This document specifies the technical parameters of track circuits associated with the interference current emissions limits for RST in the context of interoperability defined in the form of Frequency Management in ERA/ERTMS/033281 v4.0. The limits for compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits addressed in this document allow provision for known interference phenomena linked to traction power supply including associated protection (over voltage, short-circuit current and basic transient effects like in-rush current and power cut-off), and other known sources of interference. This document is intended to be used to assess compliance of track circuits and other forms of train detection systems using the rails as part of their detection principles, in the context of the European Directive on the interoperability of the trans-European railway system and the associated technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and signalling track-side subsystems. The document describes technical parameters to consider for achieving the compatibility of the track circuit with the emissions limits defined in the frequency management for rolling stock (ERA/ERTMS/033281 v4.0). These parameters are structured and allocated according to their basic references as follows: - technical track circuit parameters; - train based parameters; - track based parameters; - environmental and other parameters including EMC. Each parameter is defined by a short general description, the definition of the requirement, the relation to other standards and a procedure to show the fulfilment of the requirement as far as necessary. An overview of the safety relevance of each parameter is given - in the context of this document - in a separate table. This document is applicable to track circuits on all lines, including non-electrified lines. However, for track circuits intended to be installed only on non-electrified lines, some parameters can be disapplied.

  • Standard
    82 pages
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This document specifies parameters for the design and usage of axle counter systems. For this, this document specifies the technical parameters of axle counter systems associated with the magnetic field limits for RST in the context of interoperability. In addition, test methods are defined for establishing the conformity and the performance of an axle counter detector. This document is intended to be used to assess compliance of axle counter systems and other forms of wheel sensors used for train detection, in the context of the European Directive on the interoperability of the trans-European railway system and the associated technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and signalling track-side subsystems. This document can also be used for axle counter systems installed on lines which are not declared as interoperable (including metro and tram lines). For wheel sensors and wheel detectors in other applications than axle counters but using the same sensors on the rail and detection circuits, transient and continuous interference can be considered as equivalent to axle counter detectors or axle counter sensors. Under interoperability, the frequency bands and rolling stock emission limits are currently defined in the axle counter FrM as specified in the ERA/ERTMS/033281 document.

  • Standard
    55 pages
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This document describes a process to demonstrate compatibility between Rolling Stock (RST) and Train Detection Systems (TDS). It describes the characterization of train detection systems, rolling stock and traction power supply systems. It is worth noting that the demonstration of technical compatibility between the rolling stock and infrastructure with respect to physical dimensions is not detailed in this document. This document is not generally applicable to those combinations of rolling stock, traction power supply and train detection system which were accepted as compatible prior to the issue of this document. However, as far as is reasonably practicable, this document can be applied to modifications of rolling stock, traction power supply or train detection systems which may affect compatibility. The detailed process can be used where no rules and processes for compatibility are established.

  • Standard
    39 pages
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This document specifies minimum functional requirements for urban rail signalling and control systems - which operate on line of sight or using automatic interlock signalling with intermittent train control, - not covered by the existing UGTMS standard EN 62290 series, - not forming a part of an urban traffic control system but possibly interfaced with such systems. The document is restricted to minimum functional requirements which allow users to define more specific requirements based on the given framework of the system requirements at top level. This document is not applicable to command and control systems for urban rail using continuous data transmission and continuous supervision of train movements by train protection profile (already covered by the EN 62290 series).

  • Standard
    29 pages
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For the purpose of demonstrating compatibility between rolling stock and axle counter detectors, this document defines the interference limits and evaluation methods to verify rolling stock emissions. Wheel sensors and crossing loops are not covered by this document. This document gives recommended individual limits to be applied to establish compatibility between RST and all selected types of axle counter detectors, including any covered by national standards. The list of selected types of axle counters and their limits for compatibility are drawn on the basis of established performance criteria. It is expected that the trend for newly signalled interoperable lines will be fitted with types that meet the compatibility limits published in the TSI CCS Interfaces Document (ERA/ERTMS/033281). To ensure adequate operational availability, it is essential that the rolling stock complies with the defined limits; otherwise, the established availability of the valid output function of axle counter detectors may be compromised. NOTE The influences from metal parts or inductively coupled resonant circuits on the vehicle, eddy current brakes or magnetic brakes, are not covered by this document but are considered on the basis of national technical specifications. For wheel sensors and wheel detectors in other applications than axle counters but utilizing the same rail sensors and detectors, transient and continuous interference can be considered as equivalent to axle counter detectors or axle counter sensors.

  • Technical specification
    13 pages
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This document is applicable to safety-related electronic systems (including subsystems and equipment) for railway signalling applications. This document applies to generic systems (i.e. generic products or systems defining a class of applications), as well as to systems for specific applications. The scope of this document, and its relationship with other CENELEC standards, are shown in Figure 1. This document is applicable only to the functional safety of systems. It is not intended to deal with other aspects of safety such as the occupational health and safety of personnel. While functional safety of systems clearly can have an impact on the safety of personnel, there are other aspects of system design which can also affect occupational health and safety and which are not covered by this document. This document applies to all the phases of the life cycle of a safety-related electronic system, focusing in particular on phases from 5 (architecture and apportionment of system requirements) to 10 (system acceptance) as defined in EN 50126-1:2017. Requirements for systems which are not related to safety are outside the scope of this document. This document is not applicable to existing systems, subsystems or equipment which had already been accepted prior to the creation of this document. However, so far as reasonably practicable, it should be applied to modifications and extensions to existing systems, subsystems and equipment. This document is primarily applicable to systems, subsystems or equipment which have been specifically designed and manufactured for railway signalling applications. It should also be applied, so far as reasonably practicable, to general-purpose or industrial equipment (e.g. power supplies, display screens or other commercial off the shelf items), which is procured for use as part of a safety-related electronic system. As a minimum, evidence should be provided in such cases (more information is given in 6.2) to demonstrate either - that the equipment is not relied on for safety, or - that the equipment can be relied on for those functions which relate to safety. This document is aimed at railway duty holders, railway suppliers, and assessors as well as at safety authorities, although it does not define an approval process to be applied by the safety authorities.

