IEC 60092-378:2024 is applicable to shipboard and offshore optical fibre cables, intended for fixed installations.
Cables designed to maintain functional integrity during fire given in 6.1 and to be installed in explosive atmospheres given in 6.2 are included.
The various types of optical fibre cables are given in Clause 6. The constructional requirements and test methods are aligned with those indicated in IEC 60092‑350, unless otherwise specified in this document.

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IEC 60092-379:2024 is applicable to shipboard and offshore units Ethernet (category) cables with extruded solid or foamed insulation, intended for fixed installations. Cables designed to maintain functional integrity during fire as specified in 6.1 and to be installed in explosive atmospheres as specified in 6.2 are included. The various types of Ethernet (category) cables are given in Clause 4. The constructional requirements and test methods are aligned with those indicated in IEC 60092-350, unless otherwise specified in this document.

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IEC 60092-353:2024 is applicable to shipboard and offshore non radial field power cables with extruded solid insulation, having a voltage rating of 0,6/1 (1,2) kV or 1,8/3 (3,6) kV intended for fixed installations. Cables designed to maintain circuit integrity during a fire are included. The various types of power cables are given in 5.1. The constructional requirements and test methods are aligned with those indicated in IEC 60092-350, unless otherwise specified in this document.
The object of this document is:
- to standardize cables whose safety and reliability is ensured when they are installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60092-352 or IEC 61892-4,
- to lay down standard manufacturing requirements and characteristics of such cables directly or indirectly bearing on safety, and
- to specify test methods for checking conformity with those requirements.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Updated references to IEC 60092-350 for general construction and test methods and IEC 60092-360 for insulating and sheathing materials.
b) Added subclause 5.10: Construction for special applications.
c) Added Table 9: Additional test for cables for installation between areas with and without explosive atmospheres.
d) Deleted the test requirement IEC 60331-21 from Table 7.
e) Deleted the former Annex A (Alternative enhanced insulation thickness for 0,6/1 kV).

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    21 pages
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  • Standard
    43 pages
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IEC 60092-303:2023 is applicable to all transformers used for power and lighting and, where appropriate, to static convertors, starting transformers, static balancers, earthing transformers, saturable reactors and transductors for use in ships, including single-phase transformers rated higher than 1 kVA, and three-phase transformers rated higher than 5 kVA, unless special requirements are specified. This document applies to transformers with rated voltage up to and including 36 kV.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 1980 and Amendment 1:1997. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- environmental conditions,
- load harmonic currents,
- Transformers for special applications,
- design and construction,
- transformers for essentials services.

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    13 pages
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IEC 60092-306:2022 applies to luminaires and lighting accessories for use in ships. It applies primarily to luminaires for illumination purposes. This document also applies to lighting accessories associated with the wiring and current consuming appliance of an installation. This document does not apply to portable luminaires, navigation lights, search lights, daylight signalling lamps, signal lights including the relevant control and monitoring equipment and other lights used for navigation in channels, harbours, etc. Annex A provides EMC considerations for system integrators.

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  • Standard
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IEC 60092-304:2022 specifies special provisions to power electronic converters and systems, using semiconductor elements for use in ships. The conversion may be from AC to DC, from DC to AC, from DC to DC or from AC to AC with a rated output power greater than 1 kW.
This document does not apply to semiconductor converters used in electrical propulsion plant. For semiconductors converters used in electrical propulsion plant, see IEC 60092-501.

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IEC 60092-503:2021(E) is applicable to AC supply systems with voltages from 1 kV up to and including 36 kV. The requirements contained in other parts of the IEC 60092 series apply where appropriate, subject to the exceptions stated in the clauses of this document.

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IEC 62742:2021 specifies minimum requirements for emission, immunity and performance criteria regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electrical and electronic equipment for ships with non-metallic hull.
NOTE Requirements for metallic hull are given by IEC 60533. This documents acts an extension of IEC 60533 to cater for EMC effects on non-metallic hull.
This document further gives guidance on how to achieve electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) on ships whose hull (surface) is made from non-metallic material and can also be useful for ships with hull comprising of a metallic hull, but with non-metallic superstructure or components.
This document assists in meeting the requirements of IMO resolution A.813(19).
It does not specify basic safety requirements such as protection against electric shock and dielectric tests for equipment. Electromagnetic effects on human beings are not the subject of this document.

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IEC/IEEE 61886-1:2021 is applicable to single and three-phase wet-mateable and dry-mateable AC connectors, penetrators and jumper assemblies with rated voltages from 3 kV (Umax = 3,6 kV) to 30 kV (Umax = 36 kV). This document relates to the requirements and tests for products in the "as manufactured and supplied" condition. This document is not applicable to requirements and tests for products that have been subsequently installed, deployed or retrieved.

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    96 pages
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IEC 60092:2021 specifies the requirements for electrical, mechanical and particular characteristics of insulating and sheathing materials intended for use in shipboard and fixed and mobile offshore unit power, control, instrumentation and telecommunication cables.

