This document specifies a method for the determination of the preventive action of a wood preservative against the Reticulitermes species of European termites when the preservative is applied as a surface treatment to wood.
NOTE 1   This method can be applied not only to different species of Reticulitermes, but also to other species of the family Rhinotermitidae, where necessary adapting the temperature and humidity conditions and the assessment of attack to the specific behaviour of the species concerned.
This method is applicable to:
—   water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active ingredients;
—   organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates;
—   organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; and
—   water-soluble materials, for example salts.
NOTE 2   This method can be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84.

  • Standard
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This document specifies a laboratory method for obtaining water samples from treated wood which has been in conditions designed to simulate continuous contact with the ground or with water (use Class 4 or 5), at time intervals after exposure.

  • Standard
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This document specifies an evaporative ageing procedure, applicable to test specimens of wood and wood-based products which are subsequently subjected to biological tests.
NOTE   The method can also be used for pre-conditioning of untreated wood, modified wood and wood-based panel products, whether they received preservative treatment or not.

  • Standard
    10 pages
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This part of the EN 20 series specifies a method for the determination of the protective effectiveness or the toxic values of a wood preservative against infection by Lyctus brunneus (Stephens) when the product is applied as a surface treatment to wood.
This method is applicable to:
- water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides; or
- organic formulsation, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; or
- organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; or
- water-soluble materials, for example salts.
NOTE This method can be used in conjuction with ageing procedures, which do not remove the added nutrient.

  • Standard
    22 pages
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This part of the EN 20 series specifies a method for the determination of the protective effectiveness or the toxic values of a wood preservative against infection by Lyctus brunneus (Stephens) in wood which has been treated previously by full impregantion.
This method is applicable to:
- water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides; or
- organic formulsation, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates.
This method is applicable to water-based preservatives.
NOTE This method can be used in conjuction with ageing procedures, which do not remove the added nutrient.

  • Standard
    22 pages
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This document specifies a method for the determination of the toxic values of a wood preservative against the Reticulitermes species of European termites.
This method is applicable to:
- water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides;
- organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; and
- water-soluble materials, for example salts.
NOTE This method can be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84.

  • Standard
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This document specifies a method for the determination of the curative action of a wood preservative against infestation by Anobium punctatum (De Geer) when the product is applied as a surface treatment to wood.
This method is applicable to any surface-applied treatment that is intended to prevent emergence of adult beetles but not intended to kill larvae in infested timber.
NOTE 1 This method can be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73.
NOTE 2 Products intended to kill larvae can be tested by the method described in EN 48.

  • Standard
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This part of the EN 351 series establishes a classification of preservative-treated wood in terms of preservative penetration and gives guidance on a classification of retention. These can be used as a basis for specifying preservative treatments for particular products.
This part of the EN 351 series defines terminology to be used by the specifier when preparing a preservative treatment specification or product standard. It is not a treatment specification in itself.
This part of the EN 351 series is applicable to the production of preservative-treated solid wood, including glued laminated timber, suitable for use in those service conditions defined within the use classes in EN 335. It does not apply to any subsequent examination of treated wood in service.
NOTE 1   Glued laminated timber is not suitable for use in fresh or sea water.
This part of the EN 351 series is applicable to the protection of wood against attack by wood-destroying and wood-disfiguring fungi, insects and marine organisms.
NOTE 2   Protection against wood-disfiguring fungi is an optional property verified by testing in accordance with EN 599-1.
This part of the EN 351 series does not consider other properties of treated wood, for example odour, compatibility with other materials, such as corrosivity of fasteners. Nor does it consider any properties from the health, safety and environmental point of view.
This part of the EN 351 series does not apply to wood to be treated with formulations which are applied to timber in service to eliminate or control an existing fungal or insect infestation, or the prevention of attack by sapstain fungi, or insects in green timber.
Annex A (informative) provides a decision process for specifying preservative treatment requirements.
Annex B (informative) gives an example of the marking system.

  • Standard
    17 pages
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This part of the EN 351 series gives guidance for the general procedures to be used in obtaining samples of preservative-treated wood for the determination of penetration and retention of wood preservative. It also gives guidance on the measurement of penetration and retention of a wood preservative in the treated wood.
This part of the EN 351 series is applicable to the production of preservative-treated solid wood, including glued laminated timber, suitable for use in those service conditions defined within the use classes in EN 335.
NOTE   Glued laminated timber is not suitable for use in fresh or sea water.
This part of the EN 351 series is not applicable to preservative-treated wood in service. However, the sampling guidance provided within this part of the EN 351 series can be applied for the subsequent examination of treated wood in service.
Annex A (informative) provides a selection of number of sample units.
Annex B (informative) provides examples of retention measurements.

