This document provides guidance to the characterization of waste. It applies to all types of waste, with unknown or partially known composition, by giving examples of EN standards dedicated to waste characterization and analytical methods for parameters not covered by standards. Some requirements concerning the determination of inorganic elements and organic substances content in waste are given to achieve approximately 90 % or the highest possible mass.
In case information on the origin or on the composition of the waste is given by the owner of the waste, it might be sufficient to follow only part of this document to complete missing knowledge about the waste.

  • Technical specification
    35 pages
    English language
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This document provides guidance on the selection and application of screening methods for assessing soil quality and waste characterization, including distribution of target parameters in soil and soil‑like material. The aim of this document is to set up criteria as to when the different kind of screening methods can be applied for the analysis of a certain parameter in soil, including soil‑like material, and waste, and which steps are required to prove their suitability.
This document does not recommend any particular screening method but confirms the principles of their selection and application.

  • Standard
    32 pages
    English language
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This document describes an approach for the validation of physico-chemical analytical methods for environmental solid matrices and water.
The guidance in this document addresses the initial description of the method and two different validation approaches, in increasing order of complexity. These are:
a)   method development, if the method is developed by the laboratory, or conditions of adoption, if the method is a standardized protocol adopted by the laboratory;
b)   validation at the level of single laboratories (within-laboratory validation);
c)   method validation at the level of several laboratories (between-laboratory or inter-laboratory validation), with a focus on methods that are sufficiently mature and robust to be applied not only by a few expert laboratories but by laboratories operating at the routine level.
The concept is strictly hierarchical, i.e. a method shall fulfil all criteria of within-laboratory validation before it can enter the validation protocol of the between-laboratory.
This document is applicable to the validation of a broad range of quantitative physico-chemical test methods for the analysis of water (including drinking water, surface water, groundwater, waste water, marine water), and of solid environmental matrices, such as soil, sludge, liquid and solid waste, sediment and biota. It is intended for standardized protocols adopted by a laboratory, and either for test methods aiming at substances that have recently become of interest or for test methods applying recently developed technologies.
The minimal requirements that are indispensable for the characterization of the fitness for the intended purpose of an analytical method are: selectivity, precision, trueness, performances characteristics and measurement uncertainty. The aim of validation is to prove that these requirements are met.
In this document after the definitions (Clause 3) and description of the principles (Clause 4) a toolbox is given describing the relevant performance characteristics in the validation process.
Clause 7 and 8 focus on the within laboratory validation process (V1) and Clause 9 on the interlaboratory validation process (V2). Clause 7 and 8 describe largely the same processes, but differ in approach for establishing the LOQ.
Reporting of the results of the validation studies is addressed in Clause 10.

  • Technical specification
    53 pages
    English language
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This document summarizes methods for the determination of the parameters pH, ammonium, AOX, As, Ba, Cd, Cl-, easily liberatable cyanide, Co, Cr, Cr(VI), Cu, DOC/TOC, electrical conductivity, F-, Hg, Mo, Ni, NO2-, Pb, phenol index, total S, Sb, Se, SO42-, TDS, V and Zn in aqueous eluates for the characterization of waste.

  • Technical report
    37 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This International Standard describes how to digitally exchange soil-related data. It aims to facilitate the exchange of valid, clearly described and specified soil-related data between individuals and organizations via digital systems, and enables any soil data producer, holder or user to find and transfer data in an unambiguous way. This International Standard contains definitions of features, several parameter specifications and encoding rules that allow consistent and retrievable data exchange. It also allows the explicit georeferencing of soil data by building on other International Standards, thus facilitating the use of soil data within geographical information systems (GIS). Because soil data are of various origins and are obtained according to a huge variety of description and classification systems, this International Standard provides no attribute catalogue, but a flexible approach to the unified encoding of soil data by implementing the provisions of ISO 19156 observations and measurements (OM) for use in soil science.