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    26 pages
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  • Standard
    52 pages
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IEC 60092-354:2020 is applicable to shipboard and offshore power cables with extruded solid insulation, conductor and core screening, having a voltage rating of one of the following: 3,6/6 (7,2) kV,6/10 (12) kV, 8,7/15 (17,5) kV, 12/20 (24) kV, 18/30 (36) kV. The cables are intended for fixed installations. The various types of power cables are given in 5.1. The constructional requirements and test methods are aligned with those indicated in IEC 60092-350, unless otherwise specified in this document.
The object of this document is:
- to standardize cables whose safety and reliability is ensured when they are installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60092-352 or IEC 61892-4;
- to lay down standard manufacturing requirements and characteristics of such cables directly or indirectly bearing on safety;
- to specify test methods for checking conformity with those requirements.
Only radial field cables are covered. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

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  • Standard
    36 pages
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IEC 60092-350:2020 provides the general constructional requirements and test methods for use in the manufacture of electric power, control and instrumentation cables with copper conductors intended for fixed electrical systems at voltages up to and including 18/30(36) kV on board ships and offshore (mobile and fixed) units.
The reference to fixed systems includes those that are subjected to vibration (due to the movement of the ship or installation) or movement (due to motion of the ship or installation) and not to those that are intended for frequent flexing. Cables suitable for frequent or continual flexing use are detailed in other IEC standards, for example IEC 60227 (all parts) and IEC 60245 (all parts), and their uses are restricted to those situations which do not directly involve exposure to a marine environment, for example, portable tools and domestic appliances.
The following types of cables are not included:
- optical fibre;
- sub-sea and umbilical cables;
- data and communication cables;
- coaxial cables.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2014 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) more detailed description of the test procedures in 7.7.6 and 7.7.7;
b) description of the relationship between Annex A and Annex D.

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    52 pages
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  • Standard
    106 pages
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  • Standard
    107 pages
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IEC TR 60092-370:2019 gives guidance and lays down the basic recommendations for the selection and installation of shipboard and offshore unit cables intended for electrical systems used in both essential and non-essential analogue or digital signal communication, transmission and control networks, including types suitable for high-frequency signals (i.e. signals with a frequency of more than 105 Hz). These cables are not suitable for direct connection to low impedance supplies. Where such cables are required, attention is drawn to IEC 60092-353. Cables intended to have limited circuit integrity (fire resistance) when affected by fire are not covered by this document. Fibre optical cables are not included. Sub-sea or umbilical cables are not included. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition: 30 V AC was added in voltage rating for data cables.

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  • Technical report
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IEC 60092-201:2019 is applicable to the main features of system design of electrical installations for use in ships.This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition, published in 1994. It constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) a new subclause regarding studies and calculations has been added;
b) a new subclause regarding documentation has been added;
c) the clause regarding distribution systems has been rewritten;
d) a clause regarding system earthing has been added;
e) the clause regarding sources of electrical power has been rewritten;
f) the clause regarding distribution system requirements has been rewritten;
g) the clause regarding cables has been deleted and transferred to IEC 60092-401;
h) a new subclause regarding electric and electrohydraulic steering gear has been added.

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IEC 60092-302-2:2019 defines the specific requirements of low voltage marine power switchgear and controlgear assemblies (MPSC-assemblies) as follows:
- stationary assemblies with enclosure for which the rated voltage does not exceed 1 000 V AC or 1500 V DC;
- assemblies intended for use in conjunction with the power generation, distribution and conversion of electric energy, and for the control of electric energy consuming equipment.
This document applies to all assemblies whether they are designed, manufactured and verified on a one-off basis or fully standardised and manufactured in quantity.
The manufacture and/or assembly can be carried out other than by the original manufacturer.
This document does not apply to individual devices and self-contained components, such as motor starters, fuse switches, electronic equipment, which comply with the relevant product standards.
This first edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition of IEC 60092-302 published in 1997. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) this document has been renumbered to fall in line with IEC 61439 (all parts);
b) this document has been restructured to fall in line with IEC 61439 (all parts);
c) the creepage distances have been modified;
d) the references to non type tested assemblies (NTTA) have been removed;
e) non-applicable tables have been removed;
f) the applicability of IEC 61439 (all parts) annexes have been identified.
g) specific requirements that were detailed in IEC 60092-302:1997, covered under 7.6.101 have partly been moved to 60092-201.

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    24 pages
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IEC 61892-3:2019 is applicable to electrical equipment in mobile and fixed offshore units including pipeline, pumping or "pigging" stations, compressor stations and single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations and DC installations without any voltage level limitation. Referenced equipment standards may give voltage level limitations.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning
– enclosures, with regard to material, marking (nameplates and labels), ventilation, earthing, EMC and short-circuit rating of components, and
– specific requirements related to use in an offshore unit, such as
• generators and motors,
• transformers,
• switchgear and control gear assemblies,
• instrumentation of power sources,
• semiconductor converters,
• secondary cells and batteries,
• luminaires,
• communication equipment,
• control and instrumentation, and
• accessories for accommodation and similar areas.
This document does not apply to
– fixed equipment for medical purposes,
– electrical installations of tankers, and
– control of ignition sources other than those created by electrical equipment.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the previous voltage limitations have been removed;
b) Clause 4 has been completely rewritten, giving general requirements as to relevant electrical equipment;
c) requirements concerning pyrotechnic fault current limiters have been added;
d) requirements as to gas insulated switchgear have been added;
e) the requirement concerning the isolation of supply to galley has been moved to IEC 61892-2;
f) requirements concerning control and instrumentation have been rewritten, based on changes in IEC 61892-2.

