TC 107 - Process management for avionics
To develop process management standards on systems and equipment used in the field of avionics. Avionics includes electronics used in commercial, civil and military aerospace applications.
Gestion des processus pour avionique
Développer des normes de gestion des processus relatifs aux systèmes et équipements utilisés dans le domaine avionique. L’avionique consiste en l’électronique dans le cadre des applications aéronautiques et spatiales, civiles et militaires
General Information
IEC 62668-1: 2024 Amendment 1
- Standard22 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC 62668-1:2019 defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components used in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries. It also defines requirements for ADHP industries to maintain their intellectual property (IP) for all of their products and services. The risks associated with purchasing components outside of franchised distributor networks are considered in IEC 62668-2. Although developed for the avionics industry, this document can be applied by other high performance and high reliability industries at their discretion.
This first edition cancels and replaces the third edition of IEC TS 62668-1 published in 2016. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added a reference to AS/EN/JISQ 9100 and AS/EN/JISQ 9110 which contain anti-counterfeit requirements
b) added reference to USA DFAR rule 252.246.7008 and to UK Defence Standard 05-135;
c) added reference to more GAO, OECD and ICC reports
d) updated weblinks and other references;
e) added new Annex E with figures describing how anti-counterfeit documents can be used in supply chains;
f) added a reference to the new IECQ OD 3702 traceability audit;
g) added new definition for re-manufactured components with a warning that these are not recommended.
- Standard176 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard183 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62500:2024 which is a Technical Report, considers the targets assigned to highly severe stress tests for operating margins research and robustness improvement of avionics equipment, their basic principles, their scope of application and their implementation process. It is primarily intended for avionics programme managers, electronic equipment project managers, designers, test managers, and dependability team.
This document provides guidance which can apply to all avionics programmes and is of primary interest to the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in charge of designing, developing and producing equipment built for these programmes, for obtaining early equipment maturity.
This document can be used in conjunction with IEC 62429, IEC 62506, or both, with regard to dependability aspects related to equipment consisting of hardware with embedded software.
- Technical report37 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-8:2020 is intended to provide awareness and guidance with regard to the effects of small particles (that is, protons, electrons, pions and muon fluxes) and single event effects on avionics electronics used in aircraft operating at altitudes up to 60 000 feet (18 300 m). This is an emerging topic and lacks substantive supporting data. This document is intended to help aerospace or ground level electronic equipment manufacturers and designers by providing awareness guidance for this new emerging topic.
Details of the radiation environment are provided together with identification of potential problems caused as a result of the atmospheric radiation received. Appropriate methods are given for quantifying single event effect (SEE) rates in electronic components.
- Technical report59 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62686-1:2020 defines the minimum requirements for general purpose "off the shelf" COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors for ADHP (aerospace, defence and high performance) applications. This Technical Specification applies to all components that can be operated in ADHP applications within the manufacturers' publicly available data sheet limits in conjunction with IEC TS 62239-1. It may be used by other high performance and high reliability industries, at their discretion. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- update related to obsolescence of STACK Specification S/0001 revision 14 notice 3;
- addition of alternative automotive methods of compliance and revision of Annex B initially related to cross-reference to STACK Specification S/0001;
- addition of an Annex C to include a requirement matrix for IEC TS 62686-1 verification.
- Technical specification83 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical specification176 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 63238-1:2019 provides information and a template to create an interface control document (ICD) for any project which includes electronic assemblies, such as electronic circuit card assemblies (CCAs) or electronic devices, connected together. This document proposes electrical signal naming conventions when interfacing electronic assemblies, and an example containing seven signal naming conventions is included. This document supports original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the preparation and maintenance of their electronic assemblies interfaces and integration specifications to avoid misunderstanding of signals which can cause unnecessary design and/or integration errors, and testing complications.
- Technical report15 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62668-2:2019, defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components when these components are not purchased from the original component manufacturer (OCM) or are purchased from outside of franchised distributor networks for use in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries. This practice is used, as derogation, only when there are no reasonable or practical alternatives.
NOTE: Typically this document is used in conjunction with IEC 62239-1 and IEC 62668-1, enabling ADHP industries to manage and avoid the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components in their supply chains.
Although developed for the ADHP industry, this document can be used by other high-performance and high-reliability industries, at their discretion.
