This document specifies a method of comparing traffic noise on different road surfaces for various compositions of road traffic for the purpose of evaluating different road surface types. Sound levels representing either light or heavy vehicles at selected speeds are assigned to a certain road surface. The method is applicable to traffic travelling at constant speed, i.e. free-flowing conditions at posted speeds of 50 km/h and upwards. For conditions where traffic is not free flowing, such as at junctions and where the traffic is congested, the method is not applicable.
A standard method for comparing the noise characteristics of road surfaces gives road and environment authorities a tool for establishing common practices or limits regarding the use of road surfaces meeting certain noise criteria. However, it is not within the scope of ISO 11819 (all parts) to suggest such criteria.
The statistical pass-by (SPB) method is suitable for use for the following main purposes:
—    to classify road surfaces according to their influence on traffic noise (surface classification);
—    to assist in verifying conformity of production of road surfaces;
—    to evaluate acoustic performance of road surfaces throughout operation relative to new condition;
—    to evaluate the influence of different road surfaces on traffic noise at sites irrespective of condition and service time;
—    to evaluate acoustic performance of a road surface relative to a reference surface.
Due to practical restrictions, the method cannot be applied at all possible locations. However, the backing board method can allow some locations to be tested that were not previously acceptable.
Clause 5 gives a general description of the SPB method.

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This document specifies the mathematical processing of digitized longitudinal profile measurements to produce evenness indices. The document describes the calculation procedure for the International Roughness Index (IRI), Root Mean Square (RMS) and Longitudinal Profile Variance (LPV) from three separate wavelength bands and the σWLP and ΔWLP from the Weighted Longitudinal Profile (WLP).
The purpose of this document is to provide a standard practice for calculating and reporting estimates of road evenness from digitized longitudinal profiles. Other aims with this document are to facilitate the comparison of evenness measurement results carried out with different profiling instruments in European countries.
The evenness range covered in this document is defined as the wavelength range 0,5 m to 50 m. It is noted that both shorter and longer wavelengths can also influence the driving comfort but those are not covered in this document.
The quantified evenness indices derived from this document are useful support for pavement management systems. The output can also be used for type approval and performance control of new and old pavements. The indices can be used on rigid, flexible and gravel road surfaces.
This document doesn’t define from what position on the road the longitudinal profile should be obtained.
The derived indices are portable in the sense that they can be obtained from longitudinal profiles measured with a variety of instruments.

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This document describes a test method to determine the average depth of pavement surface macrotexture (see Clause 3) by measuring the profile of a surface and calculating the texture depth from this profile. The technique is designed to provide an average depth value of only the pavement macrotexture and is considered insensitive to pavement microtexture and unevenness characteristics.
The objective of this document is to make available an internationally accepted procedure for determination of pavement surface texture depth which is an alternative to the traditionally used volumetric patch technique (generally using sand or glass beads), giving comparable texture depth values. To this end, this document describes filtering procedures that are designed to give the best possible representation of texture depths determined with the volumetric patch method[13].
Modern profilometers in use are almost entirely of the contactless type (e.g. laser, light slit or light sheet, to mention a few) and this document is primarily intended for this type. However, this does not exclude application of parts of it for other types of profilometers.
This ISO 13473 series has been prepared as a result of a need identified when specifying a test surface for vehicle noise measurement (see ISO 10844:2014[6]). Macrotexture depth measurements according to this document are not generally adequate for specifying test conditions of vehicle or traffic noise measurements, but have limited applications as a supplement in conjunction with other ways of specifying a surfacing.
This test method is suitable for determining the mean profile depth (MPD) of a pavement surface. This MPD can be transformed to a quantity which estimates the macrotexture depth according to the volumetric patch method. It is applicable to field tests as well as laboratory tests on pavement samples. When used in conjunction with other physical tests, the macrotexture depth values derived from this test method are applicable to estimation of pavement skid resistance characteristics (see e.g. Reference [15]), estimation of noise characteristics and assessment of the suitability of paving materials or pavement finishing techniques.
The method, together with other measurements (where applicable), such as porosity or microtexture, can be used to assess the quality of pavements.
This document is adapted for pavement texture measurement and is not intended for other applications. Pavement aggregate particle shape, size and distribution are surface texture features not addressed in this procedure. The method is not meant to provide a complete assessment of pavement surface texture characteristics. In particular, it is known that there are problems in interpreting the result if the method is applied to porous surfaces or to grooved surfaces (see Annex B).
NOTE Other International Standards dealing with surface profiling methods include, for example, References [1], [2] and [3]. Although it is not clearly stated in these, they are mainly used for measuring surface finish (microtexture) of metal surfaces and are not intended to be applied to pavements.