  • Standard
    154 pages
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  • Standard
    157 pages
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This document describes from an ergonomic point of view how GSM-R information will be arranged and displayed. More specifically it covers information that is out of the scope of ERA document ERA_ERTMS_015560. This document describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the GSM-R specifications. This document defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the stand alone ERTMS/GSM-R Voice Radio Systems.

  • Technical specification
    99 pages
    English language
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This document describes how ERTMS and non-ERTMS information will be arranged and displayed from an ergonomic point of view. More specifically, it covers information that is out of the scope of ERA_ERTMS_015560. This document describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the ERTMS/GSM-R specifications. This document defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the following applications: - stand-alone ERTMS/GSM-R Train Radio Systems; - non-ERTMS/ETCS Train Control Systems; - other technical systems currently provided on the rolling stock. The ergonomics covers: - the general arrangements (dialogue structure, sequences, layout philosophy, colour philosophy), - the symbols, - the audible information, - the data entry arrangements. This document is limited to ergonomic considerations and does not define the technology to be used for the implementation but it does give guidelines about how to implement the requirements using different technology types (soft keys, touch screen device, LCD, electromechanical instruments, indicator lamps, etc.). This document is applicable to all trains fitted with the ERTMS/ETCS and also to trains fitted with train radio (GSM-R) DMI. The scope of this document is to define ergonomic principles for the interface between the driver and the above listed applications. TDD is out of scope of the CLC/TS 50459 series. For human factor items, such as display of information, display location, viewing angles and organization of the screens, see EN 16186 series.

  • Technical specification
    22 pages
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This document describes from an ergonomic point of view how non ETCS information are arranged and displayed on the CCD. More specifically, it covers information that is not within the scope of ERA document ERA_ERTMS_015560. This document describes two possible technologies for implementing the ETCS DMI namely touch screen and soft key. National systems not integrated within ETCS DMI are not within the scope of this document. Redundancy concepts are not within the scope of this document.

  • Technical specification
    59 pages
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This European Standard contains the application requirements relevant to the radio remote control of a traction unit for shunting application, operated by personnel not physically located at the controls within the vehicle cab. Requirements specification for radio means and wireless protocols, as well as requirements specification for wireless communication between elements of the train, are not covered by this standard. This European Standard is applicable to newly manufactured vehicles and retrofitted vehicles.

  • Standard
    16 pages
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Unchanged with respect to the current edition EN 50128:2011. Scope of the amendment: - Alignment with EN 50126-1:2017, EN 50126-2:2017 and EN 50129:2018 together with minor corrections

  • Amendment
    14 pages
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This document defines, for the purpose of ensuring compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits, the limits for interference current emissions from rolling stock. The measurement and evaluation methods for verifying conformity of rolling stock to these limits are presented in a dedicated annex. The interference limits are only applicable to rolling stock that is intended to run on lines exclusively equipped with preferred track circuits listed in this document. The rolling stock test methodology (infrastructure conditions, test configurations, operational conditions, etc.) presented in this document is applicable to establish compatibility with any track circuits. This document gives guidance on the derivation of interference current limits specified for rolling stock and defines measurement methods and evaluation criteria in a dedicated annex. This document defines: a) a set of interference current limits for RST (Rolling Stock) applicable for each of the following types of traction system: 1) DC (750 V, 1,5 kV and 3 kV); 2) 16,7 Hz AC; 3) 50 Hz AC; b) methodology for the demonstration of compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits; c) measurement method to verify interference current limits and evaluation criteria. NOTE 1 The basic parameters of track circuits associated with the interference current limits for RST are not in the scope of this document. NOTE 2 Any phenomena linked to traction power supply and associated protection (over voltage, short-circuit current, under- and over-voltage if regenerative brakes are used) is part of the track circuit design and outside the scope of this document.

