The document specifies the definitions and technical criteria to be fulfilled for foods and food ingredients to be suitable for vegetarians (including ovo-lacto-, ovo- and lacto-vegetarians) or vegans as well as for food labelling and claims.
It is applicable to business-to-business communication (B2B), to the food trade, and to food labelling and claims. The definitions and technical criteria apply only post-harvest/collecting.
It does not apply to human safety, environmental safety, socio-economic considerations (e.g. fair trade, animal welfare), religious beliefs and the characteristics of packaging materials.

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This document specifies criteria for the selection of and procedures for the training of trained sensory assessors and expert sensory assessors for food and beverages, as well as home and personal care products.
It is applicable to all industries concerned with the evaluation of products by the sense organs.
This document supplements the information given in ISO 6658.

  • Standard
    48 pages
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This document gives guidelines for assessing the overall performance of a quantitative descriptive panel and the performance of each panel member.
This document is applicable to the validation of the training of individual assessors or panels, as well as to the performance monitoring of established panels.
This document does not apply to the panel performance for descriptive methods where the individual scores of each assessor are not recorded, where there is no single list of attributes that is common to all the assessors, or where dominance rather than intensity is measured. Consequently, the performance of descriptive panels using methods such as consensus profile, free-choice profile, flash profile and temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) are out of scope.
The methods specified in this document are for monitoring and assessing the ability of a panel and its assessors to discriminate between products, the agreement between assessors of the same panel and the repeatability of these assessors in their intensity scoring.
Reproducibility, including both the comparison between panels and the comparison within the same panel of several evaluations conducted under different conditions (i.e. separated in time), is out of scope of this document.
The methods specified in this document can be used, in full or a selection only, by the panel leader to appraise continuously the performance of panels or individual assessors. The methods listed are not exhaustive and other appropriate methods can also be used.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This document specifies the terms and definitions relating to aromatic natural raw materials.

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    16 pages
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This document specifies a procedure for determining whether a perceptible sensory difference or similarity exists between samples of two products. The method is a forced-choice procedure. The method is applicable whether a difference exists in a single sensory attribute or in several attributes.
The method is statistically more efficient than the duo-trio test (described in ISO 10399), but has limited use with products that exhibit strong carryover and/or lingering flavours.
The method is applicable even when the nature of the difference is unknown [i.e. it determines neither the size nor the direction of difference between samples, nor is there any indication of the attribute(s) responsible for the difference]. The method is applicable only if the products are homogeneous.
The method is effective for:
a)   determining that:
     either a perceptible difference results (triangle testing for difference);
     a perceptible difference does not result (triangle testing for similarity),
when, for example, a change is made in ingredients, processing, packaging, handling or storage;
b)   selecting, training and monitoring assessors.

  • Standard
    24 pages
    English language
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This document specifies requirements for ground sweet and hot paprika (Capsicum annuum L. and Capsicum frutescens L.).
Recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions are given in Annex A. A list of terms used in different countries for paprika is given in Annex B.
This document does not apply to ground chillies and other species of capsicums.
NOTE    Specifications for ground chillies and capsicums are given in ISO 972.

  • Standard
    14 pages
    English language
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This document specifies a test method to determine the extractable colour in paprika by measuring the absorbance of an acetone extract of the sample.
It is applicable to ground paprika in every presentation (sweet, hot, smoked, etc).

  • Standard
    15 pages
    English language
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This document specifies high-level requirements for management systems for sustainable cocoa bean production, including post-harvest processes, if applicable, and traceability of the sustainably produced cocoa beans within the organization producing the cocoa beans.
NOTE 1    Post-harvest processes include pod-breaking, fermentation, drying, sorting, packing, transport and storage of cocoa beans.
Only organizations that fulfil both the cocoa sustainability management system requirements of either this document or ISO 34101‑4:2019, Annex A or B, and the performance requirements of ISO 34101‑2 can claim their cocoa beans have been sustainably produced.
NOTE 2    ISO 34101-4 specifies the requirements for cocoa sustainability management systems at entry and medium levels.

