of individual IEC SC 45A standards to obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the overall structure of the series and its relationship with other standards bodies and standards. This document outlines the scope of the IEC SC 45A standards series and describes the basic structure of the IEC SC 45A standards series, with particular reference to a hierarchy of levels and subdivision into a set of broad topic areas. it presents the structure of the IEC SC 45A standards series in diagrammatic form.

  • Technical report
    63 pages
    English language
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IEC 62976:2017 gives the rules of naming, technical requirements, test methods, inspection, marking, packaging, transportation, storage and accompanying documents for electron linear accelerator equipment for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT). This document applies to NDT electron linear accelerator equipment in the X-ray energy range of 1 MeV to 15 MeV, including the accelerator equipment for radiographic film, computed radiography with imaging plates, real-time imaging, digital detector array and industrial computerized tomography.

  • Standard
    46 pages
    English and French language
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  • Standard
    92 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63186:2021 specifies the minimum requirements for the design of the seismic trip system, and the components thereof, used in a nuclear power plant to mitigate seismic effects. This system is intended to shut down the reactor in operation automatically before it is significantly impacted by the vibratory ground motion incurred by strong earthquakes. This document is applicable to both the design of new built plants and the upgrading of plants in operation. It may be used for the design of other types of nuclear facilities where normal operation shall be stopped in case of strong seismic motions.

  • Standard
    42 pages
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IEC 63148:2021 specifies the requirements of tracking systems for radioactive materials. Such systems identify and locate the position of the radioactive materials transported using global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and radio frequency identification (RFID).
The system provides a set of safety controls of the radioactive material, by which the transporter can improve safety during transportation. This document may also be used as supplementary guidance to the regulatory body.

  • Standard
    32 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63085:2021 provides technical performance requirements, testing methods, requirements for operational performance and accompanying documents, packaging, transportation and storage conditions for the system of spectral identification of liquids in transparent and semitransparent containers (hereinafter referred to as “system”), based on the method of inelastic (Raman) light scattering by molecules.
This document applies both to stationary and hand-held systems; geometric and mass parameters are not concerned in the tests. This document is applicable to substance identification testing criteria as well as verification, approval and operating criteria of the system. Since this document considers only the functionality of Raman analyzers and their ability to identify single- or multicomponent fluids, it is equally suitable for verifying the Raman analyzers assigned to security screening of threats, inspection of medical solutions, liquid chemicals, etc.

  • Standard
    48 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61452:2021 establishes methods for the calibration and use of high purity germanium spectrometers for the measurement of photon energies and emission rates over the energy range from 45 keV to approximately 3 000 keV and the calculation of radionuclide activities from these measurements. Minimum requirements for automated peak finding are stated. This document establishes methods for measuring the full-energy peak efficiency with calibrated sources.
The object of this document is to provide a basis for the routine calibration and use of germanium (HPGe) semiconductor detectors for the measurement of gamma-ray emission rates and thereby the activities of the radionuclides in a sample. It is intended for use by persons who have an understanding of the principles of HPGe gamma-ray spectrometry and are responsible for the development of correct procedures for the calibration and use of such detectors. This document is primarily intended for routine analytical measurements. Related documents are IEC 60973 and ISO 20042.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. title modified;
b. additional information on digital electronics;
c. information on Monte Carlo simulations;
d. reference to detection limits calculations.

  • Standard
    98 pages
    English language
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IEC 61468:2021 applies to in-core neutron detectors, viz. self-powered neutron detectors (SPNDs), which are intended for application in systems important for nuclear reactor safety: protection, instrumentation and control. This document contains SPND characteristics and test methods. In this document, the main sources of errors, and the possibilities for their minimization are also considered. This document contains requirements, recommendations and instructions concerning selection of SPND type and characteristics for various possible applications.
This document about SPNDs uses the basic requirements of IEC 61513 and IEC 60568 and complements them with more specific provisions in compliance with IAEA Safety Guides.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 2000, and its Amendment 1, published in 2003.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a. Title modified.
b. Justify the requirements for SPND characteristics in terms of influencing factors.
c. Align the terminology with the current state of the regulatory framework.

  • Standard
    35 pages
    English language
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IEC/IEEE 63113:2021 provides criteria for spent fuel pool instrumentation for nuclear power generating stations and other nuclear facilities. The document applies to water filled spent fuel pools where the water volume is necessary to prevent a release of fission products that exceeds allowed operational limits. The purpose of this document is to establish design, performance, qualification, and display criteria for spent fuel pool instrumentation for normal operation, anticipated operational occurrences, design basis events, and design extension conditions (including severe accident conditions).

