Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility - Part 4: Emission and immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus

This European Standard applies to signalling and telecommunication apparatus which is installed in the railway environment. Signalling and telecommunication apparatus mounted in vehicles is covered by EN 50121-3-2. This standard specifies limits for emission and immunity and provides performance criteria for signalling and telecommunications (S&T) apparatus which may interfere with other apparatus in the railway environment, or increase the total emissions for the railway environment beyond the limits defined in the appropriate standard and so risk causing Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) to apparatus outside the railway system. Apparatus which complies with the emission levels of EN 61000-6-4 will meet the emission requirements of this standard provided that emissions from any d.c. power port are within the emissions limits specified for a.c. power ports. The immunity levels of EN 61000-6-2 will also be adequate except for the special case of apparatus as defined in note 1 of Table 1. This standard provides the immunity requirements for such apparatus. The immunity levels given for the apparatus will in most cases allow the apparatus to perform as intended in the railway environment (see note). The immunity level establishes a common reference for evaluating the performance of the apparatus when subject to interference resulting from direct exposure of the apparatus and associated cables to a radio frequency field, or by coupling of the interference from a remote source. If a port is intended to transmit or receive for the purpose of radio communication (intentional radiators. e.g. transponder systems), then the emission and immunity limits in this standard at the communication frequency do not apply. The standard does not specify basic personal safety requirements for apparatus such as protection against electric shock, unsafe operation, insulation co-ordination and related dielectric tests. The requirements were developed for and are applicable to this set of apparatus when operating under normal conditions. Fault conditions of the apparatus have not been taken into account. The requirements and test methods also apply to telecommunications and signalling data and power lines connected to the equipment under test (EUT). The frequency range considered is from d.c. to 400 GHz. No measurements need to be performed at frequencies where no requirement is specified. For products in the scope of EN 61000-3-2 or EN 61000-3-3, the requirements of those standards apply. Testing methods are given in the basic standards listed in Clause 2, Normative references. These specific provisions are to be used in conjunction with the general provisions in EN 50121-1. NOTE The immunity and emission levels do not of themselves guarantee that the integration of apparatus will necessarily be satisfactory. The standard cannot cover all the possible configurations of the apparatus, but the test levels are sufficient to achieve satisfactory EMC in the majority of cases.

Bahnanwendungen - Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit - Teil 4: Störaussendungen und Störfestigkeit von Signal- und Telekommunikationseinrichtungen

Diese Norm gilt für Signal- und Telekommunikations-Einrichtungen, die in der Bahnumgebung installiert sind. Signal- und Telekommunikations-Einrichtungen, die in Fahrzeugen installiert sind, werden durch EN 50121 3-2 erfasst. Diese Norm legt Grenzwerte für die Störaussendung und die Störfestigkeit sowie die Bewertungskriterien für das Betriebsverhalten von Signal- und Telekommunikations- (S&T) Einrichtungen fest, die eine Störbeeinflussung in anderen Einrichtungen in der Bahnumgebung oder eine Zunahme der gesamten Störaussendung für die Bahnumgebung über die, in den entsprechenden Normen festgelegten Grenzwerte hinaus hervorrufen und dadurch eine elektromagnetische Beeinflussung (EMB) in Einrichtungen außerhalb der Bahnumgebung verursachen können. Einrichtungen, welche die Störaussendungsgrenzwerte der EN 61000-6-4 einhalten, halten auch die Anforderungen dieser Norm zur Störaussendung unter der Voraussetzung ein, dass Störaussendungen von jeglichem Gleichspannungsanschluss die für Wechselspannungsanschlüsse festgelegten Störaussendungs-grenzwerte nicht überschreiten. Die Störfestigkeitspegel der EN 61000-6-2 sind ebenfalls ausreichend, außer in besonderen Fällen für Einrichtungen wie in Anmerkung 1 der Tabelle 1 beschrieben. Diese Norm legt die Anforderungen zur Störfestigkeit für solche Einrichtungen fest. Die für die Einrichtungen festgelegten Störfestigkeitspegel erlauben in den meisten Fällen einen bestimmungsgemäßen Betrieb der Einrichtungen in der Bahnumgebung (siehe Anmerkung). Diese Störfestigkeitspegel stellen einen allgemeinen Bezug für die Ermittlung des Betriebsverhaltens der Einrichtungen dar, wenn diese Störgrößen ausgesetzt sind, die aus der direkten Einstrahlung eines hochfrequenten Feldes auf Einrichtungen und zugehörige Leitungen stammen oder von einer entfernten Quelle eingekoppelt werden. Wenn ein Anschluss dafür vorgesehen ist, Sende- oder Empfangsfunktionen für den Zweck der Funkkommunikation durchzuführen (Sendefunkgeräte z.B. Transponder Systeme), gelten die Grenzwerte dieser Norm nicht für die Störaussendung und die Störfestigkeit auf den Kommunikationsfrequenzen. Diese Norm enthält keine grundlegenden, die Sicherheit von Personen betreffenden Festlegungen für die Einrichtungen wie z. B. den Schutz gegen elektrischen Schlag, den Schutz gegen unsicheren Betrieb, Isolationskoordination und damit zusammenhängende Isolationsprüfungen. Die Festlegungen wurden für die vorgenannten Einrichtungen ausgearbeitet und gelten für diese unter den üblichen Betriebsbedingungen. Fehlerzustände der Einrichtungen werden nicht berücksichtigt. Die Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren gelten auch für Telekommunikations- und Signal-, Daten- und Stromversorgungsleitungen, die an den Prüfling (en: EUT) angeschlossen werden. Der betrachtete Frequenzbereich ist 0 Hz bis 400 GHz. Bei Frequenzen, für die keine Anforderungen spezifiziert sind, ist keine Messung erforderlich. Für Produkte, die in den Anwendungsbereich der EN 61000-3-2 oder EN 61000-3-3 fallen, gelten die Festlegungen dieser Normen. Die Prüfverfahren sind in den Grundnormen beschrieben, die in Abschnitt 2, Normative Verweisungen, genannt sind. Diese besonderen Festlegungen sind in Verbindung mit den allgemeinen Festlegungen in EN 50121 1 anzuwenden. ANMERKUNG Die Störfestigkeits- und Störaussendungspegel stellen allein noch nicht sicher, dass die Zusammenschaltung von Einrichtungen notwendigerweise zufriedenstellend sein wird. Die Norm deckt nicht alle möglichen Anordnungen von Einrichtungen ab, aber die Prüfpegel reichen aus, um in der Mehrzahl der Fälle eine zufriedenstellende EMV zu erreichen.