  • Standard
    51 pages
    English language
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This document specifies performance requirements related to economic, social and environmental aspects for sustainable cocoa bean production, including post-harvest processes, if applicable.
NOTE       Post-harvest processes include pod-breaking, fermentation, drying, sorting, packing, transport and storage of cocoa beans.
Only organizations that fulfil both the cocoa sustainability management system requirements of either ISO 34101‑1 or ISO 34101‑4:2019, Annex A or B, and the performance requirements of this document can claim their cocoa beans have been sustainably produced.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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This document specifies requirements for certification schemes for sustainable and traceable cocoa, including the certification of cocoa bean producing organizations and cocoa supply chain actors. It is to be used jointly with ISO 34101-1, ISO 34101-2 and/or ISO 34101-3.
This document also specifies the requirements for cocoa sustainability management systems:
—          at entry level, see Annex A;
—          at medium level, see Annex B.
NOTE       ISO 34101-1 specifies the requirements for cocoa sustainability management systems at high level.
Only organizations that fulfil both the cocoa sustainability management system requirements of either ISO 34101-1 or Annex A or B, and the performance requirements of ISO 34101-2 can claim their cocoa beans have been sustainably produced.

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    38 pages
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This document specifies basic requirements for the design and implementation of traceability systems within the cocoa supply chain for sustainably produced cocoa beans and cocoa products derived from sustainably produced cocoa beans that conform to ISO 34101‑2 and either ISO 34101‑1 or  ISO 34101‑4:2019, Annex A or B, as described in the Introduction.
This document also specifies administrative requirements for a mass balance system whereby cocoa conforming to this document can be used together with nonconforming cocoa and which provides the necessary traceability within a manufacturing process.
This document specifies requirements for traceability of sustainably produced cocoa from an organization that is sustainably producing cocoa beans to the point of exit from the manufacturer of the final retail product.
This document does not apply to a credit system.

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    31 pages
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This document specifies requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS) to enable an organization that is directly or indirectly involved in the food chain:
a)    to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a FSMS providing products and services that are safe, in accordance with their intended use;
b)    to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements;
c)    to evaluate and assess mutually agreed customer food safety requirements and to demonstrate conformity with them;
d)    to effectively communicate food safety issues to interested parties within the food chain;
e)    to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated food safety policy;
f)     to demonstrate conformity to relevant interested parties;
g)    to seek certification or registration of its FSMS by an external organization, or make a self-assessment or self-declaration of conformity to this document.
All requirements of this document are generic and are intended to be applicable to all organizations in the food chain, regardless of size and complexity. Organizations that are directly or indirectly involved include, but are not limited to, feed producers, animal food producers, harvesters of wild plants and animals, farmers, producers of ingredients, food manufacturers, retailers, and organizations providing food services, catering services, cleaning and sanitation services, transportation, storage and distribution services, suppliers of equipment, cleaning and disinfectants, packaging materials and other food contact materials.
This document allows any organization, including small and/or less developed organizations (e.g. a small farm, a small packer-distributor, a small retail or food service outlet) to implement externally-developed elements in their FSMS.
Internal and/or external resources can be used to meet the requirements of this document.

  • Standard
    49 pages
    English language
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  • Standard – translation
    77 pages
    Slovenian and English language
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ISO 10399:2017 specifies a procedure for determining whether a perceptible sensory difference or similarity exists between samples of two products. The method is a forced-choice procedure. The method is applicable whether a difference exists in a single sensory attribute or in several attributes.
The method is statistically less efficient than the triangle test (described in ISO 4120) but is easier to perform by the assessors.
The method is applicable even when the nature of the difference is unknown (i.e. it determines neither the size nor the direction of difference between samples, nor is there any indication of the attribute(s) responsible for the difference). The method is applicable only if the products are fairly homogeneous.
The method is effective for
a)    determining that
     either a perceptible difference results (duo-trio testing for difference), or
     a perceptible difference does not result (duo-trio testing for similarity) when, for example, a change is made in ingredients, processing, packaging, handling or storage, and
b)    for selecting, training and monitoring assessors.
Two forms of the method are described:
-      the constant-reference technique, used when one product is familiar to the assessors (e.g. a sample from regular production);
-      the balanced-reference technique, used when one product is not more familiar than the other.