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    102 pages
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IEC 61892-1:2019 is applicable to electrical installations and equipment in mobile and fixed offshore units, including pipeline, pumping or "pigging" stations, compressor stations and single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations and DC installations without any voltage level limitation. Referenced equipment standards may give voltage level limitations.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning
– environmental conditions,
– power supply characteristics,
– location of electrical equipment in units,
– protection against external influences,
– protection against electrical shock, and
– ignition source control.
This document gives information and guidance on topics such as
– cold climate protection, and
– surface treatment and protective painting system.
This document does not apply to
– fixed equipment for medical purposes,
– electrical installations of tankers, and
– control of ignition sources other than those created by electrical equipment.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) voltage limitations have been removed;
b) definitions for fixed offshore units and mobile offshore units have been included;
c) tables for ambient air temperature and relative humidity have been removed, as this information will normally be given in owner's/operator's documentation for specific projects;
d) the requirement as to ignition source control has been moved from IEC 61892-7 to this document;
e) tables for voltage characteristics have been updated;
f) requirements for a minimum degree of protection for equipment have been moved from IEC 61892-2 to this document.

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    110 pages
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  • Standard
    71 pages
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IEC 61892-4:2019 is applicable to the selection of electrical cables intended for fixed electrical systems in mobile and fixed offshore units, including pipeline, pumping or "pigging" stations, compressor stations and single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning
– types of cables,
– voltage rating of cables,
– cables and wiring for interconnection of equipment,
– current-carrying capacities for continuous service,
– correction factors for different ambient temperature and for short time duty, and
– short-circuit withstand capacity.
This document also gives information on the jet fire test for hydrocarbon (HCF) fire resistant cables.
The reference to fixed electrical systems includes those subjected to vibration due to the movement of the unit, for example, cables installed on a drag chain, and not those intended for repeated flexing. This document does not cover flexible cables, for example, those used on drilling decks for top-drive, or cables for portable equipment.
This document is applicable for cables with a rated voltage up to and including 18/30 kV AC and makes reference to cable standards developed by SC 18A.
For higher voltages, relevant standards developed by TC 20 are applicable.
This document does not apply to
– optical fibre cables,
– sub-sea and umbilical cables;,
– cables supplying downhole pumps, and
– data, telecommunication and radio frequency cables.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2007. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) construction requirements for cables have been removed; reference is made to relevant standards from Subcommittee (SC) 18A;
b) reference is made to standards from IEC TC 20 for cables with rated voltage above 30 kV;
c) tables for current-carrying capacities for defined installations have been removed; reference is made to relevant standards from IEC TC 64;
d) requirements as to the sizes of earth continuity conductors not contained in a cable have been moved to IEC 61892-6;
e) requirements as to fire stops have been deleted;
f) requirements as to tests for cables exposed to drilling fluids have been removed; reference is made to relevant standards from IEC SC 18A;
g) the procedure for tests of jet fire resistant cables has been updated;
h) requirements as to the design of cable systems have been moved to IEC 61892-2;
i) requirements in relation to the installation of cables have been moved to IEC 61892-6.

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    41 pages
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IEC 61892-2:2019 is applicable to system design of electrical installations and equipment in mobile and fixed offshore units including pipeline, pumping or "pigging" stations, compressor stations and single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations and DC installations, without any voltage level limitation. Referenced equipment standards may give voltage level limitations.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning
– sources of electrical power for manned and unmanned units,
– system earthing, both for low-voltage and high-voltage installations,
– interface for electric transmission systems with power supplied from shore, between interconnected offshore units, and with power supplied by offshore units to subsea installations,
– distribution systems,
– cables and wiring systems,
– system studies and calculations,
– protection against electrical faults,
– lighting,
– energy control, monitoring and alarm systems, and
– turret/swivel.
This document gives information and guidance on topics such as
– applicable examples of HVDC VSC technology, and
– guidelines for illumination level.
This document does not apply to
– fixed equipment for medical purposes,
– electrical installations of tankers, and
– control of ignition sources other than those created by electrical equipment.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the requirement for sources of electrical power has been rewritten. Requirements both for manned and unmanned units are given. Requirements for essential services of electrical power have been added;
b) the requirement in relation to dead start has been added;
c) the requirement for emergency stop for motor-driven fuel-oil transfer and fuel-oil pressure pumps has been added;
d) general requirements regarding cables and wiring systems have been added;
e) the description of unit interfaces to electrical transmission systems has been included;
f) requirements in relation to energy control, monitoring and alarm system have been rewritten;
g) new clauses regarding swivel/turret and unmanned facilities have been added;
h) informative annexes regarding the following have been added:
– essential source of electrical power;
– emergency source of electrical power;
– applicable examples of HVDC VSC technologies;
– swivel/turret;
– power sources for unmanned units, with separate or combined main and emergency switchboard;
– alternative power sources of electrical power – general requirements;
– illumination level;
– enhanced software simulation;
– architecture for energy control, monitoring and alarm system.