  • Standard
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This document gives guidance on the selection of wood and wood-based products for use in situations where they can be subject to degradation by fungi, wood destroying insects or marine borers. This guidance includes information on factors that can influence the service life of a wood or wood-based product when considering biological degradation. In many end uses, design, workmanship and maintenance will also influence the service life of the wood or wood-based product.
This document is a step toward the evaluation of the service life of a wood product.
This document does not consider:
1)   the durability characteristics of the glue used in wood-based products;
2)   the aesthetic function of wood products (discoloration, surface weathering, mould).

  • Standard
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This document describes a method for assessing the durability of wood-based panels or analogue wood products to attack by wood-destroying basidiomycete fungi growing in pure culture.
The test method described in this document is intended to complement EN 113-2 with focus on specific aspects of wood-based panels or analogue wood products. This document is not intended to determine the effectiveness of wood preservatives used to prevent decay, which is covered by EN 113-1.
NOTE   This method can be used in conjunction with an appropriate ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84.
The method is applicable to uncoated, rigid wood-based panel products. It is applicable to the determination of the decay resistance of wood-based panel products:
-   made from naturally durable materials;
-   made from materials treated with preservatives prior to manufacture;
-   treated with a preservative which is introduced during manufacture, for example as an additive to the adhesive;
-   specific treatments to increase durability of wood-based panels, e.g. wood modification.
Annex A (informative) contains a guidance on sampling.
Annex B (normative) contains some methods of sterilization.
Annex C (informative) contains information on the culture vessels.
Annex D (informative) contains an example of a test report.
Annex E (informative) contains information on the test fungi.
Annex F (informative) contains the assessment of the results.
Annex G (informative) contains extra info on moisture dynamics, coatings, composites and impact of dimensions.

  • Standard
    35 pages
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This document specifies a laboratory method for the determination of the treatability of wood in order to determine the likely reaction of different wood species to impregnation with wood preservatives. It is also applicable to investigate variation between samples of the same species but of different origin.

  • Corrigendum
    3 pages
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This document specifies a laboratory method for the determination of the treatability of wood in order to determine the likely reaction of different wood species to impregnation with wood preservatives. It is also applicable to investigate variation between samples of the same species but of different origin.

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This document specifies a test method for wood preservatives that are intended for use in wood to be exposed to the weather out of contact with the ground without the additional protection of a surface coating.
The method is applicable to the testing of commercial or experimental preservatives applied by techniques appropriate to commercial practice. The method is applicable to chemical products used individually or in combination to prevent the development of decay and/or - optional - the development of disfiguring organisms in wood and, where suitable, in wood-based materials.
NOTE 1 The method can also be used to test other treated wood species and naturally durable timbers. It can be adapted for testing the field performance of other wood-based systems and treatments designed to enhance durability, for example treated or untreated wood based composites, timber treated with non-biocidal systems, chemically modified or heat treated timber. Guidance on samples and sampling of naturally durable wood and modified wood is found in EN 350.
NOTE 2 Although the test is used to assess decay, it is possible to use the method to additionally assess stain or each separately when relevant.

  • Standard
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This document is intended to facilitate the interpretation and use of the European Standards where the testing and specification of wood preservative products are described. It aims to assist users (manufacturers, specifiers, authorities, etc.) to correlate the choice of selected test methods, wood substrates and biological agents with the efficacy requirements of wood preservatives based on their claimed target organisms and end use. This document is a source of supplementary information to the relevant standards and cannot be used as a standalone document.

  • Technical report
    18 pages
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This document provides guidance on how to apply curative acting wood preservatives by surface application, by filling pre-drilled holes, and by pressure impregnation through pre-drilled holes. It lists methods in a standardized form followed by additional detailed interpretive information.
This document also includes necessary preparations of structural timber prior to this kind of treatment. It gives guidance on how to calculate necessary retentions for filling pre-drilled holes or for pressure impregnation from test results obtained from surface applications (e.g. EN 1390).