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    28 pages
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ISO 11136:2014 describes approaches for measuring, within a controlled area, the degree to which consumers like or relatively like products.
It uses tests based on collecting consumers' responses to questions, generally on paper or via a keyboard or a touch screen. Tests of a behavioural nature (such as recording quantities consumed ad libitum by the consumers) do not fall within the scope of ISO 11136:2014.

  • Standard
    52 pages
    English language
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  • Amendment
    29 pages
    English, French, German and Russian language
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This European Standard specifies hygiene requirements which establish prerequisites for production of hot beverages, such as coffee and coffee specialities, tea, cocoa and dairy beverages from hot beverage appliances for commercial and household use in conformity with the food hygiene regulations and for placing on the market. Appliances for self-service are within the scope of this standard.
For this purpose, this standard specifies general hygienic requirements for the construction, material and operation of the appliances concerned. It contains, in particular, requirements for hygienic and professional operation, for cleaning, disinfection and descaling as well as requirements for a migration test.
This European Standard applies to appliances before their entering on the market (new machines) and it also gives an informative Annex for appliances already in use (see Annex A).
This European Standard does not deal with any requirements relevant to work safety. This European Standard deals neither with electrical safety nor with performance requirements. EN 60335 2 15 and EN 60335 2 75 are used for commercially used appliances. Methods for measuring the performance of electric household coffee makers are provided in EN 60661.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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ISO 13299:2016 gives guidelines for the overall process for establishing a sensory profile. Sensory profiles can be established for all products or samples which can be evaluated by the senses of sight, odour, taste, touch, or hearing (e.g. food, beverage, tobacco product, cosmetic, textile, paper, packaging, sample of air or water). This International Standard can also be useful in studies of human cognition and behaviour.
Some applications of sensory profiling are as follows:
-      to develop or change a product;
-      to define a product, production standard, or trading standard in terms of its sensory attributes;
-      to define a reference "fresh" product for shelf-life testing;
-      to study and improve shelf-life of a product;
-      to compare a product with a reference product or with other similar products on the market or under development;
-      to map a product's perceived attributes for the purpose of relating them to factors such as instrumental, chemical or physical properties, and/or to consumer acceptability;
-      to characterize by type and intensity the off-odours or off-tastes in a sample (e.g. in pollution studies).

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    49 pages
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This International Standard describes a procedure for determining whether there exists a perceptible sensory difference or a similarity between samples of two products concerning the intensity of a sensory attribute. This test is sometimes also referred to as a directional difference test or a 2-AFC test (Alternative Forced Choice). In fact, the paired comparison test is a forced choice test between two alternatives. The method is applicable whether a difference exists in a single sensory attribute or in several, which means that it enables determination of whether there exists a perceptible difference concerning a given attribute, and the specification of the direction of difference, but it does not give any indication of the extent of that difference. The absence of difference for the attribute under study does not signify that there does not exist any difference between the two products.

  • Amendment
    8 pages
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ISO 3218:2014 lays down the principles to be adopted for designating essential oils in English and French, e.g. for the labelling and/or the marking.

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    10 pages
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ISO 3493:2014 defines the most commonly used terms relating to vanilla. It is applicable to the following species of vanilla plants: Vanilla fragrans (Salisbury) Ames, syn. Vanilla planifolia Andrews, commercially known under various names associated with the geographical origin, such as Bourbon, Indonesia and Mexico; Vanilla tahitensis J.W. Moore; certain forms obtained from seeds, possibly hybrids, of Vanilla fragrans (Salisbury) Ames.
It is not applicable to Vanilla pompona Schiede (Antilles vanilla).