This first edition cancels and replaces the second edition of IEC TS 62668-2 published in 2016. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the second edition of IEC TS 62668-2:
a) updates to the risk assessment process, including reference to SAE AS6081;
b) updates to the test methods, including reference to the SAE AS6171 test methods published and in development;
c) updates in line with IEC 62668-1 for definitions and references to DFARS.
- Standard116 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62686-2:2019 defines the minimum requirements for general purpose "off-the-shelf" COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) passive components for aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) applications. This document applies to all passive components that can be operated in ADHP applications within the manufacturers’ publicly available data sheet limits in conjunction with IEC TS 62239-1. This document can be used by other high performance and high reliability industries, at their discretion.
ADHP application requirements are not necessarily fulfilled by this document alone. ADHP original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) could consider redesigning their products or conducting further testing to verify suitability in ADHP applications using their procedures for satisfying their electronic component management plan (ECMP) (see IEC TS 62239-1).
This first edition cancels and replaces IEC PAS 62686-2 published in 2016.
- Technical specification59 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62239-1:2018 defines the requirements for developing an electronic components management plan (ECMP) to guarantee to customers that all of the electronic components in the equipment of the plan owner are selected and applied in controlled processes compatible with the end application and that the technical requirements detailed in Clause 4 are accomplished. In general, the plan owner of a complete electronic components management plan (ECMP) is the avionics original equipment manufacturer (OEM).
This first edition cancels and replaces IEC TS 62239-1 published in 2015. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) added references to SAE EIA-STD-4899, IECQ OD 3702, IECQ OD 3407-1, IEC TR 62240-2, IECQ component schemes, SAE AS6081, SAE AS6171. GEIA-STD-0005-1 GEIA STD 0008;
b) replaced Annex C (which was transferred into IEC TR 62240-2) with a cross-reference table to SAE EIASTD4899 rev C clauses/ subclauses for guidance purposes only;
c) added the analysis of component technical erratum
d) updated Bibliography and reference documents
- Standard159 pagesEnglish and French languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62240-2:2018(E) describes a process and a method for selecting digital semiconductor microcircuits by ensuring that their lifetime is compatible with the requirements of aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) applications (generally in connection with functional environments). Methods and guidelines are provided to assess the long term reliability of COTS semiconductor microcircuits in such applications; they mainly apply during the electronic design phase when selecting semiconductor microcircuits and assessing the application reliability. focuses on original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) using commercial off the shelf (COTS) semiconductor microcircuits for high performance, high reliability and long duration applications. This document supports OEMs in the preparation and maintenance of their semiconductor electronic component management plan (ECMP).
- Technical report28 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62647-4:2018(E) defines the requirements for replacing solder balls on ball grid array (BGA) component packages in the context of an electronic components management plan (ECMP) for aerospace, defence and high reliability products. The intent of this document is to provide re-balling companies (hereinafter referred to as the re-balling provider) with the administrative and technical requirements to be incorporated within existing processes or for establishing, implementing and maintaining a new set of processes or the creation of a stand-alone re-balling process.
- Technical specification41 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62240-1:2018 is a technical report, which provides information when using semiconductor devices in wider temperature ranges than those specified by the device manufacturer. The uprating solutions described herein are considered exceptions, when no reasonable alternatives are available; otherwise devices are utilized within the manufacturers’ specifications. This document describes the methods and processes for implementing this special case of thermal uprating. All of the elements of these methods and processes employ existing, commonly used best engineering practices. No new or unique engineering knowledge is needed to follow these processes, only a rigorous application of the overall approach. The terms “uprating” and “thermal uprating” are being used increasingly in avionics industry discussions and meetings, and clear definitions are included in the present IEC Technical Report. They were coined as shorthand references to a special case of methods commonly used in selecting electronic components for circuit design. This new edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2013 and includes a revised wording for subclause 4.1 (Introduction to selection provisions) and the associated flowchart.
- Technical report55 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical report113 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-2:2017(E) aims to provide guidance related to the testing of electronic components for purposes of measuring their susceptibility to single event effects (SEE) induced by neutrons generated by cosmic ray interactions in the Earth’s atmosphere (atmospheric neutrons). Since the testing can be performed in a number of different ways, using different kinds of radiation sources, it also shows how the test data can be used to estimate the SEE rate of electronic components and boards due to atmospheric neutrons at aircraft altitudes. Although developed for the avionics industry, this process can be applied by other industrial sectors.