Applications ferroviaires - Compatibilité électromagnétique - Partie 4: Emission et immunité des appareils de signalisation et de télécommunication

Cette Norme Européenne s’applique aux appareils de signalisation et de télécommunication qui sont installés dans l’environnement ferroviaire. Les appareils de signalisation et de télécommunication montés dans les véhicules sont traités dans l’EN 50121-3-2. Cette norme spécifie les limites d’émission et d’immunité et donne les critères d’aptitude à la fonction pour les appareils de signalisation et de télécommunication (S&T) qui peuvent perturber d’autres appareils dans l’environnement ferroviaire ou augmenter les émissions totales pour l’environnement ferroviaire au-delà des limites définies dans la norme appropriée et qui risquent ainsi d’être la cause d’un brouillage électromagnétique pour des appareils à l’extérieur du système ferroviaire. Les appareils qui satisfont aux niveaux d’émission de l’EN 61000-6-4 seront conformes aux prescriptions d’émission de cette norme sous réserve que ces émissions provenant de tout accès d’alimentation en c.c. soient dans les limites d’émission spécifiées pour les accès par les bornes d’alimentation en c.a.. Les niveaux d’immunité de l’EN 61000-6-2 seront également appropriés sauf pour le cas particulier des appareils tel que défini dans la note 1 du Tableau 1. Cette norme donne les prescriptions d’immunité pour de tels appareils. Les niveaux d’immunité donnés pour les appareils permettront dans la plupart des cas aux appareils de fonctionner comme prévu dans l’environnement ferroviaire (voir note). Le niveau d’immunité établit une référence commune pour l’évaluation de l’aptitude à la fonction des appareils lorsqu’ils sont soumis aux perturbations qui résultent d’une exposition directe des appareils et des câbles associés au champ à fréquence radioélectrique ou par couplage des perturbations provenant d’une source distante. Si un accès est destiné à émettre ou recevoir des communications radio (émetteurs intentionnels de rayonnement, ex: systèmes de balises), les limites d’émission et d’immunité de cette norme à la fréquence de communication ne s’appliquent pas. Cette norme ne spécifie pas de prescriptions fondamentales de sécurité du personnel pour les appareils telles que la protection contre les chocs électriques, le fonctionnement non sécuritaire, la coordination de l’isolement et les essais diélectriques correspondants. Ces prescriptions ont été développées pour cet ensemble d’appareils et elles lui sont applicables dans des conditions normales de fonctionnement. Les conditions de défaut des appareils n’ont pas été prises en compte. Les prescriptions et méthodes d’essai s’appliquent aussi aux lignes de transport de données de télécommunication et de signalisation et d’alimentation connectées à l’équipement sous test (EST). La plage de fréquences concernée va du courant continu à 400 GHz. Aucune mesure n’est nécessaire aux fréquences pour lesquelles aucune prescription n’est spécifiée. Pour les produits du domaine d’application de l’EN 61000-3-2 ou de l’EN 61000-3-3, les prescriptions de ces normes s’appliquent. Les méthodes d’essai sont données dans les normes fondamentales indiquées à l’Article 2, Références normatives. Ces dispositions spécifiques sont destinées à être utilisées conjointement avec les dispositions générales de l’EN 50121-1. NOTE L’immunité et les niveaux d’émission ne garantissent pas à eux seuls que l’intégration des appareils sera nécessairement satisfaisante. La norme ne peut pas couvrir toutes les configurations possibles des appareils mais les niveaux d’essai sont suffisants pour obtenir une CEM satisfaisante dans la majorité des cas.

Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 4. del: Sevanje in odpornost signalnih in telekomunikacijskih naprav (vsebuje popravek AC:2008)

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EN 50121-4:2007
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SIST EN 50121-4:2001
Železniške naprave - Elektromagnetna združljivost - 4. del: Sevanje in odpornost
signalnih in telekomunikacijskih naprav (vsebuje popravek AC:2008)
Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility -- Part 4: Emission and immunity of
the signalling and telecommunications apparatus
Bahnanwendungen - Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit -- Teil 4: Störaussendungen
und Störfestigkeit von Signal- und Telekommunikationseinrichtungen
Applications ferroviaires - Compatibilité électromagnétique -- Partie 4: Emission et
immunité des appareils de signalisation et de télécommunication
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50121-4:2006
33.100.01 Elektromagnetna združljivost Electromagnetic compatibility
na splošno in general
45.020 Železniška tehnika na Railway engineering in
splošno general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN 50121-4
July 2006
ICS 29.020; 29.280; 45.020 Supersedes EN 50121-4:2000
Incorporates corrigendum May 2008

English version
Railway applications -
Electromagnetic compatibility
Part 4: Emission and immunity of the signalling and
telecommunications apparatus
Applications ferroviaires -  Bahnanwendungen -
Compatibilité électromagnétique Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit
Partie 4: Emission et immunité Teil 4: Störaussendungen und
des appareils de signalisation Störfestigkeit von Signal- und
et de télécommunication Telekommunikationseinrichtungen

This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2006-07-01. CENELEC members are bound to comply
with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard
the status of a national standard without any alteration.

Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on
application to the Central Secretariat or to any CENELEC member.

This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other
language made by translation under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified
to the Central Secretariat has the same status as the official versions.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech
Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,
Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Central Secretariat: rue de Stassart 35, B - 1050 Brussels

© 2006 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. EN 50121-4:2006 E
This European Standard was prepared by Technical Committee TC 9X: Electrical and electronic
applications for railways. The text of the draft was submitted to the formal vote and was approved by
CENELEC as EN 50121-4 on 2006-07-01.
This European Standard supersedes EN 50121-4:2000.
This European Standard is to be read in conjunction with EN 50121-1.

This standard forms Part 4 of the European Standard series EN 50121, published under the general
title "Railway applications - Electromagnetic compatibility". The series consists of:

• Part 1 : General
• Part 2 : Emission of the whole railway system to the outside world
• Part 3-1 : Rolling stock - Train and complete vehicle
• Part 3-2 : Rolling stock - Apparatus
• Part 4 : Emission and immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus
• Part 5 : Emission and immunity of fixed power supply installations and apparatus

The following dates were fixed:
– latest date by which the EN has to be implemented
at national level by publication of an identical
national standard or by endorsement (dop) 2007-07-01

– latest date by which the national standards conflicting
with the EN have to be withdrawn (dow) 2009-07-01
This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CENELEC by the European
Commission and the European Free Trade Association and covers essential requirements of
EC Directive 2004/108/EC. See Annex ZZ.

The contents of the corrigendum of May 2008 have been included in this copy.

- 3 - EN 50121-4:2006
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 4
2 Normative references . 5
3 Definitions . 6
4 Description of location . 6
5 Emission limits for apparatus . 6
6 Immunity . 7
6.1 Performance criteria . 7
6.2 Test requirements . 7
Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC Directives . 12

Figure 1 – Main categories of ports . 6

Table 1 – Immunity – Enclosure port . 8
Table 2 – Immunity – I/O port . 9
Table 3 – Immunity – D.C. power ports . 10
Table 4 – Immunity – A.C. power ports . 11
Table 5 – Immunity – Earth port . 11

This European Standard has been prepared in the form of a Product Standard.

It defines the immunity and emission test requirements for apparatus defined in the scope in relation to
the electromagnetic disturbances likely to be experienced in the railway. In particular, the test
requirements represent the essential electromagnetic immunity requirements and have been selected
to ensure an adequate level of immunity for apparatus installed in the railway locations.

Test requirements are specified for each port considered.

Safety considerations are not covered by this standard.

In special situations, where the level of disturbances may exceed the levels considered in this
standard, e.g. at a special location or where a hand held transmitter is used in very close proximity to
an apparatus, special mitigation measures may have to be employed.