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  • Standard
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ISO 11819-2:2017 specifies a method of evaluating different road surfaces with respect to their influence on traffic noise, under conditions when tyre/road noise dominates. The interpretation of the results applies to free-flowing traffic travelling on essentially level roads at constant speeds of 40 km/h and upwards, in which cases tyre/road noise is assumed to dominate (although in some countries it is possible that tyre/road noise does not dominate at 40 km/h when the proportion of heavy vehicles is high). For other driving conditions where traffic is not free-flowing, such as at junctions or under heavy acceleration, and where the traffic is congested, the influence of the road surface on noise emission is more complex. This is also the case for roads with high longitudinal gradients and a high proportion of heavy vehicles.
A standard method for comparing noise characteristics of road surfaces gives road and environment authorities a tool for establishing common practices or limits as to the use of surfacings meeting certain noise criteria. However, it is not within the scope of this document to suggest such criteria.
ISO 11819-1 defines another method: the statistical pass-by (SPB) method. The close-proximity (CPX) method specified in the present document has the same main objectives as the SPB method, but is intended to be used specifically in applications that are complementary to it, such as:
-      noise characterization of road surfaces at almost any arbitrary site, with the main purpose of checking compliance with a surface specification (an example for conformity of production is suggested in Reference [1]);
-      checking the acoustic effect of maintenance and condition, e.g. wear of and damage to surfaces, as well as clogging and the effect of cleaning of porous surfaces;
-      checking the longitudinal and lateral homogeneity of a road section;
-      the development of quieter road surfaces and research on tyre/road interaction.
NOTE          This document does not describe the conditions of application for formal purposes of the measurement with the CPX method. Such conditions may be defined in other standards or legal texts. However, suggestions for the applicability of ISO 11819-1 and this document are provided in Annex D.
Measurements with the CPX method are faster and more practical than with the SPB method, but are more limited in the sense that it is relevant only in cases where tyre/road noise dominates and power unit noise can be neglected. Furthermore, it cannot take heavy vehicle tyre/road noise into account as fully as the SPB method can, since it uses a light truck tyre as a proxy for heavy vehicle tyres and does not take power unit noise into account.
The CPX method specified in this document is intended to measure the properties of road surfaces, not the properties of tyres. If the method is used for research purposes, to provide an indication of differences between tyres, the loads and inflations would normally be adjusted to other values than specified in this document.

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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet road skid resistance of a surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCN. The described method is also used to determine the skid resistance on a surface covered by ice or snow.
The method provides friction coefficient measurements of the pavement by using an electrically braked test wheel.
ViaFriction can operate in the following modes:
-   Fixed slip: The slip ratio is fixed. The slip ratio can be set to a value from 1 % to 75 %.
-   Fixed slip speed: The slip speed is fixed. The slip speed has to be lower than the vehicle speed.
-   Variable slip: The test wheel is braked from 0 % to 75 % slip ratio recording F 30, F 60 and the slip ratio/friction curve.
The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement. Skid resistance measurement on winter roads do not require pre-wetted pavement.
To determine the macrotexture of the pavement surface a laser system can be added. This system is placed in front of the towing vehicle in order to measure the macrotexture (mean profile depth - MPD) on dry pavements and on the same path as the skid resistance measurement is done. The standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473 1.