- Standard42 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62396-7:2017 is a technical report which describes a process to account for the effects of atmospheric radiation on electronic equipment. Single event effects (SEE) due to atmospheric radiation are one class of possible failure mechanisms that are addressed in the safety and reliability analyses of electronic equipment and associated functions. This document focuses on electronic components, electronic equipment and associated electronic functions. System level analysis is not addressed in this document. This document is intended to describe an approach to accounting for SEE in electronic equipment design, design review, and it can provide aid in the aerospace certification process.
- Technical report18 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TR 62396-6:2017 is a technical report which provides information intended to improve the understanding of extreme space weather events; it details the mechanisms and conditions that produce “extreme space weather” (ESW) as a result of a large increase in the activity on the surface of the sun and it discusses the potential radiation environment based on projection of previous recorded ESW.
- Technical report19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62239-2:2017(E) applies to the development of COTS assembly management plans for the integration and management of electronic COTS assemblies in electronic systems used in the ADHP markets where reliability is generally critical. Depending on program or product line requirements and/or the technical characteristics of the electronic COTS assemblies and in agreement with the customer, the electronic COTS assembly management plans could consider tailoring the requirements of this document. Although developed for the avionics industry, this document can be applied by other high performance and high reliability industries at their discretion.
- Technical specification64 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62564-1:2016(E) defines the minimum requirements for integrated circuits and semiconductors which are designated as an "aerospace qualified electronic component (AQEC)". This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- refers to the latest editions of IEC TS 62239-1 and IEC TS 62686-1, and of other publications;
- adds information regarding components' life expectancy.
- Technical specification18 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-1:2016(E) provides guidance on atmospheric radiation effects on avionics electronics used in aircraft operating at altitudes up to 60 000 ft (18,3 km). It defines the radiation environment, the effects of that environment on electronics and provides design considerations for the accommodation of those effects within avionics systems. This International Standard helps aerospace equipment manufacturers and designers to standardise their approach to single event effects in avionics by providing guidance, leading to a standard methodology. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- incorporation of references to some new papers and issues which have appeared since 2011;
- addition of solar flares and extreme space weather reference to a proposed future Part 6;
- addition of reference to a proposed new Part 7 on incorporating atmospheric radiation effects analysis into the system design process;
- addition of a reference to a proposed future Part 8 on other particles including protons, pions and muons.
- Standard104 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard215 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62686-1:2015(E) defines the minimum requirements for general purpose "off the shelf" COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors for ADHP (aerospace, defence and high performance) applications. This Technical Specification applies to all components that can be operated in ADHP applications within the manufacturers' publicly available data sheet limits in conjunction with IEC TS 62239-1. It may be used by other high performance and high reliability industries, at their discretion. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- adoption and modification of STACK Specification S/0001 revision 14 notice 3, update of IEC semiconductor test methods;
- update of JEDEC semiconductor test methods;
- including addition of JEP148A, based on the Physics of Failure Risk and Opportunity assessment;
- update of Annex A with additional JEDEC and IEC test information;
- revision of lead-free termination finish requirements.
- Technical specification63 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-5:2014(E) provides a more precise definition of the threat that thermal neutrons pose to avionics as a second mechanism for inducing single event upset (SEU) in microelectronics. IEC 62396-5 addresses two main items:
- a detailed evaluation of the existing literature on measurements of the thermal flux inside of airliners, and
- an enhanced compilation of the thermal neutron SEU cross-section in currently available SRAM devices (more than 20 different devices). The net result of the reviews of these two different sets of data will be two ratios that are considered to be very important for leading to the ultimate objective of determining how large a threat is. This new edition includes the following technical changes with respect to the previous technical specification: document upgraded to an IEC international standard, change to title, updated references and bibliography, consideration of smaller geometries, addition of recent data on neutron cross-sections, etc.
- Standard21 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62668-1:2014(en) defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components used in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries. It also defines requirements for ADHP industries to maintain their intellectual property for all of their products and services. The risks associated with purchasing components outside of franchised distributor networks are considered in IEC TS 62668-2. Although developed for the avionics industry, this specification may be applied by other high performance and high reliability industries at their discretion. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- update of "fraudulent component" definition, addition of "recycled component" and "suspect component" definitions, and update of the concerned clauses accordingly;
- addition of counterfeit awareness training as a requirement;
- revision to update all references and web links in the annexes.