1 Scope
This European Standard applies to signalling and telecommunication apparatus which is installed in
the railway environment. Signalling and telecommunication apparatus mounted in vehicles is covered
by EN 50121-3-2.
This standard specifies limits for emission and immunity and provides performance criteria for
signalling and telecommunications (S&T) apparatus which may interfere with other apparatus in the
railway environment, or increase the total emissions for the railway environment beyond the limits
defined in the appropriate standard and so risk causing Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI) to
apparatus outside the railway system.

Apparatus which complies with the emission levels of EN 61000-6-4 will meet the emission
requirements of this standard provided that emissions from any d.c. power port are within the
emissions limits specified for a.c. power ports. The immunity levels of EN 61000-6-2 will also be
adequate except for the special case of apparatus as defined in note 1 of Table 1. This standard
provides the immunity requirements for such apparatus.

The immunity levels given for the apparatus will in most cases allow the apparatus to perform as
intended in the railway environment (see note). The immunity level establishes a common reference
for evaluating the performance of the apparatus when subject to interference resulting from direct
exposure of the apparatus and associated cables to a radio frequency field, or by coupling of the
interference from a remote source.

If a port is intended to transmit or receive for the purpose of radio communication (intentional radiators.
e.g. transponder systems), then the emission and immunity limits in this standard at the
communication frequency do not apply.

The standard does not specify basic personal safety requirements for apparatus such as protection
against electric shock, unsafe operation, insulation co-ordination and related dielectric tests. The
requirements were developed for and are applicable to this set of apparatus when operating under
normal conditions. Fault conditions of the apparatus have not been taken into account.

The requirements and test methods also apply to telecommunications and signalling data and power
lines connected to the equipment under test (EUT).

The frequency range considered is from d.c. to 400 GHz. No measurements need to be performed at
frequencies where no requirement is specified.

For products in the scope of EN 61000-3-2 or EN 61000-3-3, the requirements of those standards
- 5 - EN 50121-4:2006
Testing methods are given in the basic standards listed in Clause 2, Normative references.

These specific provisions are to be used in conjunction with the general provisions in EN 50121-1.

NOTE  The immunity and emission levels do not of themselves guarantee that the integration of apparatus will necessarily be
satisfactory. The standard cannot cover all the possible configurations of the apparatus, but the test levels are sufficient to
achieve satisfactory EMC in the majority of cases.

2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.

EN 50121-1 Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility
Part 1: General
EN 50121-3-2 Railway applications – Electromagnetic compatibility
Part 3-2: Rolling stock – Apparatus
EN 61000-3-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input
current up to and including 16 A per phase) (IEC 61000-3-2)
EN 61000-3-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 3-3: Limits – Limitation of voltage changes, voltage fluctuations and
flicker in public low-voltage supply systems, for equipment with rated
current ≤ 16 A per phase and not subject to conditional connection
(IEC 61000-3-3)
EN 61000-4-1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-1: Testing and measurement techniques – Overview of
IEC 61000-4 series (IEC 61000-4-1)
EN 61000-4-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-2: Testing and measurement techniques – Electrostatic discharge
immunity test (IEC 61000-4-2)
EN 61000-4-3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-3: Testing and measurement techniques – Radiated, radio-
frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test (IEC 61000-4-3)
EN 61000-4-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-4: Testing and measurement techniques – Electrical fast
transient/burst immunity test (IEC 61000-4-4)
EN 61000-4-5 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-5: Testing and measurement techniques – Surge immunity test
(IEC 61000-4-5)
EN 61000-4-6 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-6: Testing and measurement techniques – Immunity to conducted
disturbances, induced by radio-frequency fields (IEC 61000-4-6)
EN 61000-4-8 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-8: Testing and measurement techniques – Power frequency
magnetic field immunity test (IEC 61000-4-8)
EN 61000-4-9 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 4-9: Testing and measurement techniques – Pulse magnetic field
immunity test (IEC 61000-4-9)
EN 61000-6-2 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 6-2: Generic standards – Immunity for industrial environments
(IEC 61000-6-2)
EN 61000-6-4 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) –
Part 6-4: Generic standards – Emission standard for industrial
environments (IEC 61000-6-4, mod.)

3 Definitions
For the purpose of this Part 4 of the European Standard, the following definitions apply.

particular interface of the specified apparatus with the external environment e.g. a.c. power port, d.c.
power port, I/O (input/output) port, earth port

enclosure port
physical boundary of the apparatus through which electromagnetic fields may radiate or impinge

Enclosure port
a.c. power port I/O port
d.c. power port APPARATUS earth port

Figure 1 – Main categories of ports

4 Description of location
The railway environment is characterised as described in EN 50121-1. Special consideration is given in
this standard to apparatus intended to be installed within 3 m of the centreline of the nearest track and

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