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    234 pages
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IEC 61892-7:2019 provides requirements for hazardous area classification and selection of electrical equipment and installation in hazardous areas in mobile and fixed offshore units, including pipeline, pumping or "pigging" stations, compressor stations and single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or personal, to AC installations and DC installations without any voltage level limitation. Referenced equipment standards may give voltage level limitations.
This document is based on the requirements of International Standards developed by IEC TC 31 regarding area classification and requirements as to installations in hazardous areas and gives additional requirements for installations on mobile and fixed offshore units.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning
– area classification,
– electrical systems,
– selection of electrical equipment,
– cables and wiring systems,
– ventilation,
– ventilation requirement for battery compartments, and
– inspection, maintenance, repair and overhaul.
This document gives information on topics such as
– gas detection systems, and
– electrical installations in extremely low ambient temperatures.
This document does not apply to
– fixed equipment for medical purposes,
– electrical installations of tankers, and
– control of ignition sources other than those created by electrical equipment.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the document has been completely rewritten. References are, to the extent possible, made to IEC 60079-14 and to other relevant standards, as appropriate, from IEC TC 31; only requirements concerning offshore installations that deviate from the general requirements for installations in hazardous areas are given;
b) requirements as to gas detection have been transferred to an informative annex;
c) requirements concerning emergency shutdown (ignition source control) have been transferred to IEC 61892-1.

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    108 pages
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IEC 61892-5:2019 specifies additional characteristics for electrical installations in mobile units.
It applies to installations that depend on buoyancy, such as column-stabilized units (semi­submersible units), ship- or barge-type units as well as self-elevating units. It specifies additional characteristics for such units, used during transfer from one location to another and for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations and DC installations without any limitation on voltage level. Referenced equipment standards may give voltage level limitations.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning
– environmental conditions,
– limits of inclination for the unit where the equipment is required to operate,
– bilge pumps,
– navigation and obstruction lights,
– steering gear,
– ballast system,
– jacking systems, and
– anchoring systems.
For electric propulsion, reference is made to IEC 60092-501.
For dynamic positioning systems, reference is made to relevant IMO requirements.
This document does not apply to
– fixed equipment for medical purposes,
– electrical installations of tankers, and
– control of ignition sources other than those created by electrical equipment.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2014. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition:
a) the technical requirements as to electric propulsion have been replaced with a reference to IEC 60092-501:2013;
b) the requirement for handrails on main and emergency switchboards has been added;
c) requirements as to control systems and indicators for watertight doors and hatch covers have been made more specific;
d) requirements concerning the holding capacity for jacking systems have been rewritten;
e) requirements as to thruster-assisted mooring system have been rewritten;
f) the annex regarding enhanced system verification (HIL test) for dynamic positioned mobile units has been relocated to IEC 61892-2:2019.

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    51 pages
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IEC 61892-6:2019 provides specific requirements for the installation of electrical equipment in mobile and fixed offshore units, including pipeline, pumping or "pigging" stations, compressor stations and single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, production, accommodation, processing, storage and offloading purposes.
It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations and DC installations without any voltage level limitation. Referenced equipment standards may give voltage level limitations.
This document specifies requirements such as those concerning
– protection during equipment storage and in the installation period,
– installation of generators and motors,
– installation of transformers,
– installation of switchgear and controlgear assemblies,
– installation of semiconductor converters and UPS,
– installation of secondary cells and batteries,
– installation of luminaires,
– installation of heating and cooking appliances,
– installation of trace and surface heating,
– installation of cables and wiring, both low-voltage and high-voltage cables,
– requirements in relation to earthing and bonding,
– lightning protection;,
– testing of completed installation, and
– documentation.
This document does not apply to
– fixed equipment for medical purposes,
– electrical installations of tankers, and
– control of ignition sources other than those created by electrical equipment.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2013. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) requirements for protection during equipment storage have been added;
b) the special requirements for distribution board enclosures in accommodation spaces have been deleted;
c) requirements for installation of UPS have been updated;
d) requirements regarding the installation of batteries have been modified;
e) requirements for large single-core cables for three-phase AC have been updated;
f) requirements in relation to cable transit systems have been added;
g) the table on the sizes of earth continuity conductors and equipment earthing connections, set out in IEC 61892-4:2007, has been included;
h) requirements as to the installation of controls and instrumentation have been modified; clauses relevant to design and equipment have been deleted.