- Technical specification68 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62668-2:2014(en) defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components when these components are purchased outside of franchised distributor networks for use in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries. This practice is used, as derogation, only when there are no reasonable or practical alternatives. Although developed for the ADHP industry, this document may be used by other high-performance and high-reliability industries, at their discretion.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC TS 62239-1:2012 and IEC TS 62668-1:2014
- Technical specification38 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62647-3:2014(E) defines for circuit card assemblies a default method for those companies that require a pre-defined approach, and a protocol for those companies that wish to develop their own test methods. The intent of this document is to aid avionics/defence suppliers in satisfying the reliability and/or performance requirements of IEC/TS 62647-1 as well as support the expectations in IEC/TS 62647-21. The default method is intended for use by electronic equipment manufacturers, repair facilities, or programs that may be unable to develop methods specific to their own products and applications. It should be used when little or no other information is available to define, conduct, and interpret results from reliability, qualification, or other tests for electronic equipment containing lead-free (Pb-free) solder. The default method is intended to be conservative, i.e., it is biased toward minimizing the risk to users of avionics electronic equipment.
- Technical specification42 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62647-23:2013(E) provides technical background, procurement guidance, engineering procedures, and guidelines to assist organizations reworking/repairing aerospace and high performance electronic systems, whether they were assembled or previously reworked/repaired using traditional alloys such as Sn-Pb or Pb-free alloys, or a combination of both solders and surface finishes. This document contains a review of known impacts and issues, processes for rework/repair, focused to provide the technical structure to allow the repair technician to execute the task. This document focuses on the removal and replacement of piece parts. The information contained within this document is based on the current knowledge of the industry at the time of publication.
- Technical specification45 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-3:2013(E) provides guidance and furthermore it provides necessary requirements for those involved in the design of avionic systems and equipment and the resultant effects of atmospheric radiation-induced single event effects (SEE) on those avionic systems. The outputs of the activities and objectives described in this part of IEC 62396 will become inputs to higher level certification activities and required evidences. It builds on the initial guidance on the system level approach to single event effects in IEC 62396-1:2012, considers some avionic systems and provides basic methods to accommodate SEE so that system development assurance levels are met.
- Standard28 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62647-22:2013(E) is intended for use as technical guidance by aerospace, defence, and high performance (ADHP) electronic applications and systems suppliers, e.g., original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and system maintenance facilities, in developing and implementing designs and processes to ensure the continued performance, quality, reliability, safety, airworthiness, configuration control, affordability, maintainability, and supportability of high performance aerospace systems both during and after the transition to Pb-free electronics. The guidelines may be used by the OEMs and maintenance facilities to implement the methodologies they use to ensure the performance, reliability, airworthiness, safety, and certifiability of their products, in accordance with IEC/TS 62647-1:2012. This document also contains lessons learned from previous experience with Pb-free aerospace electronic systems.
- Technical specification70 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-4:2013(E) provides guidance on atmospheric radiation effects and their management on high voltage (nominally above 200 V) avionics electronics used in aircraft operating at altitudes up to 60 000 ft (18,3 km). This part of IEC 62396 defines the effects of that environment on high voltage electronics and provides design considerations for the accommodation of those effects within avionics systems. This part of IEC 62396 provides technical data and methodology for aerospace equipment manufacturers and designers to standardise their approach to single event effects on high voltage avionics by providing guidance, leading to a standard methodology.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 62396-1:2012.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62647-21:2013(E) is designed to assist program management and/or systems engineering management in managing the transition to lead-free electronics to assure product reliability and performance. The basic principles delineated in this document can be used for program management and/or systems engineering management of any aerospace and/or high performance program. The annexes in the document describe tools that can be used in conjunction with this document. This document is designed to assist a program in assuring the performance, reliability, airworthiness, safety, and certifiability of product(s), in accordance with IEC/TS 62647-1.
- Technical specification34 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TR 62240-1:2013(E) provides information for the use of semiconductor devices in wider temperature ranges than those specified by the device manufacturer. The uprating solutions described herein are considered exceptions, when no reasonable alternatives are available; otherwise devices are utilized within the manufacturers' specifications. This technical report describes the methods and processes for implementing this special case. All of the elements of these methods and processes employ existing, commonly used best engineering practices. IEC/TR 62240-1 includes the following significant changes with respect to IEC/TR 62240:
- revised wording, clarifications and corrections;
- removal of all requirements;
- updated paragraphs, including addition of references to the utilization of samples from a single lot, and the fact that performance of uprating is repeated if significant changes are implemented by device manufacturer, as well as the reference that the manufacturer's warranty may be eliminated if uprating is performed.