  • Technical specification
    43 pages
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CCMC - reference corrected.
2019-09-18 mah: no xml because AC

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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This European Standard specifies the technical parameters of track circuits associated with the disturbing current emissions limits for RST in the context of interoperability defined in the form of Frequency Management. The limits for compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits currently proposed in this standard allow provision for known interference phenomena linked to traction power supply and associated protection (over voltage, short-circuit current and basic transient effects like inrush current and power cut-off). These effects are assessed using modelling tools that have been verified by the past European research project RAILCOM. This European Standard is intended to be used to assess compliance of track circuits equipment and other forms of train detection systems using the rails as part of their detection principles, in the context of the Interoperability Directive and the associated technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and signalling track-side subsystems. The European Standard describes technical parameters to consider for achieving the compatibility of the track circuit with the emissions limits defined in the frequency management for rolling stock. These parameters are structured and allocated according to their basic references as follows: - Technical track circuit parameters - Train based parameters - Track based parameters - Environmental and other parameters including EMC Each parameter is defined by a short general description, the definition of the requirement, the relation to other standards and a procedure to show the fulfilment of the requirement as far as necessary. An overview on the safety relevance of each parameter is given in the context of this European Standard in a separate table. NOTE The allocated bands for track circuits and emission limits for rolling stock defined in the Frequency Management are currently used as input information to define mandatory requirements to be stated in index 77 of CCS TSI. The evaluation is conducted by the European Railway Agency. The immunity limits of the track circuits installed on non-interoperable lines, or on interoperable lines built before the publication date of this document, are not defined in this European Standard and remain the responsibility of individual infrastructure managers, NSAs and/or suppliers of train detection systems. In this case, the limits for compatibility are usually given in the infrastructure registers and/or the notified national rules. This European Standard is applicable to track circuit installed on all traction power supply lines, including non-electrified lines. However, for track circuit intended to be installed only on non-electrified lines, some parameters may be not applicable.

  • Standard
    80 pages
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This European Standard specifies parameters for the design and usage of Axle counter systems. For this, the standard specifies the technical parameters of Axle Counter systems associated with the magnetic field limits for RST in the context of interoperability. In addition test methods are defined for establishing the conformity and the performance of axle counter products. The specified parameters are structured and allocated according to their basic references as follows: - Axle counter system parameters - Train based parameters - Track based parameters - Environmental and other parameters Each parameter is defined by a short general description, the definition of the requirement, the relation to other standards and a procedure to show the fulfilment of the requirement as far as necessary. An overview on the safety relevance of each parameter is given in the context of this European Standard in a separate table. This European Standard is intended to be used to assess compliance of axle counter systems and other forms of Wheel Sensors used for train detection, in the context of the Interoperability Directive and the associated technical specification for interoperability relating to the control-command and signalling track-side subsystems. The bands and rolling stock emission limits are currently defined in the Axle Counter FRM as specified in the CCS TSI Index 77.

  • Standard
    63 pages
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1.1 This European Standard specifies the process and technical requirements for the development of software for programmable electronic systems for use in railway control and protection applications. It is aimed at use in any area where there are safety implications. These systems can be implemented using dedicated microprocessors, programmable logic controllers, multiprocessor distributed systems, larger scale central processor systems or other architectures. 1.2 This European Standard is applicable exclusively to software and the interaction between software and the system of which it is part. 1.3 This European Standard is not relevant for software that has been identified as having no impact on safety, i.e. software of which failures cannot affect any identified safety functions. 1.4 This European Standard applies to all safety related software used in railway control and protection systems, including – application programming, – operating systems, – support tools, – firmware. Application programming comprises high level programming, low level programming and special purpose programming (for example: Programmable logic controller ladder logic). 1.5 This European Standard also addresses the use of pre-existing software and tools. Such software may be used, if the specific requirements in and on pre-existing software and for tools in 6.7 are fulfilled. 1.6 Software developed according to any version of this European Standard will be considered as compliant and not subject to the requirements on pre-existing software. 1.7 This European Standard considers that modern application design often makes use of generic software that is suitable as a basis for various applications. Such generic software is then configured by data, algorithms, or both, for producing the executable software for the application. The general Clauses 1 to 6 and 9 of this European Standard apply to generic software as well as for application data or algorithms. The specific Clause 7 applies only for generic software while Clause 8 provides the specific requirements for application data or algorithms. 1.8 This European Standard is not intended to address commercial issues. These should be addressed as an essential part of any contractual agreement. All the clauses of this European Standard will need careful consideration in any commercial situation. 1.9 This European Standard is not intended to be retrospective. It therefore applies primarily to new developments and only applies in its entirety to existing systems if these are subjected to major modifications. For minor changes, only 9.2 applies. The assessor has to analyse the evidences provided in the software documentation to confirm whether the determination of the nature and scope of software changes is adequate. However, application of this European Standard during upgrades and maintenance of existing software is highly recommended.

  • Standard
    127 pages
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  • Standard
    132 pages
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This European Standard gives requirements for direct current relays intended for safety-related applications in railway signalling installations. This European Standard is applicable to monostable relays. However it can also be used as a guide for other relays such as with bistable relays.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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BT agreed to extend the DOW of EN 50128:2011 from DOR + 36 months to DOR + 72 months, to read 2017-04-25

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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This European Standard is applicable to safety-related electronic systems using for digital communication purposes a transmission system which was not necessarily designed for safety-related applications and which is – under the control of the designer and fixed during the lifetime, or – partly unknown or not fixed, however unauthorised access can be excluded, or – not under the control of the designer, and also unauthorised access has to be considered. Both safety-related equipment and non safety-related equipment can be connected to the transmission system. This standard gives the basic requirements needed to achieve safety-related communication between safety-related equipment connected to the transmission system. This European Standard is applicable to the safety requirement specification of the safety-related equipment connected to the transmission system, in order to obtain the allocated safety integrity requirements. Safety requirements are generally implemented in the safety-related equipment, designed according to EN 50129. In certain cases these requirements may be implemented in other equipment of the transmission system, as long as there is control by safety measures to meet the allocated safety integrity requirements. The safety requirement specification is a precondition of the safety case of a safety-related electronic system for which the required evidence is defined in EN 50129. Evidence of safety management and quality management has to be taken from EN 50129. The communication-related requirements for evidence of functional and technical safety are the subject of this standard. This European Standard is not applicable to existing systems, which had already been accepted prior to the release of this standard. This European Standard does not specify – the transmission system, – equipment connected to the transmission system, – solutions (e.g. for interoperability), – which kind of data are safety-related and which are not. A safety-related equipment connected through an open transmission system can be subjected to many different IT security threats, against which an overall program has to be defined, encompassing management, technical and operational aspects. In this European Standard however, as far as IT security is concerned, only intentional attacks by means of messages to safety-related applications are considered. This European Standard does not cover general IT security issues and in particular it does not cover IT security issues concerning – ensuring confidentiality of safety-related information, – preventing overloading of the transmission system.