  • Amendment
    34 pages
    English language
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This European Standard is applicable for the preparation of representative test portions from the laboratory sample that has been taken according to the sampling plan (EN 14899), prior to physical and/or chemical analysis (e.g. preparation of eluates, extractions, digestion and/or analytical determinations) of solid (including monolithic material) and liquid samples and sludge. It is also applicable for the preparation of test portions from digests and eluates for the subsequent analyses.
This European Standard is intended to find the correct sequence of operations and treatments to be applied to the laboratory sample in order to obtain suitable test portions in compliance with the specific requirements defined in the corresponding analytical procedures.

  • Standard
    52 pages
    English language
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ISO 28258:2013 describes how to digitally exchange soil-related data. It aims to facilitate the exchange of valid, clearly described and specified soil-related data between individuals and organizations via digital systems, and enables any soil data producer, holder or user to find and transfer data in an unambiguous way.
It contains definitions of features, several parameter specifications and encoding rules that allow consistent and retrievable data exchange. It also allows the explicit geo-referencing of soil data by building on other International Standards, thus facilitating the use of soil data within geographical information systems (GIS). Because soil data are of various origins and are obtained according to a huge variety of description and classification systems, ISO 28258:2013 provides no attribute catalogue, but a flexible approach to the unified encoding of soil data by implementing the provisions of ISO 19156 observations and measurements (OM) for use in soil science.

  • Standard
    72 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This Technical Report describes the performance and evaluation of kinetic tests for sulfidic waste material that, according to previous testing (primarily acid base accounting), is likely to go acidic or when the result of such testing is inconclusive. This Technical Report also covers the issue of drainage from sulfidic material that is likely to be well buffered but that will produce a neutral drainage potentially affected by sulfide mineral oxidation.
This Technical Report will not include aspects of sampling and testing that are already covered in the overall guidance document for characterisation of extractive waste (CEN/TR 16376) or in the guidance document on sampling of wastes from extractive industries (CEN/TR 16365).

  • Technical report
    31 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This Technical Report gives guidance and recommendations on the application of methods for the characterization of waste from extractive industries , i.e. wastes resulting from the prospecting, extraction, treatment and storage of mineral resources and the working of quarries. The document covers characterization methods for both physical and geochemical properties and also other significant aspects, from planning to interpretation and reporting.
The main purpose of the document is to aid the extractive industry and regulatory agencies in the member states in understanding how to perform waste characterization for planned, active and closed extractive operations.
The document includes a discussion on when and why characterization may be needed and on the contexts within which characterization data may need to be applied. However, it does not cover information on how to apply these characterization results, e.g. for dam design or closure planning. For guidance on how to use characterization results correctly for predictive modelling or design purposes references are made to other sources of information.
The extractive industry covers many different sectors with very different waste categories and characterization may be carried out with many different objectives. For this reason, a guidance document on characterization cannot be prescriptive or provide generally applicable instructions on how waste characterization should be performed in each and every case.

  • Technical report
    136 pages
    English language
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This Technical Report gives additional and specific information on sampling for testing of waste from the extractive industry to support the development of appropriate sampling plans. This supplementary guidance to EN 14899 is required because waste from the extractive industry differs considerably from the waste types and sampling scenarios covered in the existing technical reports (CEN/TR 15310-1 to -5) that support the Framework Standard. This guidance document should be used in conjunction with EN 14899 and its supporting technical reports CEN/TR 15310-1 to -5.
The approach to sampling described in this document is primarily focused on the requirements to undertake mineralogical and geochemical testing of the waste. Whilst much of the background information provided is also relevant to geotechnical investigations there may be important additional requirements or differences in approach for determining relevant physical parameters. For example, many geotechnical parameters are determined using field tests, which are not discussed in this document. References to alternative source documentation are provided.
The guidance provided in this document applies only to above-ground exposure to radio-nuclides present in the undisturbed earth crust and not to the production, processing, handling use, holding, storage, transport, or disposal of radioactive substances that are or have been processed for their radioactive, fissile or fertile properties.
This Technical Report provides some discussion of current best practice, but is not exhaustive. To clarify the text, the document provides a number of worked examples in the Annexes.