- Technical report52 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62647-2:2012(E) establishes processes for documenting the mitigating steps taken to reduce the harmful effects of Pb-free tin in electronic systems. This Technical Specification is applicable to aerospace, defence, and high performance (ADHP) electronic applications which procure equipment that may contain Pb-free tin finishes. It may be used by other high-performance and high-reliability industries, at their discretion.
- Technical specification68 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-2:2012 aims to provide guidance related to the testing of microelectronic devices for purposes of measuring their susceptibility to single event effects (SEE) induced by atmospheric neutrons. Since the testing can be performed in a number of different ways, using different kinds of radiation sources, it also shows how the test data can be used to estimate the SEE rate of devices and boards due to atmospheric neutrons at aircraft altitudes. Although developed for the avionics industry, this process may be applied by other industrial sectors. This first edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the technical specification IEC/TS 62396-2:
- additional information on heavy ion data, neutron and proton data and thermal neutron data;
- updates with regard to neutron sources: additional radiation simulators;
- addition of the Anita spallation neutron source;
- additional information on whole system and equipment testing;
- comparison between accelerator based neutron sources.
- Standard38 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62686-1:2012(E) defines the minimum requirements for general purpose "off the shelf" COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) integrated circuits and discrete semiconductors for ADHP (Aerospace, Defence and High Performance) applications. Applies to all components that can be operated in ADHP applications within the manufacturers' publicly available datasheet limits in conjunction with IEC/TS 62239-1. It may be used by other high performance and high reliability industries, at their discretion.
- Technical specification62 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62647-1:2012(E) defines the objectives of, and requirements for, documenting processes that assure customers and regulatory agencies that aerospace and defence electronic systems containing Pb-free solder, piece parts, and PWBs will satisfy the applicable requirements for performance, reliability, airworthiness, safety, and certifiability throughout the specified life of performance. Keywords: avionics, lead-free solder
- Technical specification32 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62239-1:2012(E) defines the requirements for developing an Electronic Components Management Plan (ECMP) to assure customers and regulatory agencies that all of the electronic components in the equipment of the plan owner are selected and applied in controlled processes compatible with the end application and that certain technical requirements are accomplished. In general, the owners of a complete electronic components management plan are avionics equipment manufacturers. Keywords: avionics, electronic components, management
- Technical specification52 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC 62396-1:2012(E) is intended to provide guidance on atmospheric radiation effects on avionics electronics used in aircraft operating at altitudes up to 60 000 feet (18,3 km). It defines the radiation environment, the effects of that environment on electronics and provides design considerations for the accommodation of those effects within avionics systems. This International Standard is intended to help aerospace equipment manufacturers and designers to standardise their approach to single event effects in avionics by providing guidance, leading to a standard methodology. This International Standard includes the following technical changes with respect to the previous Technical Specification:
- Guidance has been provided on the environment for altitudes above 60 000 feet (18,3 km) and the effects on electronics are documented;
- a new Annex has been added to provide late news as of 2011 on SEE cross-sections applicable to the atmospheric neutron environment. Keywords: avionics, atmospheric radiation, electronic equipment
- Standard94 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62668-1:2012(E) defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components used in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries. It also defines requirements for ADHP industries to maintain their intellectual property (IP) for all of their products and services. The risks associated with purchasing components outside of franchised distributor networks will be considered in IEC/TS 62668-2 which is to be published in the near future. Although developed for the avionics industry, this specification may be applied by other high performance and high reliability industries at their discretion. Keywords: avionics, counterfeit, fraudulent.
- Technical specification60 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62564-1:2011(E) defines the minimum requirements for integrated circuits and semiconductors which are to be designated an "Aerospace Qualified Electronic Component (AQEC)". The main change of this new edition consists of adding discrete semiconductors.
- Technical specification19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/TS 62564-1:2009(E) defines the minimum requirements for integrated circuits and semiconductors which are to be designated an "Aerospace qualified electronic component (AQEC)".
- Technical specification19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
Defines the requirements for developing an electronic components management plan to assure customers and regulatory agencies that all of the electronic components in the equipment of the plan owner are selected and applied in controlled processes compatible with the end application and that the technical requirements are accomplished.
- Technical specification22 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62668-2:2016(E) defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components when these components are not purchased from the original component manufacturer (OCM) or are purchased from outside of franchised distributor networks for use in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries. This practice is used, as derogation, only when there are no reasonable or practical alternatives. Although developed for the ADHP industry, this document may be used by other high-performance and high-reliability industries, at their discretion.