  • Technical report
    15 pages
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This document specifies a method of test for determining the natural durability of a timber against wood-destroying basidiomycetes cultured on a malt extract agar medium. The method is applicable to all timber species.
Furthermore this method can be used to test modified wood. The test method described in this document can be applied to specific wood species, commercial supplies of sawn timber, wood-based materials, wood treated with preservatives and modified wood, both thermally and chemically modified wood.
However, this document is not intended to determine the effectiveness of wood preservatives used to prevent decay.
NOTE 1 Determining the efficacy of wood preservatives used to prevent decay is the scope of EN 113-1. However, in addition to this and with some amendments, it might also be possible in some cases to test treated wood using the method described here.
NOTE 2 This method can be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84.
Annex A (informative) contains a guidance on sampling.
Annex B (normative) contains some methods of sterilization.
Annex C (informative) contains information on the culture vessels.
Annex D (informative) contains an example of a test report.
Annex E (informative) contains information on the test fungi.
Annex F (informative) contains the assessment of the results.

  • Standard
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This document specifies a method for determining the efficacy of wood preservatives applied to wood by penetration treatment against wood destroying basidiomycetes cultured on a malt extract agar medium.
The method is applicable to formulated products or to their active ingredients.
NOTE   This method can be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73 or EN 84.
Annex A (informative) contains an example of a test report.
Annex B (normative) contains some methods of sterilization.
Annex C (informative) contains information on the test vessels.
Annex D (informative) contains information on test fungi.
Annex E (informative) contains a recommended but non-comprehensive list of optional fungi.

  • Standard
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This document specifies a method for leaching, applicable to test specimens of wood or wood-based products which are subsequently subjected to biological tests.
This document is applicable to:
a)   the pre-conditioning of test specimens prior to their being subjected to a biological test; or
b)   assessment of loss of effectiveness by comparing the performance in a biological test of treated test specimens subjected to this procedure with others that have not undergone any leaching procedure.
NOTE   The method can also be used for pre-conditioning of untreated wood, modified wood and wood-based panel products, whether they received preservative treatment or not.

  • Standard
    7 pages
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This document specifies a method for determining the performance of a preservative, applied to the upper surface of the mortar test specimens, in preventing the growth of dry rot through the treated mortar when exposed to the test fungus.
This method is only applicable to masonry fungicides applied as a true solution of the preservative in water or dilute oil in water emulsion. It is not applicable to rods, pastes and other similar preservative types. This method is applicable to preservatives applied to masonry by brushing, spraying and/or injection techniques or mixed into rendering and plastering mortar for masonry.

  • Standard
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This document specifies a method for the determination of the eradicant action of a surface application of a fast and a slow acting wood preservative product or a deferred acting wood preservative product on solid wood infested with larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus).
This method is applicable to:
-   organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; or
-   organic water-dispersible formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; or
-   water-soluble products, for example, salts.
NOTE   An ageing procedure cannot be combined with this method.

  • Standard
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This document specifies the minimum performance requirements in biological tests for products for curative uses against specific wood destroying organisms. It specifies the biological tests required together with the efficacy criteria to be achieved in each test.
Chemicals against insects can act according to their specific properties within a short time (fast acting) or only after a long period (slow acting or with a deferred effect). Different tests and efficacy requirements are needed for these various types of curative wood preservatives.
This document is applicable to all wood preservative products supplied for application in liquid form for curative uses against attack by wood boring beetles. This document is also applicable for products applied to prevent the growth of the dry rot fungus through masonry.
This document is also applicable to products for curative uses supplied for application as pastes, solids or in capsule form but only where appropriate biological methods of test exist as published European Standards.
NOTE   This standard is used as a reference document for the evaluation of efficacy of biocidal products PT8 (wood preservatives) in the framework of the European Regulation on Biocidal Products (EU) No 528/2012 (BPR).
This document is not applicable to products used as fumigants.
This document is also not applicable for determining whether specific curative products, used alone or in combination, are effective in conferring long-term protection against attack by wood destroying organisms. Preventive effectiveness can be determined using EN 599-1 but only for products that can be tested using the methods and interpretative procedures defined in EN 599-1.
Annex A (informative) contains a guidance on re-testing after making variations in product formulation.
Annex B (informative) contains some test recommendations for specific curative products against other insect species than Hylotrupes bajulus and Anobium punctatum.

  • Standard
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  • Standard
    18 pages
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This document details a method for determining the water uptake and the effectiveness of the drying process on solid wood, wood-based materials or coated wood by means of water absorption and water vapour desorption. This document lays down a method to assess the moisture dynamics of wooden products which can be a contributing factor to the susceptibility to wood decay.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This Technical Specification describes a laboratory method for obtaining water samples from preservative treated wood exposed out of ground contact (wood held in the storage yard after treatment and which has been in conditions designed to simulate outdoor, out of ground contact situations), at increasing time intervals after exposure.