  • Technical report
    55 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies the pretreatment required for sludge, treated biowaste and soil (including soil-like materials), that are subject to the analysis of organic as well as inorganic chemical and physico-chemical parameters.
The pretreatment of samples aims at preparing a (small) test sample which is representative for the original sample.
This European Standard describes the pretreatment which could be performed under field conditions if necessary (see Clause 8) and the sample pretreatment under laboratory conditions (Clause 10).
For determining inorganic chemical and physico-chemical parameters this European Standard describes procedures (see 10.2) to prepare:
-   test samples for tests under field moist conditions;
-   test samples for testing after drying, crushing, grinding, sieving etc.;
-   test samples of liquid sludge.
For determination of organic compounds three pretreatment methods are specified:
-   a pretreatment method if volatile organic compounds are to be measured (see 10.3.2);
-   a pretreatment method if moderately volatile to non-volatile organic compounds are to be measured and the result of the following analysis will be accurate and reproducible (see 10.3.3);
-   a pretreatment method if moderately volatile to non-volatile organic compounds are to be measured and the extraction procedure prescribes a field moist sample or if only indicative results are required (see 10.3.4).
The choice of the method depends above all on the volatility of the analyte. It also depends on the particle size distribution of the material (see Clause 5 and 8.3), the heterogeneity of the sample and the following analytical procedure.

  • Standard
    45 pages
    English language
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This European standard specifies methods to determine the potential of sulfide bearing materials for the formation of acidic drainage. Specified are methods for determining both the acid potential (AP) and the neutralisation potential (NP) of the material. From these results the net neutralisation potential (NNP) and the neutralisation potential ratio (NPR) are calculated.
This European standard is applicable to all sulfide bearing wastes from the extractive industries excluding wastes which will have pH < 2 in the initial step of the procedure described in 8.2.3.

  • Standard
    25 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This CEN Technical Specification specifies methods for sampling and analysis of weak acid dissociable cyanide discharged into tailings ponds.
NOTE   The document can be used to support the requirements in the Directive 2006/21/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 March 2006 on the management of waste from extractive industries.

  • Technical specification
    10 pages
    English language
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    1 day

In the Council Decision of 19 December 2002 establishing criteria and procedures for the acceptance of waste at landfills pursuant to Article 16 of and Annex II to Directive 1999/31/EC, the test methods are described for determining the acceptability of waste at landfills. In section 3 of the annex of this decision the following umbrella European Standards are included for the analysis of eluates:
-   ENV 12506 Analysis of eluates - Determination of pH, As, Ba, Cd, Cl, Co, Cr, Cr(VI), Cu, Mo, Ni, NO2, Pb, total S, SO4, V and Zn (analysis of inorganic constituents of solid waste and/or its eluate; major, minor and trace elements);
-               ENV 13370 Analysis of eluates - Determination of ammonium, AOX, conductivity, Hg, phenol index, TOC, easily liberatable CN, F (analysis of inorganic constituents of solid waste and/or its eluate (anions)).
In 2003 both European Standards were approved and became final standards i.e. EN 12506 and EN 13370. At the moment these standards are under revision and therefore a state-of-the-art document is prepared in order to verify the following items:
-   Are all parameters mentioned in the decision included in these two European Standards?
-   Should new relevant standards (e.g. EN ISO 17294 series) be included?
-   Are the current analytical techniques capable of verifying the prescribed limit values with an acceptable confidence level?