- Technical specification46 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC PAS 62686-2:2016(E) defines the minimum requirements for general purpose 'off the shelf' COTS passive components for ADHP (Aerospace, Defence and High Performance) applications. This specification shall be used wherever possible for components that typically can be applied to operate in high reliability applications within the manufacturers publicly available datasheet limits. This specification has been derived from STACK Specification S/0003 issue 02. Adoption of the STACK Specification S/0003 issue 02 will enable all existing STACK Certified manufacturers to be audited by IECQ under the STACK-IECQ joint venture.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 62239-1:2015 for avionics applications.
- Technical specification32 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62668-1:2016(E) defines requirements for avoiding the use of counterfeit, recycled and fraudulent components used in the aerospace, defence and high performance (ADHP) industries. It also defines requirements for ADHP industries to maintain their intellectual property (IP) for all of their products and services. The risks associated with purchasing components outside of franchised distributor networks are considered in IEC TS 62668-2. Although developed for the avionics industry, this specification may be applied by other high performance and high reliability industries at their discretion. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- identified that the Chinese RECS scheme is no longer maintained;
- added a reference to AS/EN/JISQ 9100;
- added reference to the now published SAE AS6496;
- added reference to more GAO, OECD and ICC reports;
- updated weblinks and other references.
- Technical specification70 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC TS 62239-1:2015(E) defines the requirements for developing an Electronic Components Management Plan (ECMP) to assure customers that all of the electronic components in the equipment of the plan owner are selected and applied in controlled processes compatible with the end application and that all technical requirements are accomplished. This document provides an aid in the aerospace certification process. Although developed for the avionics industry, this process may be applied by other industrial sectors. This new edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous one:
- rationalization of the number of requirements;
- consistency in the use of certain terms;
- addition of a requirements matrix;
- updates to various specifications;
- addition of certain test methods.
- Technical specification77 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC PAS 62396-6:2014(E) details the mechanisms and conditions that produce "extreme space weather" (ESW) and the changes within the avionics environment under such conditions. Consideration is given to the impact and risks of ESW on passengers and crew travelling on aircraft in flight and the option for in flight monitoring of the environment. Avionics electronics and systems operating during flight can be affected under such conditions and these are reviewed. By testing of complete equipment for extreme space weather tolerance, the degree of robustness to ESW can be assessed. In the PAS, flight related infrastructure (not the aircraft itself) that can be affected or disabled by an extreme space weather event is identified.
- Technical specification72 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/PAS 62647-21:2011(E) is designed to assist program management and/or systems engineering management in managing the transition to lead-free (Pb-free) electronics to assure product reliability and performance.
This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC/PAS 62647-1:2011 and IEC/PAS 62647-2:2011.
- Technical specification34 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/PAS 62647-23:2011(E) provides technical background, procurement guidance, engineering procedures, and guidelines to assist organizations reworking/repairing aerospace and high performance electronic systems, whether they were assembled or previously reworked/repaired using traditional alloys such as SnPb or Pb-free alloys, or a combination of both solders and surface finishes.
- Technical specification43 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/PAS 62647-22:2011(E) is intended for use as technical guidance by Aerospace system Suppliers, e.g., Aerospace system Original Equipment Manufacturers and Aerospace system maintenance facilities, in developing and implementing designs and processes to ensure the continued performance, quality, reliability, safety, airworthiness, configuration control, affordability, maintainability, and supportability of high performance aerospace systems (subsequently referred to as AHP) both during and after the transition to Pb-Free electronics.
- Technical specification69 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/PAS 62647-3:2011(E) addresses the evaluation of failure mechanisms, thru performance testing, expected in electronic products containing lead-free (Pb-free) solder.
- Technical specification39 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/PAS 62647-1:2011(E) defines the objectives of, and requirements for, documenting processes that assure customers and regulatory agencies that aerospace and high performance electronic systems containing Pb-free solder, piece parts, and boards will satisfy the applicable requirements for performance, reliability, airworthiness, safety, and certifiability throughout the specified life of performance. The goal is to communicate requirements for a Lead-free Control Plan (LFCP) and to assist suppliers in the development of their own plans.
- Technical specification19 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
IEC/PAS 62647-2:2011(E) establishes processes for documenting the mitigating steps taken to reduce the harmful effects of tin finishes in electronic systems. This PAS is applicable to aerospace and high performance electronic applications which procure equipment that may contain Pb-free tin finishes.
- Technical specification37 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off