  • Standard
    64 pages
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  • Standard
    64 pages
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The scope of this Technical Report is to present the different line side information used in 2006 on the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 lines and required for the application of the ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 operational rules. NOTE The signs described in this Technical Report are only referring to ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 operations. On lines equipped with ERTMS/ETCS Level 2 there may be some additional signs needed for maintenance, degraded modes, transition to and from other signalling systems and other operational rules. These signs are not necessarily described in this Technical Report.

  • Technical report
    78 pages
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The purpose of this Technical Report is to serve as a guideline for the application of radio remote control system of traction vehicles for multitraction operation. The European Standard EN 50239 is applicable for the radio remote control system of traction vehicles for freight traffic. This standard sets out 14 application examples. It does not include an example of multitraction operation; it only includes an example whereby a traction vehicle is controlled by an appropriate driving trailer in a train consist (example 13 of EN 50239). This Technical Report is based on EN 50239 and provides an indication of the additional requirements relevant for the multitraction application.

  • Technical report
    7 pages
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This Technical Report has been written to define the interference limits of existing track circuits used on European railways. The purpose of this Technical Report is to provide an overview, a reference and a source of information for other specifications and specifications that are presently in preparation. As required by the CENELEC rules, it will be updated as needed and will be finally replaced by a future specification or standard. According to CENELEC rules, the existing national specifications are not required to be replaced by this Technical Report. They will remain in use as the basis for approval of vehicles in the respective countries. Where available, the national specifications are referenced in Annex A of this Technical Report. The two main parts of this Technical Report are: 1) the List of European track circuit equipment; 2) the National Annex. The contents of these two parts have been provided by railway infrastructure representatives. Not all EU countries have provided information and in some cases the information may be incomplete. In 4.5, the track circuits are classified into preferred and non-preferred types ) with regard to their future use on interoperable lines. This definition provides an indication which types of track circuits are preferred for new signalling projects. In Annex A the interference limits and test specifications are defined within a template prepared by CENELEC, which is intended to ensure a large degree of common content and to facilitate comparisons between national specifications. The content of Annex A is based on existing national specifications. This Technical Report will remain informative until it is replaced by a specification. It may, however, be used as a basis for defining requirements, for example in improved national specifications. If the content is used in the TSI, the TSI document shall clearly define the consequences of the requirements. The vehicles have only to be made compatible with the track circuits used on the lines where they run, as defined in EN 50238. Normally an approval certificate will be restricted to these lines or countries.

  • Technical report
    113 pages
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This European Standard specifies the environmental conditions encountered within Europe. It can also be applied elsewhere by agreement between the supplier and the customer. The scope of this European Standard covers the design and the use of equipment and any portable equipment for signalling and telecommunications systems (including test, measure, monitoring equipment, etc.). The portable equipment must comply with the sections of this European Standard relevant to their use. This European Standard does not specify the test requirements for equipment. In particular the standard intends to define – interface conditions between the equipment and its environment, – parameters to be used by designers when calculating R.A.M.S. and life time with respect to environmental condition effects. In this respect it gives general guidance in order to allow consistent assessments of contract documentation for European projects. The defined environmental conditions are considered as normal in service. Microclimates surrounding components may need special requirements to be defined by the product standard. The effects of any signalling and telecommunications equipment (in either or failure mode of operation) on the overall signalling system safety are not within the scope of this European Standard. This European Standard does not provide the designer with information to enable him to determine the safety risk associated with environmental conditions. The safety of persons in the vicinity of (or working on) the signalling and telecommunications equipment is also out of the scope of this European Standard. The effects of vandalism on the equipment are not considered in this European Standard. This European Standard applies to all signalling and telecommunications systems except those used for cranes, mining vehicles and cable cars. It does not define the specifications for train-borne signalling and telecommunications systems. The train-borne signalling and telecommunications systems must comply with rolling stock environmental conditions specifications (EN 50125-1).

  • Standard
    28 pages
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This document is applicable to safety-related electronic systems using for digital communication purposes a transmission system which was not necessarily designed for safety-related applications. For transmission systems where the risk of unauthorized access is not tolerable, the document defines the interface to the applicable cybersecurity standards. Both safety-related equipment and non-safety-related equipment can be connected to the transmission system. This document gives the specific requirements needed to achieve safety-related communication between safety-related equipment connected to the transmission system, while the general system requirements including allocation of safety requirements and content of the safety case are defined in EN 50129. This document is not applicable to existing systems, which had already been accepted prior to the release of this document. However, so far as reasonably practicable, it is applicable to modifications and extensions to existing systems, subsystems and equipment. This document does not specify – the transmission system, – equipment connected to the transmission system, – solutions (e.g. for interoperability), – which kind of data are safety-related and which are not. A safety-related equipment connected through an open transmission system can be subjected to many different IT security threats, against which an overall program is defined, encompassing management, technical and operational aspects.