  • Standard
    12 pages
    English language
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2012-10-31 GVN: Draft for // ENQ available at ISO/CS (see notification in dataservice from 2012-10-31)

  • Amendment
    7 pages
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This European standard specifies an isotopic method to control the authenticity of vinegar. This method is applicable on acetic acid of vinegar (from cider, alcohol, wine, etc.) in order to characterise the botanical origin of acetic acid and to detect adulterations of vinegar using synthetic acetic acid or acetic acid from not allowed origin (together with the method described in FprEN 16466-1).
The isotopic analysis of the extracted acetic acid by 13C-IRMS is based on a similar method already normalised for wine analysis [2].

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    10 pages
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This European standard specifies an isotopic method to control the authenticity of wine vinegar. This method is applicable on wine vinegar in order to characterize the 18O/16O ratio of water, and allows differentiating wine vinegar from vinegars made from raisins or alcohol vinegar.
The Oxygen 18 isotopic analysis of water from vinegar is based on a similar method already normalised for wine analysis [2].

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This International Standard specifies a general procedure for visual examination, or with magnification not exceeding 10 times, of whole spices for the determination of macro filth. This International Standard is applicable to dehydrated herbs and spices.

  • Corrigendum
    5 pages
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Basis for this method is the laboratory sample obtained by the method specified in ISO 948. The principle of determination consists in grinding the laboratory sample, which has been previously mixed, to obtain particles of the size specified in the International Standard appropriate to the spice or condiment concerned or, if not so specified, to obtain particles of size approximately 1 mm.

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    6 pages
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ISO 8589:2007 provides general guidance for the design of test rooms intended for the sensory analysis of products.
It describes the requirements to set up a test room comprising a testing area, a preparation area, and an office, specifying those that are essential or those that are merely desirable.
ISO 8589:2007 is not specific for any product or test type.
Although many of the general principles are similar, ISO 8589:2007 does not address test facilities for the specialized examination of products in inspection or in-plant quality-control applications.

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    23 pages
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ISO 927:2009 specifies a general procedure for visual examination, or with magnification not exceeding 10 times, of whole spices for the determination of macro filth.
ISO 927:2009 is applicable to dehydrated herbs and spices.

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    13 pages
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ISO 6571:2008 specifies a method for the determination of the volatile oil content of spices, condiments and herbs.

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    15 pages
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ISO 5492:2008 defines terms relating to sensory analysis.
ISO 5492:2008 applies to all industries concerned with the evaluation of products by the sense organs.
The terms are given under the following headings: 1) general terminology; 2) terminology relating to the senses; 3) terminology relating to organoleptic attributes; and 4) terminology relating to methods.
In addition to terms used in the three official ISO languages (English, French and Russian), this document gives the equivalent terms in German and Spanish; these are published under the responsibilities of the member bodies for Germany (DIN) and for Argentina (IRAM), respectively, and are given for information only. Only the terms and definitions given in the official languages can be considered as ISO terms and definitions.

  • Standard
    121 pages
    English, French, German and Russian language
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ISO 6465:2009 specifies requirements for fruits of cumin (Cuminum cyminum L.). Recommendations relating to storage and transport conditions are also given.

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    10 pages
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Gives a non-exhaustive list of the botanical names and common names in English and French of plants or parts of plants used as spices or condiments. Replaces the first edition, which has been technically revised.

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    31 pages
    English and French language
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Contains information on the apparatus required, constitution of lots, the method of taking increments, bulk samples, laboratory samples, packing and labelling of samples, storage and despatch of samples, and the data to be included in the sampling report.

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    7 pages
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ISO 5495:2005 describes a procedure for determining whether there exists a perceptible sensory difference or a similarity between samples of two products concerning the intensity of a sensory attribute. This test is sometimes also referred to as a directional difference test or a 2-AFC test (Alternative Forced Choice). In fact, the paired comparison test is a forced choice test between two alternatives.
The method is applicable whether a difference exists in a single sensory attribute or in several, which means that it enables determination of whether there exists a perceptible difference concerning a given attribute, and the specification of the direction of difference, but it does not give any indication of the extent of that difference. The absence of difference for the attribute under study does not signify that there does not exist any difference between the two products.
This method is only applicable if the products are relatively homogeneous.
The method is effective (1) for determining whether a perceptible difference exists (paired difference test), or whether no perceptible difference exists (paired similarity test) when, for example, modifications are made to ingredients, processing, packaging, handling or storage operations, or (2) for selecting, training and monitoring assessors.
It is necessary to know, prior to carrying out the test, whether the test is a one-sided test (the test supervisor knows a priori the direction of the difference, and the alternative hypothesis corresponds to the existence of a difference in the expected direction) or a two-sided test (the test supervisor does not have any a priori knowledge concerning the direction of the difference, and the alternative hypothesis corresponds to the existence of a difference in one direction or the other).