  • Technical report
    29 pages
    English language
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This European Standard, EN 13965-2, Characterization of waste - Terminology - Part 2: Management related terms and defintions, gives a compilation of selected and updated terms and definitions, for use by for example producers, waste industry and legislators in the waste management field. It is harmonized with the current language used in management as well as in regulation. It includes, with references (see Annex C), national terms and definitions where such needs have been expressed. It does not include terms related to detailed activities.
The scope of TC 292 excludes radioactive wastes. Therefore, such concepts are not included in this standard.
Definitions in other standards with a scope different from the scope of this European Standard can be different from the definitions in this standard.

  • Standard
    40 pages
    English, French and German language
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    1 day
  • Standard + National Annex and/or Foreword
    40 pages
    Foreword and/or annex in Slovenian language, body of the standard in English, French, and German language
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    1 day
  • Standard – translation
    57 pages
    Slovenian, English, German and French language
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    1 day
  • Draft
    37 pages
    English language
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ISO 11074:2015 defines a list of terms used in the preparation of the standards in the field of soil quality. The terms are classified under the following main headings:
- general terms (terms relating to soil, soil materials, land, and sites);
- description of soil (soil characteristics, soil water, properties of soils and substances, processes in soil, contamination, pollution, background content);
- sampling (general terms, sample types/sampling type, sampling stages, execution of sampling, quality control samples, sample pretreatment);
- terms relating to the assessment of soils (quality, assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard and exposure, soil protection);
- remediation (general terms, principal remediation types, engineering-based methods, process-based treatment methods);
- soil ecotoxicology.
NOTE: In addition to text written in the official ISO languages (English, French), this document gives text in German. This text is published under the responsibility of the Member Body for Germany (DIN) and is given for information only. Only the text given in the official lan­guages can be considered as ISO text.

  • Standard
    79 pages
    English language
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    1 day
  • Draft
    118 pages
    English and French language
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    1 day

This International Standard provides guidance on the selection and application of screening methods for
assessing soil quality. Guidance is given to choose an appropriate screening method for a specific parameter
and defines the conditions under which they can be used.
This International Standard does not recommend any particular screening method, but confirms the principles
of their selection and application.

  • Standard
    20 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard gives guidance on the selection and application of screening methods for waste characterisation. The aim of this document is to set up criteria as to when the different kinds of screening methods may be applied for the analysis of a certain parameter in waste and which steps are required to prove their suitability.
This document does not recommend any particular screening method, but confirms the principles of its selection and application.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This Technical Specification describes an approach for the validation of physico-chemical analytical methods for environmental matrices.
The guidance in this document addresses two different validation approaches, in increasing order of complexity. These are:
a)   method development and validation at the level of single laboratories (intra-laboratory validation);
b)   method validation at the level of several laboratories (between-laboratory or inter-laboratory validation), with a focus on methods that are sufficiently mature and robust to be applied not only by a few expert laboratories but by laboratories operating at the routine level.
The concept of these two approaches is strictly hierarchical, i.e. a method shall fulfil all criteria of the first level before it can enter the validation protocol of the second level.
This Technical Specification is applicable to the validation of a broad range of quantitative physico-chemical analytical methods for the analysis of water (including surface water, groundwater, waste water, and sediment). Analytical methods for other environmental matrices, like soil, sludge, waste, and biota can be validated in the same way. It is intended either for analytical methods aiming at substances that have recently become of interest or for test methods applying recently developed technologies.
The minimal requirements that are indispensable for the characterization of the fitness for purpose of an analytical method are: selectivity, precision, bias and measurement uncertainty. The aim of validation is to prove that these requirements are met.

  • Technical specification
    47 pages
    English language
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    1 day

This European Standard specifies methods for the determination of the parameters pH, ammonium, AOX, As, Ba, Cd, Cl-, easily liberatable CN-, Co, Cr, Cr(VI), Cu, DOC/TOC, electrical conductivity, F-, Hg, Mo, Ni, NO2-, Pb, phenol index, total S, Sb, Se, SO42-, TDS, V and Zn in aqueous eluates for the characterization of waste.

  • Standard
    32 pages
    English language
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    1 day