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This Technical Specification describes a method only used on airports for determining the skid resistance of pavements by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCI.
The method provides a measure of the wet skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a trailer with a standard slip ratio of 15 %. The slip ratio can be chosen between 0 % and 100 % for research application.
The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under vertical force and constant speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the IMAG device.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements at different speeds. Tests can be performed between 40 km/h and 120 km/h but standard test speeds are 40 km/h, 65 km/h and 95 km/h. Low speed measurements asses the microtexture while high speed measurements asses the macrotexture. The skid resistance is reported as friction measurements at these speeds and by comparison with the minimum friction level.

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This European Standard describes a method for determining the slip/skid resistance of a surface using a device which remains stationary at the test location. The slip/skid resistance is measured by means of a slider mounted at the end of a pendulum arm.
The method provides a measure of the slip/skid resistance properties of a surface either in the field or in the laboratory.
This method measures the slip/skid resistance of a small area of a surface (approximately 0,01 m2). This should be considered when deciding its applicability to a surface which may have non-homogeneous surface characteristics, e.g. containing ridges or grooves, or is rough textured (exceeding 1,2 mm patch test).
NOTE   As the results from this test are taken at one small location, the results cannot be compared with results from devices e.g. mobile devices, that measure the slip/skid resistance over a long length of a surface.

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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of paved surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient SRM
The method provides a measure of the wet skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a locked wheel with a slip ratio of 0 % (locked wheel: standard), or a slip ratio of (15  1) % or ABS and a controlled speed. The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled load and constant speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion and to the pavement.
This document covers the operation of the Stuttgarter Reibungsmesser (SRM) of the IVT ETH Zürich.

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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet-road skid resistance of a surface by measurement of a sideway force coefficient SFCO. The method provides a measure of the wet-road skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of sideway-force coefficient at a controlled speed. The method has been developed for use on roads but is also applicable to other paved areas such as airport runways.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Odoliograph. This is a device developed by the Belgian Road Research Centre that uses the side-force principle to make routine, expertise and research measurements of skid resistance continuously on long lengths of road.
A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the Odoliograph designed by the Belgian Road Research Centre and the specific provisions of this document may also be used for the tests.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473 1.

  • Standardization document
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of a surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCN.
The method provides a measure of the wet skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a continuous reading braked wheel fixed-slip device.
The test tyre is dragged, parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to a pre-wetted pavement under controlled speed conditions.
This document covers the operation of the BV11 and SAAB Friction Tester (SFT) with a fixed slip ratio of 17 %.
Machines conforming to the general characteristics of the BV11 and SAAB Friction Tester and with the specific provisions of this document may also be used for the tests.

  • Technical specification
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ISO 13473-5:2009 specifies procedures for determining the average depth or level of pavement surface megatexture by measuring the profile curve of a surface and calculating megatexture descriptors from this profile. The technique is designed to give meaningful and accurate measurement and description of pavement megatexture characteristics for various purposes.
Since there is an overlap between megatexture and the surrounding ranges, the megatexture descriptors unavoidably have a certain correlation with corresponding measures in those ranges. ISO 13473-5:2009 specifies measurements and procedures which are in relevant parts compatible with those in ISO 13473-1, ISO 8608 and EN 13036-5.

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This European Standard specifies a method for determining the average depth of pavement surface
macrotexture by careful application of a known volume of material on the surface and subsequent
measurement of the total area covered. The technique is designed to provide an average depth value of only
the pavement macrotexture and is considered insensitive to pavement microtexture characteristics.
This test method is suitable for field tests to determine the average macrotexture depth of a pavement
surface. When used in conjunction with other physical tests, the macrotexture depth values derived from this
test method can be used to determine the pavement skid resistance capability, noise characteristics and the
suitability of paving materials or finishing techniques. When used with other tests, care should be taken that all
tests are applied at the same location.

  • Standard
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of the pavement surface of a road or airfield.
This method defines a process for comparing the friction results from a number of devices. By combining together the friction and texture from individual measuring devices, it allows skid resistance determined by different dynamic methods to be expressed on a common scale, namely the Skid Resistance Index (SRI). As its precision has not been determined, the method should not be used in specifications for surface materials.
This standard excludes surfaces when they are in winter road condition. It also excludes road marking surfaces.