  • Standard
    28 pages
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ISO 22005:2007 gives the principles and specifies the basic requirements for the design and implementation of a feed and food traceability system. It can be applied by an organization operating at any step in the feed and food chain.
It is intended to be flexible enough to allow feed organizations and food organizations to achieve identified objectives.
The traceability system is a technical tool to assist an organization to conform with its defined objectives, and is applicable when necessary to determine the history or location of a product or its relevant components.

  • Standard
    14 pages
    English language
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    1 day

TC - A Deviation

  • Corrigendum
    3 pages
    English, French and German language
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    1 day

This European standard specifies definitions, requirements and marking for vinegar (product made from liquids of agricultural origin).

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    7 pages
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This European standard specifies definitions, requirements and marking for acetic acid food grade (product made from materials of non-agricultural origin).

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This international standard specifies a method for the determination of the sulfur dioxide content of starches and derived products.

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    7 pages
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A solution or suspension of the sample is titrated with a standard volumetric silver nitrate solution. The method is not applied to cationic starches and amyloids soluble when cold.

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    4 pages
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Incineration of a test portion, in the presence of sulphuric acid, at a temperature of 525 25 °C. The result is expressed as a percentage by mass either of the product as received or on dry basis.

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    6 pages
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ISO 8586:2012 specifies criteria for the selection and procedures for the training and monitoring of selected assessors and expert sensory assessors. It supplements the information given in ISO 6658.

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    37 pages
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ISO 11132:2012 gives guidelines for monitoring and assessing the overall performance of a quantitative descriptive panel and the performance of each member.
A panel of assessors can be used as an instrument to assess the magnitude of sensory attributes.
Performance is the measure of the ability of a panel or an assessor to make valid attribute assessments across the products being evaluated. It can be monitored at a given time point or tracked over time. Performance comprises the ability of a panel to detect, identify, and measure an attribute, use attributes in a similar way to other panels or assessors, discriminate between stimuli, use a scale properly, repeat their own results, and reproduce results from other panels or assessors.
The methods specified allow the consistency, repeatability, freedom from bias and ability to discriminate of panels and assessors to be monitored and assessed. Monitoring and assessment of agreement between panel members is also covered. Monitoring and assessment can be carried out in one session or over time.
Monitoring performance data enables the panel leader to improve panel and assessor performance, to identify issues and retraining needs or to identify assessors who are not performing well enough to continue participating.
The methods specified in ISO 11132:2012 can be used by the panel leader to appraise continuously the performance of panels or individual assessors.
ISO 11132:2012 applies to individuals or panels in training as well as for established panels.

  • Standard
    30 pages
    English language
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ISO 9235:2013 specifies the terms and definitions, in English and French, relating to aromatic natural raw materials.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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ISO 4120:2004 describes a procedure for determining whether a perceptible sensory difference or similarity exists between samples of two products. The method is a forced-choice procedure. The method applies whether a difference can exist in a single sensory attribute or in several attributes.
The method is statistically more efficient than the duo-trio test, but has limited use with products that exhibit strong carryover and/or lingering flavours.
The method is applicable even when the nature of the difference is unknown (i.e. it determines neither the size nor the direction of difference between samples, nor is there any indication of the attributes responsible for the difference). The method is applicable only if the products are fairly homogeneous.
The method is effective for a) determining that either a perceptible difference results (triangle testing for difference), or a perceptible difference does not result (triangle testing for similarity) when, for example, a change is made in ingredients, processing, packaging, handling or storage; b) or for selecting, training and monitoring assessors.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English language
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    1 day