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    95 pages
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IEC/IEEE 80005-1:2019 describes high-voltage shore connection (HVSC) systems, onboard the ship and on shore, to supply the ship with electrical power from shore. This document is applicable to the design, installation and testing of HVSC systems and addresses:
- HV shore distribution systems,
- shore-to-ship connection and interface equipment,
- transformers/reactors,
- semiconductor/rotating frequency convertors,
- ship distribution systems, and
- control, monitoring, interlocking and power management systems.
It does not apply to the electrical power supply during docking periods, for example dry docking and other out of service maintenance and repair. Additional and/or alternative requirements can be imposed by national administrations or the authorities within whose jurisdiction the ship is intended to operate and/or by the owners or authorities responsible for a shore supply or distribution system. It is expected that HVSC systems will have practicable applications for ships requiring 1 MVA or more or ships with HV main supply. Low-voltage shore connection systems are not covered by this document. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) modification of 4.1, Figure 1: transformer on ship is optional, earthing switches on ship removed;
b) 4.2.2 and new item 11.3: alternative procedure of periodic testing added;
c) modification of 4.9:
- minimum current value in the safety circuits shall be 50 mA;
- opening of safety loop shall cause the automatic opening of ship and shore HVSC circuit breakers in a maximum time of 200 ms;
d) modification of 5.2: added Figure on harmonic contents;
e) modification of 6.2.3:
– earthing transformer with resistor can be used also on the secondary side;
– neutral earthing resistor rating in amperes shall be minimum 25 A, 5 s;
f) modification of all annexes: the safety circuits shall be mandatory;
g) modification of A.2.1: a metallic shield shall be installed at least on the power cores or common on pilot wires;
h) modification of B.7.2.1: new safety circuit introduced: single line diagram and description;
i) modification of C.4.1: SLD for cruise ships was updated, also the safety circuits to be coherent with main body, IEC symbols and introduced more details about the control socket-outlets and plugs manufacturer type;
j) modification of C.7.3.1:
- shore power connector pin assignment is updated;
- all cruise ships shall use 4 cables in all cases;
k) added D.6.1: the supply point on shore can be fixed or movable;
l) modification of D.7.3.2: the voltage used in the pilot circuit for container ships shall be less than 60 V DC or 25 V AC.
m) added D.8.6 and D.9.3.1: automatic restart and synchronization alternatives;
n) Annex E set to informative;
o) Annex F set to informative.

  • Standard
    74 pages
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  • Standard
    159 pages
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  • Standard
    147 pages
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  • Standard
    159 pages
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IEC 60092-101:2018 is applicable to electrical installations for use in ships.
The 60092 series form a code of practical interpretation and amplification of the requirements of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, a guide for future regulations which may be prepared and a statement of practice for use by ship-owners, shipbuilders and appropriate organizations.
This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 1994 and Amendment 1:1995. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the applicability of the standard has been changed to 1 000 V AC and 1 500 V DC:
b) the table for design temperature has been simplified;
c) the clause regarding power supply system characteristics has been rewritten;
d) information regarding pollution degree has been added in the clause regarding clearance and creepage distances;
e) a clause regarding environmental impact has been added;
f) the clause regarding classification test for materials has been deleted;
g) the annex regarding flame-retardant test for cables has been deleted;
h) the annex regarding test on bunched wires or cables under fire conditions has been deleted.

  • Standard
    31 pages
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IEC 60092-376:2017 is applicable to screened and unscreened cables for control and instrumentation circuits on ships and offshore units. The cables have extruded solid insulation with a voltage rating of 150/250V (300V) and are intended for fixed installations.
The various types of cables are given in Clause 5. The constructional requirements and test methods are aligned with those indicated in IEC 60092-350, unless otherwise specified in this document.
The object of this document is:
- to standardise cables whose safety and reliability are ensured when they are installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60092-352,
- to lay down standard manufacturing requirements and characteristics of such cables directly or indirectly bearing on safety, and
- to specify test methods for checking conformity with those requirements.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- new structure in line with IEC 60092-353 and IEC 60092-354;
- requirements and test methods have been divided in several tables for clarification (enhanced cold properties, oil resistance or resistance to drilling fluids) and have been aligned to IEC 60092-350;
- the new testing methods for fire resistant cables are referenced in this document.

  • Standard
    24 pages
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  • Standard
    54 pages
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IEC PAS 63108:2017 specifies the requirements of primary DC distribution systems and interconnected installations.
The requirements of this PAS establish general principles for
- operations, without degrading unit and human safety, capable of a reduced environmental footprint,
- existing and new power generating units, new DC distribution concepts for electrical power, energy storage and advanced control of a total power balance, including semiconductor converters (AC to DC, DC to DC and DC to AC power converters) and dynamic load controllers, and
- relevant system studies and calculations demonstrating a protection philosophy as needed for necessary selectivity, segregation methods and equipment.
This PAS also gives guidelines for integration of energy sources of different nature and suitable ways to identify locations of such installations.

  • Technical specification
    20 pages
    English language
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IEC 60092-504:2016 specifies electrical, electronic and programmable equipment intended for automation, control, monitoring, alert, and safety and protection systems for use in ships. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the part title has been changed, the term "Automation" was added;
b) the contents of the corrigendum of January 2011 have been included;
c) a new subclause 5.1 "General" with general requirements for type testing has been added;
d) Table 1 contents aligned with current version of document IACS Req. 1991/Rev. 5, 2006;
e) the revised IMO Resolution A.1021(26), Code on alerts and indicators:2009 has been taken into account;
f) IMO Resolution MSC.302(87) has been taken into account. As a consequence, the term "alert" has been used where the generic term applies. This concerns, in particular, the text in 8.4 and 9.3;
g) a new subclause 8.2.4: The revised IMO Resolution MSC.145(77), Performance standards for water level detectors on bulk carriers:2003 has been taken into account;
h) subclause 9.1 about fire detection and alarm systems has been completely revised, IMO Resolution MSC.98(73) (FSS Code) with amendment MSC.292(87): 2010 has been taken into account;
i) a new subclause 9.2 "Bilge systems" has been added;
j) the subclauses 9.4 "Automatic control installations for electrical power supply" and 9.5 "Automatic starting installations for electrical motor-driven auxiliaries" have been completely revised;
k) Clause 10 "Computer based systems" has been completely revised;
l) a new subclause 10.3.6 about wireless data communication has been added;
m) a new subclause 10.5 about remote access has been added.