  • Technical specification
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet road skid resistance of a surface by measurement of the sideway force coefficient SFCS.
The method provides a measure of the wet road skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of sideway force coefficient at a controlled speed. The method has been developed for use on roads but is also applicable to other paved areas such as airport runways.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Sideway force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine SCRIM®. This is a device developed by W.D.M. Limited, Bristol, England from original research by the Transport Research Laboratory in the United Kingdom. It uses the side force principle to make routine measurements of skid resistance continuously on long lengths of road. SCRIM test equipment has been built onto a number of different vehicle chassis and functions independently of vehicle choice.
A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the SCRIM and the specific provisions of this Technical Specification may also be used for the tests.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473 1.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473 1.

  • Technical specification
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of paved surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient µSkid.
The method provides a measure of the wet skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a locked wheel with a slip ratio of 0 % (locked wheel: standard), or a slip ratio of (14 +- 1) % and a controlled speed. The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled load and constant speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion and to the pavement.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Skiddometer, Type BV 8, used in Switzerland.

  • Technical specification
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of a surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCG.
The method provides a measure of the wet skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a continuous reading small braked wheel fixed-slip device.
The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement.
Test speeds can vary from 5 km/h to 130 km/h depending on the application. The measured values can be affected by the test speed.
The method has been developed for use on paved areas such as roads and airport runways and may also be used indoors.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the GripTester.
The GripTester is a device developed by Findlay Irvine Ltd in the United Kingdom that uses the braked-wheel fixed-slip principle with a small test wheel to make measurements of skid resistance continuously on airfields, roads and other surfaces. The fixed slip ratio is 15 %.
A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the GripTester and the specific provisions of this Technical Specification may also be used for the tests.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473 1.

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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet-road skid resistance of a surface by measuring the LFCD.
The method provides a measure of the wet-road skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient at a fixed slip ratio of 86 % and at a controlled speed. The method has been developed for use on roads, but is also applicable to other paved areas such as airports.
This Technical Specification covers the following proprietary devices:
RWSNL skid resistance trailer device, which has been developed by the Rijkswaterstaat in the Netherlands. The device uses a standard PIARC smooth test tyre being dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled speed conditions while its running direction is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement. Several RWS skid resistance trailer devices have been manufactured under license and operate in combination with variable towing vehicles.

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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet road skid resistance of a surface by measuring the LFCRNL using the Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter (ROAR).
In addition to the friction measurement also measurements of pavement texture may be performed.
The method provides friction coefficient measurements of pavements by using a hydraulically braked test wheel at a pre set slip ratio, which may be fixed from 5 % to 95 %. Default value for the Netherlands is 86 %.
The standard test tyre is dragged over a pre wetted pavement under controlled load and speed conditions while its running direction is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement.
To determine the macrotexture of the pavement a laser system is used. This system is placed in front of the towing vehicle in order to measure the macrotexture on dry pavements and on the same path as the skid resistance measurement is done. The standard for this measurement and the used measuring device are well described in EN ISO 13473-1 and ISO 13473-2.

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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of pavements by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCT.
The method provides a measure of the skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a continuous reading braked test wheel with a slip ratio of 25 % (standard) or a variable slip between 0 % to 100 % (for research measurements).
The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled load and constant speed conditions. The measured values can be affected by the test speed.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Tatra Runway Tester (TRT).
The acronym Tatra Runway Tester (TRT) applies to a device, developed by Tatra Kopřivnice in the Czech Republic to perform routine, continuous measurements of friction for long road sections or punctual measurements at different speeds to characterise a particular section. It is not manufactured under license.
A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the TRT and the specific provisions of this Technical Specification may also be used for the tests.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required, the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473-1.