  • Standard
    55 pages
    English and French language
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IEC TR 63335:2021 identifies a number of issues of particular importance to light water Small Modular Reactors (SMRs), which are not currently adequately addressed by existing IEC SC 45A standards, and that could be considered when revising existing publications or that could be the object of new work item proposals. Whether each of these issues will indeed be addressed, and if so in which publication, will be the decision of each SC 45A working group. Though there are a number of advanced Generation IV SMR projects underway, their specific needs are not covered by this document.

  • Technical report
    28 pages
    English language
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IEC 60987:2021 provides requirements and recommendations for the hardware aspects of I&C systems whatever the technology and applies for all safety classes in a graded manner (as defined by IEC 61513). The requirements defined within this document guide, in particular, the selection of pre-existing components, hardware aspects of system detailed design and implementation and equipment manufacturing.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2007. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Title modified;
b) Take account of the fact that hardware requirements apply to all I&C technologies, including conventional hardwired equipment, programmable digital equipment or by using a combination of both types of equipment;
c) Align the standard with the new revisions of IAEA documents SSR-2/1, which include as far as possible an adaptation of the definitions;
d) Replace, as far as possible, the requirements associated with standards published since the edition 2.1, especially IEC 61513, IEC 60880, IEC 62138, IEC 62566 and IEC 62566‑2;
e) Review the existing requirements and update the terminology and definitions;
f) Extend the scope of the standard to all hardware (computerized and non-computerized) and to all safety classes 1, 2 and 3;
g) Complete, update the IEC and IAEA references and vocabulary;
h) Check possible impact of other IAEA requirements and recommendations considering extension of the scope of SC 45A;
i) Highlight the use of IEC 62566 and IEC 62566-2 for HPD development;
j) Introduce specific activities for pre-existing items (selection, acceptability and/or mitigation);
k) Introduce clearer requirements for electronic module-level design, manufacturing and control;
l) Complete reliability assessment methods;
m) Introduce requirements when using automated tests or control activities;
n) Complete description of manufacturing control activities (control process, assessment of manufactured equipment, preservation of products);
o) Define and ensure the inclusion of a graded approach for dealing with the 3 different classes of equipment and related requirements.

  • Standard
    101 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62372:2021 is applicable to housed scintillators for registration and spectrometry of alpha-, beta-, gamma-, X-ray and neutron radiation. This document specifies the requirements for the testing equipment and test methods of the basic parameters, of housed scintillators, such as:
- the direct method is applicable to measure the light output of housed scintillators based on scintillation material. The housed scintillators certified by this method can be used as working standard of housed scintillators (hereinafter: working standard) when performing measurements by a relative method of comparison.
- the relative method of comparison with the working standard is applicable to housed scintillators based on the same scintillation material as the working standard.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2006. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Title has been modified.
- To review the existing requirements and to update the terminology, definitions and normative references.

  • Standard
    19 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    37 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63048:2020 defines the general requirements for Mobile Remotely Controlled Systems (MRCSs) for nuclear and radiological applications such as integrity inspections, repair of components, handling of radioactive materials, and monitoring of physical conditions and radiation dose intensity in specific areas.
This document applies to MRCSs that are used to support nuclear and radiological facilities. These general requirements encompass high-level performance requirements regarding sensors, monitoring devices, control devices, interfacing mechanisms, simulation methods, and verification methods thereof in a normal environment or extreme environmental conditions, such as high radiation, high temperature, and high humidity environments.

  • Standard
    51 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63046:2020 provides requirements and recommendations for the overall Electrical Power System. In particular, it covers interruptible and uninterruptible Electrical Power Systems including the systems supplying the I&C systems; This document is consistent and coherent with IEC 61513. Like IEC 61513, this document also highlights the need for complete and precise requirements, derived from the plant safety goals. Those requirements are prerequisites for generating the comprehensive requirements for the overall Electrical Power System architecture, and for the electrical power supply sub-systems. This document establishes the high level specification and requirement to implement a suitable Electrical Power System in a NPP that supports reactor systems important to safety. It also enables electrical energy production providing the transmission grid with active and reactive power and electro-mechanical inertia.