  • Standard
    196 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    116 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60092-202:2016 is applicable to the main features of the electrical protective system to be applied to electrical installations for use in ships. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 1994 and Amendment 1:1996. This edition constitutes a full technical revision.

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    62 pages
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  • Standard
    39 pages
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IEC 60092-353:2016 is applicable to shipboard and offshore non radial field power cables with extruded solid insulation, having a voltage rating of 0,6/1 (1,2) kV or 1,8/3 (3,6) kV intended for fixed installations. Cables designed to maintain circuit integrity during fire are included. The various types of power cables are given in 5.1. The constructional requirements and test methods are aligned with those indicated in IEC 60092-350, unless otherwise specified in this document. The object of this document is:
- to standardize cables whose safety and reliability is ensured when they are installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60092-352 or IEC 61892-4,
- to lay down standard manufacturing requirements and characteristics of such cables directly or indirectly bearing on safety, and
- to specify test methods for checking conformity with those requirements. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- updated references to IEC 60092-350 for general construction and test methods and IEC 60092-360 for insulating and sheathing materials.

  • Standard
    64 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    41 pages
    English and French language
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IEC/IEEE 80005-2:2016 describes the data interfaces of shore and ships as well as step by step procedures for low and high voltage shore connection systems communication for non-emergency functions, where required. This standard specifies the interface descriptions, addresses and data type. This standard also specifies communication requirements on cruise ships, in annex A. Application of this standard relates to annexes of IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1. This standard does not specify communication for emergency functions as described in IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1.

  • Standard
    111 pages
    English and French language
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ISO 16315:2016 addresses the design and installation of alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC) electrical systems used for the purpose of electrical propulsion and/or electrical hybrid (system with both a rechargeable battery and a fuelled power source) propulsion.
ISO 16315:2016 applies to electrical propulsion systems operated in the following ranges either individually or in combination: direct current of less than 1 500 V DC; single-phase alternating current up to AC 1 000 V; three-phase alternating current up to AC 1 000 V.
ISO 16315:2016 applies to electrical propulsion systems installed in small craft up to 24 m length of the hull (LH according to ISO 8666).

  • Standard
    24 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    24 pages
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IEC 60533:2015(E) specifies minimum requirements for emission, immunity and performance criteria regarding electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) of electrical and electronic equipment for ships with metallic hull. This International Standard assists in meeting the relevant EMC requirements as stated in SOLAS 74, Chapter IV, Regulation 6 and Cha pter V, Regulation 17. Reference to this International Standard is made in IMO Resolution A.813(19). This edition includes the followi ng significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- Introduction has been supplemented;
- scope and title have been modified to limit the application of the standard to installations in ships with metallic hulls only;
- the normative references have been updated;
- further explanation for in-situ testing has been given in 5.1;
- numbering of CISPR-Standards in Tables 1, 2 and 3 has been updated;
- title of Annex B has been changed;
- requirements on cable routing in Annex B have been amended;
- new Annex C EMC test report has been added.

  • Standard
    56 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    116 pages
    English language
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IEC 61892-1:2015 contains provisions for electrical installations in mobile and fixed offshore units including pipeline, pumping or 'pigging' stations, compressor stations and exposed location single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, processing and storage purposes. This International Standard applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations up to and including 35 000 V and DC installations up to and including 1 500 V (AC and DC voltages are nominal values). This standard does not apply either to fixed equipment for medical purposes or to the electrical installations of tankers. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) The general requirement to harmonic distortion has been changed from IEC 61000-2-4 Class 2 to Class 1.
b) The voltage tolerance for a DC system has been changed from +-10 % to +10 %, -15 %.
c) Annex C (informative) regarding specification of surface treatment and protective painting system has been added.

  • Standard
    87 pages
    English language
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  • Standard
    57 pages
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IEC 61892-7:2014 contains provisions for hazardous areas classification and choice of electrical installation in hazardous areas in mobile and fixed offshore units, including pipelines, pumping or 'pigging' stations, compressor stations and exposed location single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, processing and for storage purposes. It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations up to and including 35 000 V and DC installations up to and including 1 500 V. (AC and DC voltages are nominal values). This standard does not apply to electrical installations in rooms used for medical purposes, or in tankers. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition.
a) The EPL (Explosion Protection Level) concept has been introduced.
b) The requirements to installations in hazardous area has been rewritten, based on the requirements of IEC 60079-14:2013.