  • Draft
    54 pages
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Unchanged with respect to the current edition EN 50129:2018

  • Draft
    140 pages
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This document applies to railway signalling and telecommunication trackside equipment. This document does not cover signalling and telecommunication equipment mounted in vehicles; these are covered by EN 50155:2021. This document covers the type testing phases of the equipment for signal and telecommunication (S&T) system (including power supply systems belonging to S&T), in order to ensure compliance with specified requirements already defined in the customer specifications or by the involved parties. In particular this document intends to define test requirements with related performance / acceptance criteria, considering only the environmental conditions stated by the EN 50125 3:2003, and considering the severities of the environmental parameters herein defined. Safety considerations are not covered by this document.

  • Draft
    75 pages
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For the purpose of demonstrating compatibility between rolling stock and axle counter detectors, this document defines the interference limits and evaluation methods to verify rolling stock emissions. Wheel sensors and crossing loops are not covered by this document. This document gives recommended individual limits to be applied to establish compatibility between RST and all selected types of axle counter detectors, including any covered by national standards. The list of selected types of axle counters and their limits for compatibility are drawn on the basis of established performance criteria. It is expected that the trend for newly signalled interoperable lines will be fitted with types that meet the compatibility limits published in the TSI CCS Interfaces Document (ERA/ERTMS/033281). To ensure adequate operational availability, it is essential that the rolling stock complies with the defined limits; otherwise, the established availability of the valid output function of axle counter detectors may be compromised. NOTE The influences from metal parts or inductively coupled resonant circuits on the vehicle, eddy current brakes or magnetic brakes, are not covered by this document but are considered on the basis of national technical specifications. For wheel sensors and wheel detectors in other applications than axle counters but utilizing the same rail sensors and detectors, transient and continuous interference can be considered as equivalent to axle counter detectors or axle counter sensors.

  • Technical specification
    14 pages
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Corrigendum issued in July 2016 - TC origin: modification to a value in Table A.1.

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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This Technical Specification describes from an ergonomic point of view how non ETCS information are arranged and displayed on the CCD. More specifically, it covers information that is not within the scope of ERA document ERA_ERTMS_015560. This Technical Specification describes two possible technologies for implementing the ETCS DMI namely touch screen and soft key. National systems not integrated within ETCS DMI are not within the scope of this specification. Redundancy concepts are not within the scope of this document.

  • Technical specification
    75 pages
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This Technical Specification describes from an ergonomic point of view how GSM-R information shall be arranged and displayed. More specifically it covers information that is out of the scope of ERA document ERA_ERTMS_015560. This Technical Specification describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the GSM-R specifications. This Technical Specification defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the stand alone ERTMS/GSM-R Voice Radio Systems.

  • Technical specification
    101 pages
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    1 day

This Technical Specification describes from an ergonomic point of view how ERTMS and non-ERTMS information will be arranged and displayed. More specifically, it covers information that is out of the scope of ERA_ERTMS_015560. This Technical Specification describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the ERTMS/GSM-R specifications. This Technical Specification defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the following applications: - stand-alone ERTMS/GSM-R Train Radio Systems; - non-ERTMS/ETCS Train Control Systems; - other technical systems currently provided on the rolling stock. The ergonomics covers - the general arrangements (dialogue structure, sequences, layout philosophy, colour philosophy), - the symbols, - the audible information, - the data entry arrangements. This Technical Specification is limited to ergonomic considerations and does not define the technology to be used for the implementation but it does give guidelines about how to implement the requirements using different technology types (soft keys, touch screen device, LCD, electromechanical instruments, indicator lamps, etc.). This Technical Specification is applicable to all trains fitted with the ERTMS/ETCS and also to trains fitted with train radio (GSM-R) DMI. The scope of Part 1 of CLC/TS 50459 is to define ergonomic principles for the interface between the driver and the above listed applications. TDD is out of scope of CLC/TS 50459 series. For human factor items, such as display of information, display location, viewing angles and organization of the screens, see EN 16186 series.

  • Technical specification
    23 pages
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This Technical Specification defines, for the purpose of ensuring compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits the limits for interference current emissions from rolling stock. The measurement and evaluation methods for verifying conformity of rolling stock to these limits in presented in a dedicated annex. The interference limits are only applicable to interoperable rolling stock which is intended to run on lines exclusively equipped with preferred track circuit listed in this Technical Specification. National Notified Technical Rules are still to be used in all cases, where the line over which the rolling stock is intended to run is equipped with any type of older version or non-preferred track circuits that are not listed in this Technical Specification. However, the rolling stock test methodology (infrastructure conditions, test configurations, operational conditions, etc.) presented in this Technical Specification is also applicable to establish compatibility with non-preferred track circuits. This Technical Specification gives guidance on the derivation of interference current limits specified for rolling stock and defines measurement methods and evaluation criteria in a dedicated annex. This Technical Specification defines: a) a set of interference current limits for RST (Rolling Stock) applicable for each of the following types of traction system: 1) DC (750 V, 1,5 kV and 3 kV); 2) 16,7 Hz AC; 3) 50 Hz AC; b) methodology for the demonstration of compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits; c) measurement method to verify interference current limits and evaluation criteria. NOTE 1 The basic parameters of track circuits associated with the interference current limits for RST are not in the scope of this Technical Specification. NOTE 2 Any phenomena linked to traction power supply and associated protection (over voltage, short-circuit current, under- and over-voltage if regenerative brakes are used) is part of the track circuit design and outside the scope of this Technical Specification.