  • Standard
    183 pages
    English and French language
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IEC/IEEE 60980-344:2020 describes methods for establishing seismic qualification procedures that will yield quantitative data to demonstrate that the equipment can meet its performance requirements. This document is applicable to electrical, mechanical, instrumentation and control equipment/components that are used in nuclear facilities. This document provides methods and documentation requirements for seismic qualification of equipment to verify the equipment’s ability to perform its specified performance requirements during and/or after specified seismic demands. This document does not specify seismic demand or performance requirements. Other aspects, relating to quality assurance, selection of equipment, and design and modification of systems, are not part of this document. As seismic qualification is only a part of equipment qualification, this document is used in conjunction with IEC/IEEE 60780-323.
The seismic qualification demonstrates equipment’s ability to perform its safety function(s) during and/or after the time it is subjected to the forces resulting from at least one safe shutdown earthquake (SSE/S2). This ability is demonstrated by taking into account, prior to the SSE/S2, the ageing of equipment and the postulated occurrences of a given number of lower intensity operating basis earthquake (OBE/S1). Ageing phenomena to be considered, if specified in the design specification, are those which could increase the vulnerability of equipment to vibrations caused by an SSE/S2.

  • Standard
    82 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    174 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62484:2020 defines the performance requirements of installed monitors used for the detection and identification of gamma emitters and the detection of neutron radiation emitters. These monitors are commonly known as spectrometric radiation portal monitors or SRPMs. They are used to monitor vehicles, cargo containers, people, or packages and are typically used at national and international border crossings and ports of entry. SRPMs may be used at any location where there is a need for this type of monitoring.
This document establishes the general, radiological, climatic, mechanical, electric and electromagnetic and documentation requirements and associated test methods. A summary of the performance requirements and informative listing of environmental requirements from IEC 62706 is provided.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- title modified;
- making the standard consistent with the new standards for detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive material (see the Introduction);
- creating unformed functionality test for all environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical tests and a requirement for the coefficient of variation of each nominal mean reading;
- reference to IEC 62706 for the environmental, electromagnetic and mechanical test conditions;
- adding information regarding climatic exposures.

  • Standard
    38 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    79 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61031:2020 applies to the design, location and application of installed equipment for monitoring local gamma radiation dose rates within nuclear facilities during normal operation and anticipated operational occurrences. High range area gamma radiation dose rate monitoring equipment for accident conditions currently addressed by IEC 60951-1 and IEC 60951-3 is not within the scope of this document. This document does not apply to the measurement of neutron dose rate. Additional equipment for neutron monitoring may be required, depending on the plant design, if the neutron dose rate makes a substantial contribution to the total dose equivalent to personnel.
This document provides guidelines for the design principles, the location, the application, the calibration, the operation, and the testing of installed equipment for continuously monitoring local gamma radiation dose rates in nuclear facilities under normal operation conditions and anticipated operational occurrences. These instruments are normally referred to as area radiation monitors. Portable instruments are also used for this purpose but are not covered by this document.

  • Standard
    22 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    46 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62755:2012(E) provides a uniform format for data to be output from radiation measurement instruments for use in detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials. This enables interpretation of data without reference to manufacturer's documentation. This standard specifies the data format used for both required and optional data available at the output of radiation measurement instruments that are used for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials. The performance requirements for these types of radiation measurement instruments are described in other standards such as IEC 62401, IEC 62533, IEC 62694, IEC 62244, IEC 62327, IEC 62484, and IEC 62618.

  • Standard
    471 pages
    English language
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IEC 62963:2020 describes the technical requirements, test methods, inspection requirements, markings and labelling, and requirements on the accompanying documents, packaging, shipping and storage for X-ray security inspection systems that inspect bottled or canned liquids (hereinafter referred to as "the system") based on X-ray computed tomography (CT). Here, the system is limited to those that feature tomographic scanning, not standard X-ray projection. This document is applicable to liquids, aerosols and gelatinous objects in transparent or visually opaque containers.
This technical performance document includes minimum or baseline performance requirements; regulators may require additional performance testing.

  • Standard
    54 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63260:2020 provides a structured framework for the incorporation of human reliability analysis (HRA) into probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs).
This document is to enhance the analysis of human-system interactions in PRAs, to help ensure reproducible conclusions, and to standardize the documentation of such assessments. To do this, a specific HRA framework is developed from standard practices to serve as a benchmark to assess alternative ways of incorporating HRA into PRA. This standard is an adoption of IEEE 1082-2017 by IEC.