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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of a paved surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCS. This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Road Surface Tester of arsenal research (RoadSTAR).
The method "RoadSTAR” provides a measure of the skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a continuous reading car sized braked wheel fixed slip device.
The method "RoadSTAR” provides skid resistance measurements of pavements by using the modified Stuttgart skiddometer (Stuttgarter Reibungsmesser). RoadSTAR utilizes a measurement representing the steady-state friction on a braked test wheel at a slip ratio of 82 % (for standard conditions), 37,5 %, 50 %, 75 % (for comparison measurements), with locked wheel or under ABS-braking conditions (for research measurements). The test wheel is dragged over a pre wetted pavement surface under controlled load and speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement.
NOTE   Three different slip ratios are retained in order to use the same slip speed for the three different nominal testing speeds of 40 km/h, 60 km/h and 80 km/h for comparison measurements. The common slip speed is chosen equal to 30 km/h:
-   for a testing speed of 40 km/h a slip ratio of 75 % should be applied;
-   for a testing speed of 60 km/h a slip ratio of 50 % should be applied;
-   for a testing speed of 80 km/h a slip ratio of 37,5 % should be applied.
A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the RoadSTAR and the specific provisions of this Technical Specification should be used for the tests.
In addition to friction measurements, to estimate the macro texture of the pavement surface, a laser system is used. This system is placed in front of the test wheel in order to be able to measure macrotexture (mean profile depth – MDP) on the dry surface and o

  • Technical specification
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of a surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCN.
The method provides a measure of the wet skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a continuous reading braked wheel fixed-slip device.
The test tyre is dragged over a pre-wetted pavement under controlled speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter (ROAR). The fixed slip ratio is 20 %.
A machine conforming to the general characteristics of the ROAR and the specific provisions of this Technical Specification may also be used for the tests.
In addition to friction measurements, to determine the macrotexture of the pavement surface a laser system is used. This system is placed in front of the towing vehicle in order to measure the macrotexture (mean profile depth - MPD) on dry pavements and on the same path as the skid resistance measurement is done. The standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473-1.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. The skid resistance may be reported either as friction measurement or as a combination of friction and texture measurements.

  • Technical specification
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the skid resistance of pavements by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient LFCA.
The method provides a measure of the wet skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient using a locked wheel trailer with a slip ratio of 100 % (locked wheel: standard), or a variable slip between 0 % to 100 % (for research measurements). Within this method the steady state friction on a braked test wheel is measured.
The test tyre is dragged over a pre wetted pavement under controlled load and constant speed conditions while the test tyre is parallel to the direction of motion and perpendicular to the pavement.
This technical specification covers the operation of the ADHERA device.
NOTE   The research measurements are not yet measured by all the ADHERA but with only one called "ADHERA research".
In addition to friction measurements, to determine the macrotexture of the pavement surface a laser system is used (mlpc device named RUGO). This system is placed just before the test wheel in order to measure the macrotexture (mean profile depth - MPD) on dry pavements and on the same path as the skid resistance measurement is done. The standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473 1.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. The skid resistance may be reported either as friction measurement or as a combination of friction and texture measurements.

  • Technical specification
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This Technical Specification describes a method for determining the wet-road skid resistance of a surface by measurement of the sideway-force coefficient SFCD.
The method provides a measure of the wet-road skid resistance properties of a bound surface by measurement of sideway-force coefficient at a controlled speed.
This Technical Specification covers the operation of the sideway-force Coefficient Machine (SKM) developed in Germany.
The SKM skid resistance measurement technique determines the sideway-force acting on a particular, angled wheel.
The SKM measurement technique has been developed for Network-wide measurements of skid resistance during road monitoring and assessment of pavement surfaces on German federal motorways and highways. It is also applicable to skid resistance measurements for road construction contracts.
The skid resistance of a pavement is determined by friction measurements and measurements of pavement texture. Where measurement of pavement texture is required the standard for this measurement and the device is described in EN ISO 13473-1.

  • Technical specification
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This European Standard defines the different transverse unevenness indices of the pavement surface of roads and airfields and the appropriate methods of evaluation and reporting.
The indices have been defined principally independent of the measurement device.
This European Standard focuses on transverse unevenness measurements for the following three purposes:
- indices to provide a means for quality control of pavement surfaces of newly laid pavements, especially with respect to crossfall and the evidence of irregularities due to improper laying and/or compacting action.
- indices to be used for evaluating the condition of pavements in service as part of routine condition monitoring programs. They are intended to detect transverse deformations caused by the traffic, pavement wear or subsurface movement.
- indices to be used for resurfacing activities on pavements in use.
The parameters and evaluation methods are applicable both for roads and airfields.