  • Technical specification
    16 pages
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This European Standard specifies the requirements for labelling wood preservative products according to their efficacy and suitability for use, for each of the five use classes defined in EN 335.
This European Standard is applicable to all wood preservative products supplied for application in liquid form for the preventive treatment of timbers (structural and non-structural) against wood-attacking fungi, wood-attacking insects and marine organisms as described in EN 1001-2 and EN 335. It is applicable to products for preventive treatments against fungi causing disfigurement (blue stain) of wood in service, only if this forms part of the overall preventive effectiveness of the product.
This European Standard is not applicable to wood preservative products supplied for application as pastes, solids or in capsule form because they cannot be tested without modification of the biological tests demanded in this standard. It does not apply either to wood preservative products for remedial (curative) treatments or to those applied to prevent fungi causing sap stain on green (unseasoned) timber.

  • Standard
    9 pages
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This European Standard gives guidance on methods for determining and classifying the durability of wood and wood-based materials against biological wood-destroying agents.
The methods can be applied either to individual wood species, batches of wood and processed wood-based materials, including heat-treated, preservative-treated wood and modified wood. However, this standard is not intended to replace testing of the efficacy of biocides.
The wood-destroying agents considered in this standard are:
—   wood-decay fungi (basidiomycete and soft-rot fungi);
—   beetles capable of attacking dry wood;
—   termites;
—   marine organisms capable of attacking wood in service.
Data on the biological durability of selected wood species considered of economic importance in European countries are presented in Annex B (informative), which also provides information relating to their geographical origin, density, sapwood width and treatability.
NOTE   Treatability, durability to disfiguring fungi, permeability to water and performance in use of wood and wood-based materials are also important issues. However, because standardized methods aiming to assess and classify these factors do not exist and/or have not been extensively experienced yet, preliminary guidance is given in Annex C (informative) for the classification of wood treatability with aqueous wood preservatives, Annex D (informative) for the classification of the permeability to water, Annex E (informative) for the durability to disfiguring fungi, and Annex F (informative) for the classification of performance.

  • Standard
    67 pages
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This document specifies a method for the determination of the toxic values of a wood preservative against the larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus), introduced into wood treated previously by full impregnation. This method is applicable to: ¾ water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides; ¾ organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; ¾ organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; ¾ water-soluble materials, for example salts. The method is applicable whether or not the test specimens have been subjected to appropriate ageing procedures.

  • Standard
    23 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the preventive action of a wood preservative against eggs of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) when the preservative is applied as a surface treatment to wood. This method is applicable to: - water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides; - organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; - organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; or - water-soluble materials, for example salts. The method is applicable whether or not the test specimens have been subjected to appropriate ageing procedures.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the protective effectiveness or the toxic values of a wood preservative against infestation by Anobium punctatum (De Geer) when the product is applied as a surface treatment to wood. This method is applicable to: ¾ water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides, ¾ organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates, ¾ organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates, ¾ water-soluble materials, for example salts. NOTE This method may be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the preventive action of a wood preservative against recently hatched larvae of Hylotrupes bajulus (Linnaeus) when the preservative is applied as a surface treatment to wood. This method is applicable to: - water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides; - organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; - organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; and - water-soluble materials, for example salts. The method is applicable whether or not the test specimens have been subjected to appropriate ageing procedures.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the leaching of active ingredients or other compounds from preservative treated wood by a semi field method for Use Class 3 (outdoor above ground). The preservative treated wood can be tested with or without subsequently surface coating or other water-repellent treatment. The method is applicable to the testing of commercial or experimental preservatives or paint systems applied to non-durable timber by methods appropriate to commercial practice.

  • Technical specification
    18 pages
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This European Standard describes a method for determining total organic carbon by calculating the difference between the results of measurements of total carbon (TC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC). The identification of the bio-based content given by the stable isotopes such as 13C is described also.
This method is applicable to all wood species, wood-based materials (panels, plywood, wood-polymer, etc.) and woods containing chemicals in general.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of the protective effectiveness or the toxic values of a wood preservative against Anobium punctatum (De Geer) by egg-laying and larval survival in wood which has been treated previously by full impregnation. This method is applicable to:
-   water-insoluble chemicals which are being studied as active insecticides;
-   organic formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates;
-   organic water-dispersible formulations as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates, and
-   water-soluble materials, for example salts.
NOTE   This method can be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the relative protective effectiveness against fungal decay of a wood preservative applied to wood in combination with a subsequent surface coating, exposed to the weather and out of contact with the ground. The effectiveness is evaluated relative to a reference wood preservative.
The method is applicable to the testing of commercial or experimental preservatives applied to non-durable timbers by methods appropriate to commercial practice and subsequently coated with a specified coating system. The method is applicable to products and processes used individually or in combination to prevent the development of decay in the wood.
The method is also appropriate for factory finishing systems which include wood protection and wood preservation claims.