  • Standard
    35 pages
    English language
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IEC 62566-2:2020 provides requirements for achieving highly reliable HDL-Programmed Devices (HPDs), for use in I&C systems of nuclear power plants performing functions of safety category B or C as defined by IEC 61226.
The programming of HPDs relies on Hardware Description Languages (HDL) and related software tools. They are typically based on blank Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) or similar micro-electronic technologies such as Programmable Logic Devices (PLD), Complex Programmable Logic Devices (CPLDs), etc. General purpose integrated circuits such as microprocessors are not HPDs.
This document provides requirements on:
a) a dedicated HPD life-cycle addressing each phase of the development of HPDs, including specification of requirements, design, implementation, integration and validation, as well as verification activities associated with each phase,
b) planning and complementary activities such as modification and production,
c) selection of pre-developed components. This includes micro-electronic technologies and Pre-Developed Blocks (PDBs),
d) tools used to design, implement and verify HPDs.

  • Standard
    120 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61226:2020 establishes, for nuclear power plants , a method of assignment of the functions specified for the plant into categories according to their importance to safety. Subsequent classification of the I&C and electrical power systems performing or supporting these functions, based on the assigned category, then determines relevant design criteria.
The design criteria, when applied, ensure the achievement of each function in accordance to its importance to safety. In this document, the criteria are those of functionality, reliability, performance, environmental qualification (e.g. seismic) and quality assurance (QA).
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- to align on IAEA requirements, recommendations and terminology, particularly to take into account the replacement of NS-R-1 by SSR 2/1 and publication of SSG 30;
- to extend the scope to electrical power systems;
- to move the detailed requirements applying to functions and I&C systems to a normative annex, which will be removed after updating IEC 61513.

  • Standard
    80 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62003:2020 establishes requirements for electromagnetic compatibility testing of instrumentation, control, and electrical equipment supplied for use in systems important to safety at nuclear power plants and other nuclear facilities. The document lists the applicable IEC standards (principally the IEC 61000 series) which define the general test methods, and provides the necessary application-specific parameters and criteria to ensure that nuclear safety requirements are met.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) title modified.
b) expand the scope to encompass Electromagnetic Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) considerations for electrical equipment.
c) provide guidance for addressing the use of wireless technology.
d) enhance the description of the electromagnetic environment to provide clarification when selecting custom test levels or for test exemptions.
e) include example information to be contained within an EMC test plan.
f) provide guidance for characterization of the electromagnetic environment at the point of installation within a nuclear facility.

  • Standard
    80 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 62387:2020 applies to all kinds of passive dosimetry systems that are used for measuring:
- the personal dose equivalent Hp(10) (for individual whole body monitoring),
- the personal dose equivalent Hp(3) (for individual eye lens monitoring),
- the personal dose equivalent Hp(0,07) (for both individual whole body skin and local skin for extremity monitoring),
- the ambient dose equivalent H*(10) (for workplace and environmental monitoring),
- the directional dose equivalent H'(3) (for workplace and environmental monitoring), or
- the directional dose equivalent H'(0,07) (for workplace and environmental monitoring).
This document applies to dosimetry systems that measure external photon and/or beta radiation in the dose range between 0,01 mSv and 10 Sv and in the energy ranges given in Table 1. All the energy values are mean energies with respect to the fluence. The dosimetry systems usually use electronic devices for the data evaluation and thus are often computer controlled.

  • Standard
    276 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    180 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 63121:2020 applies to vehicle-mounted mobile systems (also known as mobile systems or mobile monitors) that are used for the detection of illicit trafficking of radioactive materials; these instruments may also be used for protection of major public events and for rapid screening of large areas. These vehicle-mounted mobile systems consist of one or more radiation detectors mounted in a vehicle, e.g., car or van, which travels predominantly on public roads. This document does not apply to detection systems mounted in other types of vehicles, e.g., planes, helicopters, trains, or boats. Vehicle-mounted detection systems covered by this document are designed to detect radioactive sources while the vehicle is in motion. They may also be used as stationary monitors that scan stationary or moving objects. Vehicle-mounted mobile systems detect gamma radiation and may include neutron detection and/or identification of gamma-ray emitting radionuclides.

  • Standard
    40 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    83 pages
    English and French language
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