  • Technical specification
    43 pages
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Mistake in the reference of the document (EN 50238-1)

  • Corrigendum
    1 page
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For the purpose of demonstrating compatibility between rolling stock and axle counter detectors, this Technical Specification defines the interference limits and evaluation methods to verify rolling stock emissions. Wheel sensors and crossing loops are not covered by this Technical Specification. This Technical Specification gives recommended individual limits to be applied to establish compatibility between RST and all selected types of axle counter detectors, including any covered by national standards. The list of selected types of axle counters and their limits for compatibility are drawn on the basis of established performance criteria. It is expected that the trend for newly signalled interoperable lines will be fitted with types that meet the compatibility limits published in the TSI CCS Interfaces Document (ERA/ERTMS/033281). To ensure adequate operational availability, it is essential that the rolling stock complies with the defined limits; otherwise, the established availability of the valid output function of axle counter detectors may be compromised. NOTE The influences from metal parts or inductively coupled resonant circuits on the vehicle, eddy current brakes or magnetic brakes, are not covered by this Technical Specification but are considered on the basis of national technical specifications.

  • Technical specification
    12 pages
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Specifies the characteristics of operational and technical requirements for the overall system design as well as safety acceptance and approval, maintenance, modifications and extensions of the radio remote control system for the use in railway network in relationship with other European Standards. This standard applies only for the use of radio remote control systems for freight traffic.

  • Corrigendum
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This Technical Specification defines, for the purpose of ensuring compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits the limits for conducted interference from rolling stock and the measurement method for verifying conformity of rolling stock to these limits. The interference limits are only applicable to interoperable rolling stock which is intended to run on lines exclusively equipped with preferred track circuit listed in this Technical Specification. National Notified Technical Rules are still to be used in all cases, where the line over which the rolling stock is intended to run is equipped with any type of older version or non-preferred track circuits that are not listed in this Technical Specification. However, the rolling stock test methodology (infrastructure conditions, test configurations, operational conditions, etc.) presented in this Technical Specification is also applicable to establish compatibility with non-preferred track circuits. This Technical Specification gives guidance on the derivation of interference current limits specified for rolling stock and defines measurement methods and evaluation criteria. This Technical Specification defines • a set of interference current limits for RST (Rolling Stock) applicable for each of the following types of traction system: - DC (750 V, 1,5 kV and 3 kV); - 16,7 Hz AC; - 50 Hz AC. • methodology for the demonstration of compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits, • measurement method to verify interference current limits and evaluation criteria. NOTE 1 The basic parameters of track circuits associated with the interference current limits for RST are not in the scope of this Technical Specification. NOTE 2 Any phenomena linked to traction power supply and associated protection (over voltage, short-circuit current, under- and over-voltage if regenerative brakes are used) is part of the track circuit design and outside the scope of this Technical Specification.

  • Technical specification
    40 pages
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This Technical Specification defines, for the purpose of ensuring compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits the limits for conducted interference from rolling stock and the measurement method for verifying conformity of rolling stock to these limits. The interference limits are only applicable to interoperable rolling stock which is intended to run on lines exclusively equipped with preferred track circuit listed in this Technical Specification. National Notified Technical Rules are still to be used in all cases, where the line over which the rolling stock is intended to run is equipped with any type of older version or non-preferred track circuits that are not listed in this Technical Specification. However, the rolling stock test methodology (infrastructure conditions, test configurations, operational conditions, etc.) presented in this Technical Specification is also applicable to establish compatibility with non-preferred track circuits. This Technical Specification gives guidance on the derivation of interference current limits specified for rolling stock and defines measurement methods and evaluation criteria. This Technical Specification defines • a set of interference current limits for RST (Rolling Stock) applicable for each of the following types of traction system: - DC (750 V, 1,5 kV and 3 kV); - 16,7 Hz AC; - 50 Hz AC. • methodology for the demonstration of compatibility between rolling stock and track circuits, • measurement method to verify interference current limits and evaluation criteria. NOTE 1 The basic parameters of track circuits associated with the interference current limits for RST are not in the scope of this Technical Specification. NOTE 2 Any phenomena linked to traction power supply and associated protection (over voltage, short-circuit current, under- and over-voltage if regenerative brakes are used) is part of the track circuit design and outside the scope of this Technical Specification.

  • Standardization document
    37 pages
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This document is a Technical Report about the basic standard. It is applicable to the same systems and addresses the same audience as the standard itself. It enhances information on specific items on the application of EN 50129. The following items are covered, within the scope of this Application Guideline of EN 50129, as follows:  Clause 4 deals with identification and mitigation of failures in the concept, specification and design phases. It is mainly dedicated to designers and verifiers and product safety engineers;  Clause 5 deals with the preparation of a safety case, enhancing points providing the required evidence for safety assessment and approval. It is mainly dedicated to verifiers, validators, safety managers, quality managers and safety engineers;  Clause 6 deals with the activities an Independent Safety Assessor has to carry out. It is mainly dedicated to safety assessors, safety authorities, safety managers and safety approvals. In drafting this guidance, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the basic structure of the standard. This document does not claim to be exhaustive. It is not a complete compilation of best practices, but only the translation of the knowledge of all the experts of the Working Group in charge of composition of this Application Guideline.