  • Standard
    174 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60092-507:2014 specifies requirements for the design, construction and installation of electrical systems in small vessels, which have a length of up to 50 m, or which have a gross tonnage not exceeding 500 Gross Tonnes (GT), designed for use on inland waters or at sea. It is not intended to apply to:
a) small craft equipped only with a battery supplying circuits for engine starting and navigation lighting recharged from an inboard or outboard engine driven alternator.
b) recreational craft of less than 24 m hull length requiring to conform to the Recreational Craft Directive 94/25/EC Annex 1 Essential Requirements Part 5.3 Electrical systems, except for three-phase alternating current installations in such recreational craft which operate at a nominal voltage not exceeding AC 500 V. This third edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) The standard now clarifies its application for electrical installations in those recreational craft which require to conform to the Recreational Craft Directive.
b) The standard specifies requirements for methods of galvanic isolation for small vessels and recreational craft connecting to a low voltage AC shore supply.
c) The standard includes design guidance for electric propulsion systems suitable for small vessels and associated installation requirements.

  • Standard
    138 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61892-5:2014 specifies the characteristics for electrical installations in mobile units, for use during transfer from one location to another and for use during the exploration and exploitation of petroleum resources. It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations up to and including 35 000 V and DC installations up to and including 1 500 V (AC and DC voltages are nominal values). This third edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition: the requirement to protection against flooding has been rewritten.

  • Standard
    75 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60092-354:2014 is applicable to shipboard and offshore power cables with extruded solid insulation, conductor and core screening, having a voltage rating of one of the following:
3,6/6 (7,2) kV, 6/10 (12) kV, 8,7/15 (17,5) kV, 12/20 (24) kV, 18/30 (36) kV. The cables are intended for fixed installations. The object of this standard is:
- to standardize cables whose safety and reliability are ensured when they are installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60092-352 or IEC 61892-4;
- to lay down standard manufacturing requirements and characteristics of such cables directly or indirectly bearing on safety;
- to specify test methods for checking conformity with those requirements.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Modification of construction requirements in line with IEC 60092-350. There has been some redistribution of test methods between IEC 60092-350 and this new standard to remove all tests carried out on complete cables.
b) Requirements for enhanced cold properties, oil resistance and resistance to drilling fluids have been aligned to IEC 60092-350.

  • Standard
    33 pages
    English and French language
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IEC PAS 80005-3:2014(E) describes low voltage shore connection (LVSC) systems, on board the ship and on shore, to supply the ship with electrical power from shore. This PAS is applicable to the design, installation and testing of LVSC systems and addresses:
- LV shore distribution systems;
- shore-to-ship connection and interface equipment;
- transformers/reactors;
- semiconductor/rotating convertors;
- ship distribution systems; and
- control, monitoring, interlocking and power management systems. It does not apply to the electrical power supply during docking periods, e.g. dry docking and other out-of-service maintenance and repair. It is expected that LVSC systems will have practicable applications for ships requiring up to 1 MVA. Low-voltage shore connection systems not exceeding 250 A, with a maximum of 125 A per cable and not exceeding 300 V to earth are not covered by this PAS. High-voltage shore connection systems are covered by IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1.

  • Technical specification
    51 pages
    English language
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IEC 60092-350:2014 provides the general constructional requirements and test methods for use in the manufacture of electric power, control and instrumentation cables with copper conductors intended for fixed electrical systems at voltages up to and including 18/30(36) kV on board ships and offshore (mobile and fixed) units. The following types of cables are not included:
- optical fibre;
- sub-sea and umbilical cables;
- data and communication cables;
- coaxial cables. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) reference to IEC 60092-360 for both the insulating and sheathing compounds;
b) partial discharge tests have been transferred from IEC 60092-354 to align it with IEC 60092-353;
c) requirements for oil and drilling-fluid resistance (former Annexes F and G) have been transferred to IEC 60092-360;
d) requirements for cold bending and shocks have been improved;
e) the document reflects the changes of material types that have been introduced during the development of IEC 60092-353 and IEC 60092-360.
The contents of the corrigendum of November 2018 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    110 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60092-360:2014 specifies the requirements for electrical, mechanical and particular characteristics of insulating and sheathing materials intended for use in shipboard and fixed and mobile offshore unit power, control, instrumentation and telecommunication cables. This first edition cancels and replaces IEC 60092-351 Ed. 3 published in 2004 and IEC 60092-359 Ed. 1 published in 1987, Amendment 1:1994 and Amendment 2:1992. This edition constitutes a technical revision.

  • Standard
    50 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 61892-6:2013 contains provisions for electrical installation in mobile and fixed offshore units including pipeline, pumping or 'pigging' stations, compressor stations and exposed location single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, processing and for storage purposes. It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to AC installations up to and including 35 000 V and DC installations up to and including 1 500 V (AC and DC voltages are nominal values). This standard does not apply to electrical installations in rooms used for medical purposes, or in tankers. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition.
a) Table 1, size of earth continuity conductors has been replaced with the table in IEC 61892-4.
b) The requirements for installation of batteries has been rewritten in order to distinguish better between batteries of the vented type and VRLA/sealed type.
c) An informative annex regarding cable termination has been added.
d) The applicability for DC installations has been increased from 750 V to 1 500 V, in accordance with Part 1 of the series.