  • Standard
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This European Standard establishes the minimum requirements and criteria for classification and measurement procedures with profiling devices, designed for the measurement of transverse and/or longitudinal profiles in the unevenness and megatexture wavelength ranges. Recommendations for verification and calibration are included.
Profiling devices are equipment to measure evenness of pavements in the longitudinal and/or in the transverse direction of the pavement.
Highway agencies, airfield authorities, equipment manufacturers, and other organizations can use this standard to define the measuring capabilities of survey equipment that collects the data necessary to characterize surface conditions.
Evenness measurements can be performed by means of static or dynamic devices. The standard includes high-speed, low-speed, and stationary equipment.
NOTE   A dynamic measurement is a measurement executed out of a device running in the normal traffic flow at the accepted minimum speed or at higher speed (high-speed).

  • Standard
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This European standard describes a standard apparatus and test methods for measuring single irregularities attributable to quality defects in the surface course(s) of new roads, airfields and other trafficked areas. It is not applicable to providing information on profile which will be the subject of a s subsequent CEN Standard. Single irregularities are by nature random, and consequently no routine sampling rates are specified (see annex A.1)

  • Standard
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This standard describes a method for determining road surface horizontal drainability using the outflow meter as a stationary device.

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This document specifies the mathematical processing of digitized transverse profile measurements to produce indices in the transverse direction for unevenness, other defects and crossfall. The document describes the calculation methods of the indices such as irregularities (1) rut depth, (2) ridge height, (3) water depth and area, crossfall and how to evaluate and report the indices. It also describes possibilities to do further analysis to examine defects and problems on the road that can be seen in the transverse profile. The latter is described in Annex E.

  • Draft
    40 pages
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This document specifies a procedure for determining the magnitude of pavement surface megatexture by measuring the surface profile and calculating a megatexture descriptor from this profile. The technique is designed to give meaningful and accurate measurements and descriptions of pavement megatexture for various purposes, such as for the prediction of the acoustic quality of the pavement or the assessment of the rolling resistance.
Since there is an overlap between megatexture and the surrounding ranges, megatexture descriptors unavoidably have a certain correlation with corresponding measures in those ranges. This document specifies measurements and procedures which are in relevant parts compatible with those in ISO 13473-1[4], ISO 8608[6] and EN 13036-5[7].

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This document defines different possible methods for processing digitised road profiles:
   Computation of the International Roughness Index (IRI); based on the Golden car characteristics,
   Spectral analyses: Wave band analysis and Spectrum analysis, based on the Power Spectral Density (PSD).

  • Draft
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Description of a method of comparing traffic noise on different road surfaces for various compositions of road traffic for the purpose of evaluating different road surface types. Sound levels representing either light or heavy vehicles at selected speeds are assigned to a certain road surface. The method is applicable to traffic travelling at constant speed, i.e. free-flowing conditions at posted speeds of 50 km/h and upwards. For other driving conditions where traffic is not free-flowing, such as at junctions and where the traffic is congested, the road surface is of less importance.

  • Standard
    29 pages
    English language
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This test method describes a procedure for determining the average depth of pavement surface macrotexture by measuring the profile curve of a surface and calculating texture depth from this profile. The technique is designed to p provide an average depth value of only the pavement macrotexture and is considered insensitive to pavement microtexture and unevenness characteristics.  The objective of this standard is to make available an internationally accepted procedure for determination of pavement surface texture depth which is  an alternative to the traditionally used volumetric patch technique.

  • Standard
    21 pages
    English language
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This European Standard describes a method for determining the skid resistance of a surface using a stationary device.

  • Standard
    24 pages
    English language
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This EN specifies a method for determining the average depth of pavement surface macrotexture by careful application of a known volume of material on the surface and subsequent measurement of the total area covered. The technique is designed to provide an average depth value of only the pavement macrotexture and is considered insensitive to pavement microtexture characteristics. This test method is suitable for field tests to determine the average macrotexture depth of a pavement surface.

  • Standard
    10 pages
    English language
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    1 day