  • Technical report
    89 pages
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The scope of this Technical Report is to define a method to determine the required Safety Integrity Level of railway signalling equipment taking in consideration • the operational conditions of the railway, and • the architecture of the signalling system. From a mechanistic point of view the task of this Technical Report is to define a method of calculation, which determines the integrity requirements (qualitatively and quantitatively) from the inputs stated above.

  • Technical report
    87 pages
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The scope of this Technical Report is to define the ERTMS DMI in STM mode for each system include in Annex B of STI CC. This Technical Report defines the ergonomics for the Specific Transmission Module integrated in the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the ERTMS/ETCS Train Control System, and for the integrated ERTMS/GSM-R Train Control and Train Radio Systems. The ergonomics covers the – general arrangements (dialogue structure, sequences, layout philosophy, colour philosophy), – symbols, – audible information, and – data entry arrangements. The reasons for defining the ergonomics of the DMI are as follows: 1. Achieving harmonised and coherent presentation for ERTMS/ETCS and STM information. Given the large number of STM’s requiring the use the ERTMS/ETCS DMI, only a harmonised approach is feasible. 2. Defining Driver-Machine Interface ergonomics that is compatible with agreed interoperable ERTMS specifications. 3. To reduce the risk of incorrect operation by a driver working with different trains fitted with ERTMS/ETCS. 4. Facilitating train operation with a unified ergonomics, hence reducing the cost of driver training. This Technical Report is applicable on all trains fitted with the ERTMS/ETCS.

  • Technical report
    42 pages
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This application guide for cross-acceptance is a Technical Report about the basic standard. It is applicable to the same systems and addresses the same audience as the standard itself. It provides additional information on the application of EN 50129 to cross-acceptance. Therefore it deals with the acceptance by a safety authority of a previously accepted system or product in a different environment and/or context, often referred to as cross-acceptance. It is mainly dedicated to safety assessors, safety authorities, validators, and safety managers. In drafting this guide, it is assumed that the reader is familiar with the basic structure of the standard.

  • Technical report
    16 pages
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The scope of this European Standard is to describe a procedure for mutual acceptance of rolling stock to run over specific routes. It describes the methods of measurement of interference currents, the methods of measurement of the susceptibility of train detection systems, the characterisation of traction power supplies and the procedure for acceptance. The result of the acceptance procedure is a structured justification document referred to as a “compatibility case”, which documents the evidence that the conditions for compatibility have been satisfied. This European Standard is not generally applicable to those combinations of rolling stock, traction power supply and train detection system which were accepted as compatible prior to the issue of this European Standard. However, as far as is reasonably practicable, this European Standard may be applied to modifications of rolling stock, traction power supply or train detection systems which may affect compatibility. The scope of the compatibility case is restricted to the demonstration of compatibility of rolling stock with a train detection system’s characterisation (e.g. gabarit). Radio based signalling systems are not within the scope of this European Standard.

  • Standard
    36 pages
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This standard is applicable to safety-related electronic systems (including sub-systems and equipment) for railway signalling applications. The scope of this standard, and its relationship with other CENELEC standards, are shown in Figure 1. This standard is intended to apply to all safety-related railway signalling systems/sub-system/equipment. However, the hazard analysis and risk assessment processes defined in EN 50126 and this standard are necessary for all railway signalling systems/sub-systems/equipment, in order to identify any safety requirements. If analysis reveals that no safety requirements exist (i.e.: that the situation is non-safety-related), and provided the conclusion is not revised as a consequence of later changes, this safety standard ceases to be applicable. This standard applies to the specification, design, construction, installation, acceptance, operation, maintenance and modification/extension phases of complete signalling systems, and also to individual sub-systems and equipment within the complete system. Annex C includes procedures relating to electronic hardware components. This standard applies to generic sub-systems and equipment (both application-independent and those intended for a particular class of application), and also to systems/sub-systems/equipment for specific applications. This standard is not applicable to existing systems/sub-systems/equipment (i.e. those which had already been accepted prior to the creation of this standard). However, as far as reasonably practicable, this standard should be applied to modifications and extensions to existing systems, sub-systems and equipment. This standard is primarily applicable to systems/sub-systems/equipment which have been specifically designed and manufactured for railway signalling applications. It should also be applied, as far as reasonably practicable, to general-purpose or industrial equipment (e.g.: power supplies, modems, etc.), which is procured for use as part of a safety-related signalling system. As a minimum, evidence shall be provided in such cases to demonstrate either that the equipment is not relied on for safety, or that the equipment can be relied on for those functions which relate to safety. This standard is applicable to the functional safety of railway signalling systems. It is not intended to deal with the occupational health and safety of personnel; this subject is covered by other standards.