  • Standard
    92 pages
    English and French language
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IEC 60092-501:2013(E) specifies requirements for all electric propulsion plants and gives the specifications, system design, installation and testing of at least:
- generators and their prime movers;
- switchboards;
- transformers/reactors;
- semiconductor convertors;
- propulsion motors;
- excitation systems;
- control, monitoring and safety systems;
- wires, cables, busbars, trunking systems;
- harmonic filters.
Bow and stern thrusters intended as auxiliary steering devices, booster and take-home devices, all auxiliary generating plants, and accumulator battery powered propulsion machinery and equipment are excluded. This fifth edition cancels and replaces the fourth edition published in 2007. It constitutes a technical revision. This edition included the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) requirements regarding system responsibility, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), harmonic distortion and filtering, special requirements for ships with propulsion motor(s) and podded drives, and power management system (PMS);
b) overall technical review to update the standard according to general requirements and referenced equipment standards.

  • Standard
    44 pages
    English language
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IEC/ISO/IEEE 80005-1:2012(E) describes high voltage shore connection (HVSC) systems, on board the ship and on shore, to supply the ship with electrical power from shore. This standard is applicable to the design, installation and testing of HVSC systems and addresses:
- HV shore distribution systems;
- shore-to-ship connection and interface equipment;
- transformers/reactors;
- semiconductor/rotating convertors;
- ship distribution systems; and
- control, monitoring, interlocking and power management systems.
It does not apply to the electrical power supply during docking periods, e.g. dry docking and other out of service maintenance and repair.

  • Standard
    64 pages
    English language
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IEC 61892-2:2012(E) contains provisions for system design of electrical installations in mobile and fixed units used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, production, processing and for storage purposes, including pipeline, pumping or 'pigging' stations, compressor stations and exposed location single buoy moorings. It applies to all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to a.c. installations up to and including 35 000 V and d.c. installations up to and including 1 500 V. (a.c. and d.c. voltages are nominal values). This standard does not apply either to fixed equipment used for medical purposes or to the electrical installations of tankers. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- the d.c. voltage given in clause 1 has been updated to 1 500 V, to ensure consistency through all parts of the IEC 61892 series;
- Clause 4 has been rewritten, such that all requirements to emergency power are now given in 4.3;
- the tables for nominal a.c. voltages have been updated in accordance with the last revision of IEC 60038;
- the requirement to cross sectional area for earthing conductors has been made dependent on the system earthing arrangement;
- requirement for emergency stop for motor-driven fuel-oil transfer and fuel-oil pressure pumps has been added. The contents of the corrigendum of March 2013 have been included in this copy.

  • Standard
    78 pages
    English language
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IEC 61892-3:2012(E) contains provisions for electrical equipment in mobile and fixed offshore units including pipeline, pumping or 'pigging' stations, compressor stations and exposed location single buoy moorings, used in the offshore petroleum industry for drilling, processing and for storage purposes. This standard applies to equipment in all installations, whether permanent, temporary, transportable or hand-held, to a.c. installations up to and including 35 000 V and d.c. installations up to and including 1 500 V (a.c. and d.c. voltages are nominal values). This standard sets requirements for equipment, which are additional to the requirements given in the product standard for the relevant equipment. This standard does not apply to the electrical installations in rooms used for medical purposes or in tankers. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Table 4 in the previous edition of IEC 61892-3 regarding type testing has been deleted. Information regarding environmental conditions, including requirements to vibration, is now given in Clause 4;
b) for liquid immersed transformers requirement for overheating alarm and shut down has been added;
c) requirements for low voltage switchgear and controlgear have been rewritten, based on IEC 61439-1 and IEC 61439-2. Only additional requirements to those given in IEC 61439 are given in the standard;
d) requirements to low voltage circuit breakers, switches, contactors and fuses have been added;
e) requirement for subdivision of high voltage switchboard has been added;
f) requirements for luminaires have been deleted and replaced with reference to IEC 60598 series and IEC 60092-306;
g) requirements for heating and cooking appliances have been deleted and replaced with reference to IEC 60335 series;
h) requirement for portable equipment has been added.

  • Standard
    56 pages
    English language
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IEC 60092-353:2011 is applicable to shipboard and offshore non radial field power cables with extruded solid insulation, having a voltage rating of 0,6/1 (1,2) kV and 1,8/3 (3,6) kV intended for fixed installations. Cables for use in circuits requiring resistance to fire are included. The various types of power cables are given in 5.1. The constructional requirements and test methods shall comply with those indicated in IEC 60092-350, unless otherwise specified in this standard. The object of this standard is:
- to standardize cables whose safety and reliability is ensured when they are installed in accordance with the requirements of IEC 60092-352 or IEC 61892-4;
- to lay down standard manufacturing requirements and characteristics of such cables directly or indirectly bearing on safety;
- to specify test methods for checking conformity with those requirements.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Rationalization of the number of insulating and sheathing materials. In particular polyvinyl chloride based insulation (PVC) and sheath (ST1) have been removed. PVC sheath ST2 is permitted even though it releases harmful fumes under fire conditions;
b) Modification of construction requirements in line with IEC 60092-350;
c) Requirements and test methods have been divided in several tables for clarification. Requirements for enhanced cold properties, oil resistance and resistance to drilling fluids have been aligned to IEC 60092-350;
d) The new testing methods for fire resistant cables are referenced in the standard.

  • Standard
    41 pages
    English and French language
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