  • Standard
    25 pages
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The scope of WG28 Performance Classification is expressed in this Technical Report:
Guidance on the determination of end use performance of wood products: utilization and improvement of existing test methods to estimate service life, in order to give input to the harmonized product standards dealing with the durability requirement of the CPD and future Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (The Construction Products Regulation CPR).
This Technical Report brings together the evaluations and discussions to date that have occurred within CEN/TC38/WG28 Performance Classification.
This technical report does not address panel products specifically.

  • Technical report
    35 pages
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This European Standard specifies a field test method for evaluating the effectiveness of wood preservatives in a ground contact situation. Wood treated with a reference preservative is included for comparison.
The protective effect of the test preservative is assessed in relation to the effect of a reference wood preservative applied by a specified treatment.

  • Standard
    24 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method of test for the determination of the protective effectiveness of a wood preservative, applied to the surface of the wood, against wood destroying basidiomycetes cultured on an agar medium.
The method is applicable to all products which are to be applied by superficial application processes. This includes:
-   organic solvent-based wood preservatives; or
-   organic water-dispersible formulations, as supplied or as prepared in the laboratory by dilution of concentrates; or
-   water-soluble products; or
-   chemicals which are being studied as active ingredients for application by superficial processes.
This method may be used in conjunction with an ageing procedure, for example EN 73.

  • Standard
    29 pages
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This part of EN 599 specifies for each of the five use classes defined in EN 335-1, the biological tests required for evaluating the efficacy of wood preservatives for the preventive treatment of solid timber, together with the minimum ageing tests required for the respective use class. It provides the method for calculating the critical value of a preservative. The critical value is the value that shall be used to calculate the recommended retention of the preservative appropriate for specific service conditions. The critical value is not necessarily the recommended retention or the minimum retention level for the preservative. The wide range of hazards, exposure conditions and service life requirements across Europe make it necessary to allow for local considerations in the calculation of the required preservative retention; EN 351-1 provides for the critical value to be adjusted to take account of these factors.
This part of EN 599 is applicable to all wood preservative products supplied for application in liquid form for the preventive treatment of timbers (structural and non-structural) against wood-attacking fungi, wood-attacking insects and marine borers as described in EN 335-1. However, it is applicable to products for preventive treatments against fungi causing disfigurement (blue stain) of wood in service if this forms part of the overall preventive efficacy of the product.
This part of EN 599 does not necessarily take into account all the factors which may affect the stability of active ingredients in preservative treated wood. These factors include ultra-violet light and microbiological agencies capable of degrading components of the preservative. Such factors are an integral part of exposure in field trials but are subject to natural variation and their impact is not directly assessed in the field trial methods included in this standard.

  • Standard
    41 pages
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  • Standard – translation
    42 pages
    Slovenian language
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This European Standard is applicable to solid wood and wood-based products.
This European Standard defines five use classes that represent different service situations to which wood and wood-based products can be exposed. This standard also indicates the biological agents relevant to each situation.
A use class is not a performance class and does not give guidance for how long wood and wood-based product will last in service.

  • Standard
    14 pages
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This CEN Technical Report specifies a laboratory method for determining the content of propiconazole in treated wood using either Gas Chromatography (GC) or High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC).
The method is aiming at determining the treatment quality at the time of treatment.
NOTE 1   Under appropriate circumstances the method is applicable for tebuconazole-treated wood as well as for the analysis of waste timber with respect to its propiconazole content.
The method has a detection limit lower than 1 µg propiconazole/g and a quantification limit corresponding to 30 µg propiconazole/g of wood material expressed as dry matter. It can be used over a measurement range up to a propiconazole content of 600 µg/g of dry matter.
NOTE 2   This method may need some modifications with some wood species such as hardwoods.