  • Standard
    94 pages
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This Technical Specification describes from an ergonomic point of view how ERTMS information shall be arranged and displayed. This Technical Specification describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM R specifications. This Technical Specification defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the ERTMS/ETCS Train Control System, and for the integrated ERTMS/GSM R Train Control and Train Radio Systems, and for the stand alone ERTMS/GSM R Train Radio Systems and for other technical systems currently provided on the rolling stock. The ergonomics covers the - general arrangements (dialogue structure, sequences, layout philosophy, colour philosophy), - symbols, - audible information, - data entry arrangements. The aims of the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM R Train Control and Train Radio Systems are standardised systems facilitating interoperable movement of trains and permitting economies of scale in procurement and operations. The objective of this Technical Specification is to define the minimum requirements on the DMI that are necessary to enable these objectives to be achieved. Hence the Technical Specification is limited to ergonomic considerations and does not define the technology to be used for the implementation. The reasons for defining the ergonomics of the DMI are as follows: - achieving harmonised and coherent presentation for ERTMS/ETCS and STM information. Given the large number of STM’s requiring the use the ERTMS/ETCS DMI, only a harmonised approach is feasible; - defining Driver-Machine Interface ergonomics that is compatible with agreed interoperable ERTMS specifications; - to reduce the risk of incorrect operation by a driver working with different trains fitted with ERTMS/ETCS and ERTMS/GSM R; - facilitating train operation with a unified ergonomics, hence reducing the cost of driver training. This Technical Specification is applicable on all trains fitted with the ERTMS/ETCS and also for trains fitted with train radio (GSM R) DMI. The scope of Part 1 of the Technical Specification CLC/TS 50459 series is to define ergonomic principles for the interface between the driver and ERTMS/ETCS/GSM R. This specification gives guidelines how to implement different technology (soft keys, touch screen device, LCD, cathode tube, etc.)

  • Technical specification
    29 pages
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This Technical Specification describes from an ergonomic point of view how ERTMS information shall be arranged and displayed. This Technical Specification describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM R specifications. This Technical Specification defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the ERTMS/ETCS Train Control System, and for the integrated ERTMS/GSM R Train Control and Train Radio Systems, and for the stand alone ERTMS/GSM R Train Radio Systems and for other technical systems currently provided on the engines. The ergonomics covers the: - general arrangements (dialogue structure, sequences, layout philosophy, colour philosophy); - symbols; - audible information; - data entry arrangements. The aims of the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM R Train Control and Train Radio Systems are standardised systems facilitating interoperable movement of trains and permitting economies of scale in procurement and operations. The objective of this Technical Specification is to define the minimum requirements on the DMI that are necessary to enable these objectives to be achieved. Hence the Technical Specification is limited to ergonomic considerations and does not define the technology to be used for the implementation. The reasons for defining the ergonomics of the DMI are as follows: - achieving harmonised and coherent presentation for ERTMS/ETCS and STM information. Given the large number of STM’s requiring the use the ERTMS/ETCS DMI, only a harmonised approach is feasible. - defining Driver-Machine Interface ergonomics that is compatible with agreed interoperable ERTMS specifications. - to reduce the risk of incorrect operation by a driver working with different trains fitted with ERTMS/ETCS and ERTMS/GSM R. - facilitating train operation with a unified ergonomics, hence reducing the cost of driver training. This Technical Specification is applicable on all trains fitted with the ERTMS/ETCS and also for trains fitted with train radio (GSM R) DMI. The scope of this part of the Technical Specification (Part 5) is to define the symbols used with the ERTMS/ETCS and the ERTMS/GSM R DMI. The actual use of the symbols is depending on the availability of the function addressing the symbol.

  • Technical specification
    28 pages
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This Technical Specification describes from an ergonomic point of view how ERTMS information shall be arranged and displayed. This Technical Specification describes more ergonomic details than currently provided by the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM R specifications. This Technical Specification defines the ergonomics for the Driver-Machine Interface (DMI) for the ERTMS/ETCS Train Control System, and for the integrated ERTMS/GSM R Train Control and Train Radio Systems, and for the stand alone ERTMS/GSM R Train Radio Systems and for other technical systems currently provided on the engines. The ergonomics covers the - general arrangements (dialogue structure, sequences, layout philosophy, colour philosophy), - symbols, - audible information, - data entry arrangements. The aims of the ERTMS/ETCS/GSM R Train Control and Train Radio Systems are standardised systems facilitating interoperable movement of trains and permitting economies of scale in procurement and operations. The objective of this Technical Specification is to define the minimum requirements on the DMI that are necessary to enable these objectives to be achieved. Hence the Technical Specification is limited to ergonomic considerations and does not define the technology to be used for the implementation. The reasons for defining the ergonomics of the DMI are as follows: - achieving harmonised and coherent presentation for ERTMS/ETCS and STM information. Given the large number of STM’s requiring the use the ERTMS/ETCS DMI, only a harmonised approach is feasible; - defining Driver-Machine Interface ergonomics that is compatible with agreed interoperable ERTMS specifications; - to reduce the risk of incorrect operation by a driver working with different trains fitted with ERTMS/ETCS and ERTMS/GSM R; - facilitating train operation with a unified ergonomics, hence reducing the cost of driver training. This Technical Specification is applicable on all trains fitted with the ERTMS/ETCS and also for trains fitted with train radio (GSM R) DMI. The scope of Part 2 of the Technical Specification CLC/TS 50459 series is to define ergonomic arrangements of ERTMS/ETCS information. This specification gives guidelines how to implement different technology (soft keys, touch screen device, LCD, cathode tube, etc.)

  • Technical specification
    78 pages
    English language
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