  • Technical report
    11 pages
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This Technical Report specifies the minimum performance requirements for hot air treatment intended for application against specific classes of wood attacking organism. It specifies the minimum performance criteria to be achieved by hot air treatment.
NOTE   Until now sufficient practical experience and results of scientific tests are available only for heat treatments using hot air as a medium to increase the temperature inside building components up to a threshold lethal to wood destroying organisms. Therefore, this document is restricted to hot air treatments although other measures like, for example, radio waves or electric blankets may be useful means for limited and special applications.
This document is applicable only to hot air treatment, in so far as it is intended to cure attack by wood destroying beetles and the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans).
This Technical Report is not applicable to eradicate an attack by termites or by fungi other than the dry rot fungus (Serpula lacrymans).
Hot air treatment as described in this document does not provide subsequent preventive protection against attack by wood-destroying organisms.
This document does not define the equipment, techniques or precise operation procedures required to achieve the parameters given in Clauses 4 and 5 for any set of practical circumstances. Specifications for particular practical circumstances have to be developed on a case by case basis by expert advisers/consultants.

  • Technical report
    16 pages
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  • Technical report
    16 pages
    English language
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This European Standard specifies a method which is only suitable for testing preparations and systems which are intended to prevent the occurrence of blue stain fungi in wood in service. It is not suitable for assessing the temporary preventive effectiveness of anti-stain preservatives on round wood or on freshly cut wood. The method is not intended for the determination of the fungicidal properties of the surface coating applied to the wood after the priming coat. This European Standard lays down a method for determining the effectiveness of a preparation applied by e.g. brushing, spraying, spraying tunnel, dipping or vacuum and pressure treatments resulting in an equivalent retention of product in preventing the development of blue stain fungi in wood in service. It is also applicable where a primer paint is used in conjunction with the preservative system.This method is applicable to the following types of preparations or systems: Type A: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used in conjunction with unspecified varnishes or paint coatings;or Type B: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used in conjunction with specified varnishes or paint coatings;or Type C: fungicidal preparations with or without pigment, used without subsequent varnish or paint coating (e.g. stains).

  • Standard
    45 pages
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This European Standard specifies the reference methods for determining the penetration and retention of creosote in timber freshly treated with creosote, principally in order to ascertain whether the treated timber conforms to specifications written in terms of EN 351-1. It also provides guidance on the acquisition of test samples and their handling between sampling and analysis.
NOTE   In the day-to-day practice at the plant, other methods (e.g. weighing the charge before and after treatment) can be used for determining the retention, provided that a significant relationship can be established with this method.

  • Standard
    15 pages
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This European Standard specifies procedures for obtaining a representative sample from a consignment of creosote.
This standard is only applicable to consignments of creosote which are in a single phase at the time of the sampling.
NOTE 1   At ambient temperature, part of the creosote may be in crystalline form. In such cases, it is necessary to heat the creosote to a temperature above the crystallization point of the particular creosote at which it is entirely liquid before sampling.
NOTE 2   All personnel concerned with sampling and testing should be fully acquainted with the safety precautions relating to creosote. It is essential that proper safety measures for handling hazardous materials are followed when sampling creosote.

  • Standard
    8 pages
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This European Standard specifies a procedure for obtaining a sample of creosote from creosoted timber for subsequent analysis.

  • Standard
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This European Standard specifies a high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the determination of the water-extractable phenols content of creosote.
For reasons of precision, this standard is applicable to the determination of the water-extractable phenols content of creosotes containing more than 10 g of water-extractable phenols per kilogram of creosote.

  • Standard
    11 pages
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This European Standard specifies a method for the determination of benzo(a)pyrene in creosote using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).
This standard is only applicable to creosotes containing more than 30 mg/kg benzo(a)pyrene.

  • Standard
    12 pages
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This CEN Technical Specification specifies a method of natural preconditioning for wood specimens treated with a wood preservative either by penetrating processes or by surface application that can be used in conjunction with existing European Standards on testing of the preventive action of wood preservatives against basidiomycetes and/or insects.

  • Technical specification
    14 pages
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This European Standard contains terms relating to wood durability and the definitions of these terms.

  • Standard
    88 pages
    English, French and German language
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This CEN Technical Report specifies a laboratory method of determining the content of quaternary ammonium compounds in commercially QAC-treated wood. The method described has a measurement range up to QAC contents of 1 500 mg/kg of dry matter.
NOTE 1   This method can need some modifications with some wood species such as hardwoods.
NOTE 2   It is applicable to QAC with a molar mass ranging between 200 g/mol and 500 g/mol.
NOTE 3   The method has a quantification limit corresponding to 250 mg of QAC per kilogram of wood expressed as dry matter.

  • Technical report
    13 pages
    English language
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